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Everything posted by Colour

  1. Can't tell if trolling or are just very stupid.
  2. Colour

    Signature Shop

    None taken. I never claimed to be good at this shit lol.
  3. Colour

    WTF!! Silence!

    I lost at this.
  4. no-good, granny-headed, tea-bagging, homosexual roody-poo!!
  5. The trick is on you because i went to all 450 member's profiles and got each one of their locations hahahhahahahahahahah ah a ha hah ah ha haha you wanna try me?!
  6. Colour


    How about we ban soiarn for being a complainer-poop-head lol amirite? btw papi is a freakin great mod AND player. stop whining like a 7 year old.
  7. Lol i've heard him talk, he sounds really mature.. Idk where you're getting your information from. We all had trouble playing CT our first few times, stop being an *******. for the most part, he has gotten pretty good at it. and bee tee dubs, if you can't even +1/-1 dont comment in the thread kthxxx
  8. Colour

    Signature Shop

    Hey idk if you would want it from me, but I just had to do this request.. If you dont like it, tell me, and i'll make readjustments.. it took me all of 5 minutes XD
  9. Colour

    New format

    Troll posts, I am demanding a removal of him from the clan. Anyways on a less-serious note, under my avatar over to the left I have this little "Addicted member" while most people have just "member" and vero has "Elite member". I was wondering if someone has noticed any "ranking"system thing? I want to become the best so I can brag to people.
  10. Colour


    +1 because I need to look active on all of the subforums.
  11. Every time he gets on the server I want to have sex with him. +1
  12. Colour


    LOLLLLLLLL. Oh you.
  13. ...I'll miss you.... I really hope you like me :'(
  14. You haven't played since the reset and microsoft has had over 7 days since it. gg why y has mod? lol
  15. This is a simple way to find out where people live. This is intended for stalking/kids who don't know how to do it other ways. We will be using me as an example: 1. Go to Xeno Gamers - Players 2. Search their name (Colour if you are searching me) 3. Go to their profile (There is usually several, those are all just the names the server has seen the person go by) 4. Under the "Player Profile" section, there is a "Location" spot. This displays the city/town and country that person lives in 5. If you want to find out who else lives there, or who lives in YOUR's, click on the city/town and a list will come up with everyone in that area. (For me, you would click "Colorado Springs." Sadly, no one else lives here D: ) Happy hunting. ooo ooo, and also, fun facts: Silence lives in Pittsford, Duckii lives in Hollywood (who would have guessed?) Excision lives in.... wait what he was banned...? Xeno Gamers - Search
  16. Colour

    Ive been told

    And you joined because of this.......? ಠ_ಠ
  17. At least they get mentioned :(
  18. Hi colour here, asking for leader position I will definitely abuse, but it comes with the job i heard?
  19. Colour


    Lol ben rapelezlelzlezlberg was the exact same way. He just sent me a private message and I still invited him. If you don't want me to be in your circles, you dont have to add me. I wont give out your email to anyone; if you still want an invite just private message me it.
  20. So let's just get a rundown up here; he is in a different clan, plays a different clan's servers more than xG, BARELY plays xG in the first place, and slays everyone (practically) just to get the round done faster. Hmmm.
  21. Colour


    Lol rabid is such a jokester.