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Posts posted by easy

  1. Every friday night - sunday night, me and my friends chill at one of our houses, and just dick around the neighborhood.


    Uhm, sports related I do Rugby every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night, I play football for my school (which starts in the fall), Soccer in the summer (Rep), and Field Lacrosse in the Spring (during my Rugby season).


    Pretty busy life, and hectic, but it's worth it to do shit you like, and to be around people who are your friends. Also, hitting kids isn't too bad either.

  2. Also its not too hard to report him for spamming it when admins arent here.




    I get he's annoying, but hell, who isn't annoying at one point or another? I'll admit I get annoying a shit ton of times, but I'm not going to go around bitching about other people who are annoying, because they can come right back at me and say I do the same shit. Just the same as a bunch of you people who posted in this thread. I understand he is on a much higher level of annoyance than the majority of people, but we all get on each others nerves.


    Although, his spamming and annoyance in-game, teamspeak, and forums have been excessive and intolerable (and should/has been punished accordingly), I do not think kicking him out of xG will solve much. So what, he won't have tags on, he'll still be a nuisance without the tags on. Just like if there's a murderer, and you take his gun away, he is still capable of murdering.


    I, however, do not believe he deserves as many chances that he has had. If his behavior continues to be at this level, removal of membership would be a very much acceptable answer.


    +/- 0

  3. #Gawd4DM


    Seriously though, those people who -1'd honestly , have done next to nothing compared to what Brian has done . I'm not down-grading anyone especially muffin and rise because they have been working exceptionally hard with the tf2 servers . But I honestly see no reason why you guys shouldn't want Brian back . He's not what we want, he's what we need . I honestly can't see who could replace Brian other than Train .. Too soon still ?


    I've said it once, I'll say it again. +1. We need someone like Brian .

  4. So recently I've been over the top with my disrespect and it's grown to a problem that even I realize. I just want to get this out there that I will do my best to change this and become a better member of the community too stop conflicts between me, and other members.


    And to those members I've gone to far with the disrespect/racial slurs, I am sorry. That you guys are pussies and can't handle the truth



    Damn, you harsh..