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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy


    lol, you're joking, right? [ATTACH]2407.vB[/ATTACH]
  2. easy


    In all honesty, I was just stating the obvious. His friends should know this..
  3. Yeah, i forgot. jeez louise :)
  4. Oh good, xG will be a little less smelly now. Jookes, this really sucks bro, I wish you good luck in the future & hope the best for you :) Hit me up anytime you wanna talk, iite nigga?
  5. easy


    Ok, time for everyone to put their big boy pants on & listen up. 1: Lissa (Carsn) is a troll, cross dresser, flamer, e.t.c. 2: He's not welcome on our servers, imo. For reasons I will not state unless asked. 3: Mick is a mod, and when he's on the servers & there are no admins, div leader e.t.c, he's the boss. What he says goes, got it? So if he doesn't want music playing, deal with it. He has powers, you don't. He can make decisions & has a higher e-thourity than you. k? Good. 4: -1 you should NOT be unbanned. You were cool when people thought you were a girl.. kinda. And you know what? I hope your friends find out you act like a girl on the internet & try to get a rise out of young pre-pubescent boys such as yourself. Good day.
  6. easy


    Cookie princess got him banned actually.. also, is that picture actually you? Like, your steam pic..
  7. What a nice day it is outside. :)
  8. I had double help me, LOL. Asians are the best<3
  9. 1. What is the sum of a polynomial and it's opposite? Explain using an example 2. Is there a polynomial that is equal to its opposite? Explain why or why not 3. a) State the opposite of the polynomial 3x2-2x- 1 (I can't do powers on my computer, but the 3x2, the 2 is a power.) b) Explain how you determined the opposite c) State the opposite of your answer from part a. d) What do you notice? e) Do you think this is true for all polynomials? Explain If you can help, please do :) Don't give me fake answers also.. ---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ---------- LOL, No need for this anymore. You invited doublebuttass to chat. Waiting for user to accept... doublebuttass 4:36 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation hmm? 1. 0 EZKill 4:36 PM Are you got at math? lol doublebuttass 4:36 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation 2. i dont think so EZKill 4:37 PM *good lol & awhh doublebuttass 4:37 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation 3. can you state the powers as ^ like x^2 EZKill 4:37 PM hmm? doublebuttass 4:37 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation nvm i got it EZKill 4:37 PM LOL, you knew why I wanted to chat.. doublebuttass 4:37 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation uhh 3. -3x^2+2x+1 4. Algebra Homework Center... that will help you EZKill 4:38 PM Thank you<3 doublebuttass 4:38 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation shit thats umm 3 b) 3 c) is 3x^2-2x-1 d) what the fuck am i supposed to notice cunt EZKill 4:39 PM LOL, I know. doublebuttass 4:39 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation e) i hate explaining EZKill 4:39 PM Alright :) Thanks doublebuttass 4:40 PM This person is speaking Korean -- Enable Translation np EZKill 4:40 PM Asians to the rescue :D<3
  10. easy

    Porn Star Names

    ^Ironic, right? LOL & Also, Gumball Rockway.. ew.
  11. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, UU, X, Y, Z. Get it? UU, double U, w? LOL
  12. The Minecraft & Terraria colors are very alike.. is that supposed to be like that? If this comment is unnecessary, tell me & I'll remove it :)
  13. I forget, are you the really big faggot or is that @Poncher?
  14. That was cute, aegean...
  15. @@Trente I said ban first, not unban. & I didn't know it said they were banned..
  16. You dumbasses, when it does that, go into the admin menu, go to teambans, ban them, then unban them.. simple.
  17. *sees "I'm joking"* *gets relieved, scrolls down more "Actually I'm not joking"* *cries* I'm going to miss you :( Please talk to me soon, bye<33
  18. You'll never be cool, foxxy
  19. Trente, I wasn't talking about you..
  20. If you're going to -1, atleast give your reasons, ffs.. at least put "He hacked" or something..
  21. Oh, you :( <3 I'm glad you remembered me, but sad that you remembered me in a goodbye thread. :( I really can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me. You've gotten me so far & you help me a lot. It's going to suck without you, & I don't know why you aren't on my friends list D; buut, no worries, we'll talk still :) <3 Hope you come back, or atleast still play on the servers from time to time. :)
  22. easy


    Saw you in-game for a sec, you seem fat.. :) Jokes, welcome
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j482ajpNEY @@Mayeski