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Everything posted by Colour

  1. Colour


    Lol ok jeez I struck a nerve i'm sorry I was just kidding... this is why I like google+ right now, because first of all, i'm only going to invite people that WON'T make those shitty statuses you are talking about. Second of all, there are "circles" which you can add people too, on your home page you can set who's statuses, photos, etc you see, and who can see what you post. Im just going to add everybody, just because; then add the people I actually like to a circle and I will only be able to see their stuff you see? yeah good good. ---------- Post added at 03:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ---------- Plus I add whores at my school to look at the pictures they upload in bikinis you know? Those are pretty cool.
  2. Colour


    Be quiet. you have what, 37 friends on your facebook? Yeah i've seen it. Cute profile picture. lolololololol
  3. Colour


    Yo G's, sending out invites to Google+, just post your email here and i'll give you one. Just by the way, for the field testing it is going through right now, you do in fact have to be 18+; if you don't have one already, go create a gmail and be sure to set your age to older than 18. You must be in my circle if you want an invite from me :c.
  4. I didn't see this, but this guy isn't even active.....justsaying
  5. +1 Cool guy, but stay off the mic.
  6. Hate this. Way to easy to rebel, and I mean like half of the terrorists are rebels every single round. One of the cells has a teleporter DIRECTLY to armory that 6 cells could easily jump into... There is no way for the CTs to control the Ts on this map. As someone who plays CT all the time, this map is really bad. As someone who plays T pretty frequently, I still think it's TOO easy to rebel on. +1 to be removed
  7. Home - Spray Maker v3 . When it is fully uploaded it gives you two files to download then you have to manually drag them to program files/steam/steamapps/account name/counter strike source/cstrike/materials/vgui/logos/ui . I know you may be thinking "MANUALLY? THAT'S DUMB AND A WASTE OF TIME!" but it honestly takes about 2 minutes to even do it. But I would not suggest doing this for everything, do it for a last resort like this, or if your spray has transparency. The site has a shitty server and is actually becoming quite popular; it handles tasks REALLY slowly.
  8. You're doing it wrong. you're supposed to make us think it isn't Rick Astley. Durpaweurrppphararearpaeprp
  9. This guy is absolutely awesome, I referred him to join, +1 all the way. I honestly dont have any problems with him!
  10. This would be so bad if it weren't true.... I mean uh, yeah that sucks read your books, I would listen to Judas though.... Honestly find something better and you will realize that you won't need to depend on computers. That will be the best decision of your life.
  11. This is the best so far : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-KUbflnMEs&feature=grec_index
  12. lolololololol this is great.
  13. I see that you've been on a lot recently which is nice, and you're mostly CT.. The only problem I have with that is you are pretty frequently breaking rules such as baiting and not being with the terrorists/paying attention to them. :/ I think you need to play Terrorist a bit more to learn up on the rules better, read up on the motd again.. if you do this +1 :)
  14. Ugh yeah this is annoying. Then when you finally get in after downloading it al, you have to freakin restart CSS because everyone is large error signs....
  15. Lol last night I was doing first reaction last reaction every other round for the entire set of Ts to troll and i ended up getting like 65 and 7 before the map changed. u mad? Also, I find it tough not doing first reaction last reaction at least a tiny bit when there is 30+ T's.... What? are you going to have a 15 on 15 soccer game? lolololol yeah goodluck. EVERY single round I do something map-related such as soccer, pool, roulette, joke days, etc. But first I almost always get rid of half of the terrorists at the beginning of the round to make the end games faster. I was just wondering if anyone really had a problem with this? When I look at it, I think it's great that we aren't doing the games with everyone, or the round might go 20 minutes after 0:00 you know G? yeah yeah.
  16. 4chan is .org noob lolololololololololololol
  17. Oh ok so it arrived fine? Yay! Hope you enjoy.
  18. Colour

    Profile visits

    Alright guys this is getting out of hand. I am requesting a permanent ban from all xG servers, VAC, and forums; due to the fact that he is definitely using a 3rd-party application, or botnet. He is hacking into the website servers and could shut them down at anytime. inb4 permaban
  19. Colour

    Prop hunt

    Aegean sir, I was honestly not trying to be rude and I believe duckii herself knows this. We've already talked about it. Thanks for looking out for her though, that's very thoughtful of you. @Charlie - Technically, considering duckii's name is meant to be spelled lowercase (see forum profile), it wasn't a mistake.
  20. I don't even know what this is and i'm too scared to go to it.
  21. You realize this thread's last post is more than 2 weeks ago and he didn't even respond to about half of them ahahha. Sorry but I don't think you're going to get it. :P
  22. Colour


    Seems pretty cool, +1
  23. Looks at youtube channel name.... ಠ_ಠ
  24. Colour


    I love this guy +1 we had *** sex earlier dont worry it was mutual, unlike last time :d
  25. Man this guy is a BUZZ KILL. Gag them if they even do it once (they should know its a rule, its in MOTD and it makes them quickly learn) if they do it more kick them, and by this time they really do not do it.....