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Everything posted by easy

  1. This would just cause more issues and more problems, e.g. abusing, ton of new people getting powers and don't even know how to use them, silence being lazy, e.t.c, and "deputy" that's what we have the (TO ADMINS) chat for.. so you can report things to us.. everyone does that..
  2. Neither, they'd both go up to each other, then run away like the little pussies they are... then I'd step in and concur your lives as we know it!
  3. What's the difference between a novel and a book? How old are you before it can be said you died of old age? If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it? If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth? If you have a cold hot pocket, is it just a pocket? If humans evolved from monkey's/apes, why are they still here? Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? Why is the show called unsolved mysteries? if they were solved they wouldn't be mysteries. Do penguins have knees? Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on? I win?
  4. Remember yesterday? That was fun :( Not Rabid: I'm a faggot.. THAT WAS FUN. I'M GOING TO MISS YOU :( <3
  5. +1 c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER -1. Really? Dumb troll..
  6. Oh, don't worry, you'll let us down, gawd.. Jokes. Congrats to everyone, you all deserved it.. <3 Except smoker.. he's a fat slut. *He said nicely* ~<3 EDIT: Aegean, @@silence probably forgot to tell you, but I get div leader.. I beat him in a dive contest on vip, and now, he owes me.. loool, I'm just kidding :)
  7. easy


    @@silence I can't teamban people, and I really need to right now.. :s
  8. easy


    Who are you again?
  9. Stego, just shh. We do know who lissa is, and what he is like in-game, he used to play here before you were in xG, you don't even know anything about it other than this 1 occurence. @Poncher, he paid for mod.. also, I know, but I wanted him to say it... Cod, calm your 13 year old ass down, we all don't like people, no one like's everyone, we just have the decency to NOT freak out on them, and just calmly and respectfully -1. Not hard...
  10. I got 1 question first: Why did you pretend to be a girl?... was it to give young boys e-boners?
  11. BUBBLES! I MISS YOU! <3 Now, all we need is Callum and a few others back, and we'll have an oldfags party!
  12. Who are you? JOKES, I miss you, hope you get back soon<3
  13. He does get mad easily, he gets mad in-game when he doesn't get his way, at people when he doesn't get his way, e.t.c. I don't think he's ready for mod... Imo, you should wait another couple months... -1
  14. +1 Mature guy, always follows the rules, probably one of the most active people I see, great sense of humor, and I think he would be a great addition to xG if he got promoted!
  15. nigga, you can't even rap.. /ontopic That sucks, I might have to leave too soon :s. Hope to see you soon<3
  16. easy

    Joseph Kony 2012

    Only 33% gets to the people who actually need it
  17. easy

    Joseph Kony 2012

    I heard about this first from a brodcast message through bbm... inb4 pedo's ask for my pin :$
  18. @@Hudson @Papichulo88 @Poncher @Aegean! Ero @A_Sock @@Mad_Scientist @Pyro (Not really first, but you get the point) Peechis @@BillyMays @@serbiansnaga and a bunch more
  19. easy

    Oh mai gawd

    He hates me. -1 /endsarcasm He's a great guy, knows the rules inside and out, never breaks rules, always active, most mature guy besides his attitude<3 and would make a great addition to xG as a mod. +1
  20. Fine, I'll re-word my post: You are known to "rage" at people a lot. It's the same shit, different toilet..
  21. Think you just answered your own question, bud.
  22. Pfft, cats? Go dogs... I MEEN... TO WATCH... NOT HELP.. :S AWKS EDIT: 10 mins my ass.. it's like 30seconds..