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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. For me, I just don't like any of the levelling up/warcraft/quest type things.. I didn't like skyrim, don't like WoW e.t.c. So, why would I like something basically like it? & Like serbian said, not a fan of the diablo series.
  2. Well, technically, the knife is for T's NOT CT's. & Also, if trente saw a mass freekill by you, then I'll wait till he posts to make my decision..
  3. If "fantasy island" really granted wioshes, why wasn't tattoo 6'6"? If there's a hole through the earth, from the south pole to the north pole, and you jump in it, what would happen? I beat you can't find out out what's wrong with this? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  4. Charrax, don't take this to personal, but why are you up sliperys ass? Like aegean said, we HAVE PROOF OF HIM JOINING T3K & DEV. WE HAVE PROOF OF HIM HACKING, & HE'S ADMITTED TO IT. WHAT THE FUCK IS AEGEAN STRETCHING OUT TO MAKE IT FAULTY? PLEASE EXPLAIN.. /caps
  5. I was just messing around. lol
  6. PAAA, Charrax, who would be afraid of a 5'9, 120lbs guy. LOOL. Joking, <3 you bbg. But, in all honest, -1. Sorry buddy, you were fun to play with but you took things and made it too big. Like, I would've forgave you for the hacking thing, but you should not of hid the dev & t3k or whatever from Aegean & Serb, e.t.c. Sorry.
  7. I played with you on friday, good sir. & Epro, my decision is based on what I saw. But thanks for not criticizing it.
  8. I see that faggot... & also, CFL? CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE. THAT'S NOT SOCCER
  9. nigga, you made me drop my fuckin drink. I expect you to pay fo my dry cleanin nigga.
  10. Serbian, he said football you dipshit. We aren't in fucking england now, are we? You know what the NFL is? Nation Football League. DO YOU PlAY FUCKING SOCCER THERE? NO. GTFOML. btw, I love you.
  11. -1. M; 4/10 A; 7/10 Sorry, but imo, you're too immature at this point to be representing xG. Work on your attitude & how you treat/talk to others. & What ganja said is true, don't spam your mic. It gets annoying.
  12. Byee russian<3. I'm an older fag than you :)
  13. Hey guys, guess who? Your favourite singer in xG. That's right, It's me. I know I've been not as active as I could've been on forums, teamspeak, and servers. Well that's because I was taking a break for a bit (unannounced break ;) ) but, I'll try to be as active as I can on servers. But I'll be regularly lurking forums & teamspeak for you fagits. If anyone cares, I'm an even greater singer now, than I was before. LOL ;) Anyways, I'm baaack
  14. Gimme the cookie because that's what Snake says. Also, good luck :) We'll be waiting for you hehehe
  15. Ay cutie :* Remember me ? <3
  16. So you're gone for good ? :$
  17. easy

    Please help<3

    I already fixed it, thanks though <3
  18. easy

    Please help<3

    [ATTACH]2661.vB[/ATTACH] Okay, so how do I get to my options from that? I've already uninstalled and reinstalled. I closed the taskbar and tried from there, didn't work. It goes "New game" "Find Server" "Options" "Quit" I need to get to options. If you can help, I'd be really appreciative.
  19. easy

    Wtf happened?

    First off, I never said anything about leaving, or giving up on xG. All i said was it feels like a babysitting service, which it does, but the reason I took the role on was because xG needs people to help it out, and I'm not going to let some whiny people stop me from helping them. Believe me, if I didn't want to be a part of xG, I would've left already..
  20. easy


    Wait, did you spawn in that teleporter cell?