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Everything posted by Colour

  1. Colour

    Prop hunt

    She should honestly review her posts before she submits them. I for one would LOVE a "Hide N' Seek" server but sadly I can't see it being played more than a few times. Sure it sounds fun now; but it wont be as great as your memories make it.
  2. Colour

    wtf is minecraft?

    I think you did it wrong. But how does one do anything on a computer without knowing what minecraft is? This thread shocked me so damn much.
  3. Colour


    This guy is actually pretty mature for his age, and his voice is lower than some people's who are older than him in this clan lol. Seems to mostly know the motd, and I think he deserves more respect than he does actually get around here Only one thing, he constantly spams @FREEKILL FREEKILL FREKILLLLLLLLL in to-admin chat, and sometimes I am skeptical about whether or not they are real freekills... because it happens at least once every two rounds lol. nevertheless, +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
  4. Dude what the hell now i have to ban you i told you not to tell anyone! ---------- Post added at 03:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 AM ---------- Hey wait a second I think this is totally made up because he forgot the :M in my clantag and its not *whatevergoeshere* its *Sesshomaru* wtf i should ban you for lying...
  5. I would just like to create this thread to show my appreciation towards DysprosiumJudas. He is a dear friend of mine, and I tip a thousands hats to him. He fills my gaming adventures with sparkling wit and a nice clean attitude. This line has inspired me to make this thread: "*DEAD* [xG] DysprosiumJudas : let us bathe in the sunny beauty of our mutual respect" People like him need more respect. Anywho, Good day.
  6. I don't think he knows the motd as well as he/other people think he does.... He pretty regularly states rules that aren't even really rules, and complains pretty frequently.... Just read up the motd a bit more..... for now it is a +0....
  7. Colour

    C R 7

    Idk if you're referring to this but korean is not a mod/admin.... Were there any on? Because sadly I wasnt... and you dont have a demo or anything :/ On the brightside, most people who do this do it once and just dont bother coming back to the same server... :D
  8. This guy has been playing very frequently and I think I know why people always think he "freekills"... He has an accent, and on top of that a not-so-great-quality mic.... People just don't hear the orders well enough; and are always saying "freekill" when in reality they just didn't do the order correctly. I have had issues with this guy mic spamming/talking over warden but he really doesn't freekill more than the average player. I'll try to talk to him and get him to let other people warden, because I think he DOES know the motd, you guys just cant understand his orders...
  9. I, as a warden, HONESTLY try to do as much things as we possibly can do.. The only problem with this is that it causes the rounds to be much longer (Getting down to 0:00) then people complain even more... I as a terrorist actually enjoy first reaction last reaction and simon says because it makes me think, and it gets the round done fast... Maybe i'm weird lol.
  10. I've actually got an idea for a way to make not-so-popular maps more popular... Stay with me here, I don't know if this can be truly done.... When the list of 1-6 new maps comes up to vote for a new map; each person's arrangement of the maps on the list are different. We all have the same 6 maps, the only difference is the number. My 1 could be your 3, your 5 could be my 2, etc etc... Even if people just spam 1 (like they mostly will) they will not always be the most-nominated maps such as avalanche, lego, etc. It should probably help and make people pay more attention. Anywho, let me know what you think.
  11. lol ok -1 +5 (including me and Smokey)
  12. Colour


    Uh yeah Hi.......
  13. Is it sad if I actually listened/watched that entire thing? lol. ---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 AM ---------- I especially liked this part of the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=pGL2rytTraA;t=168
  14. Lol What is this I dont even..........
  15. Colour

    Profile visits

    LOL over 1000 what the hell....... I wish I was popular like you :(
  16. Jay Breezy.... I'm real sorry :( If you need someone to talk to, I will be here D:
  17. Colour


    Yay pony thread I wonder who made that lololol yayaya oh wait! yayayaya meeeeeeeeee yayayaya
  18. Colour

    Alright kids...

    Yeah just ignore us i guess ok whatever idc >.>
  19. Colour


    Could you put up the Twilight series? :D JUST KIDDING LOL I ALREADY HAVE ALL OF THEM!
  20. I don't know if serious or not.. I could see you liking music like this hahaha. Not saying anything >.>
  21. Colour


    Lol. I got my braces off a couple of months ago and it honestly isn't too bad. I've just gotta add that you should get lots of painkillers/yogurt/mashedpotatoes for the days after they tighten or even slightly touch them....... And also make sure you wear your retainer once you get it; atleast every other day.... My teeth slightly moved back ahaha.
  22. ...................Really? This is so incredibly bad I can not even explain it through text. I'm just going to say bad transitions, bad lyrics, bad vocals, and shitty rhythm; sounded like a 8 year old took random pop songs and played around with them...... Listen to this, it's got a GREAT blend of instruments, nice lyrics and pretty damn good vocals. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0HIxJtLI_Q BTW sorry for bashing on your song :(
  23. Colour


    Stop w i t h these t r o l l threads n o w!