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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. Mad_Scientist


    I heard it was some foreigner tht have some kind of fetish for dead people.
  2. He lives in Canada like some weird foreigner. Anyway, school starts this THURSDAY for me.
  3. Mad_Scientist


    So were you having the coversation on steam? If you were, can you screenshot the whole coversation for us?
  4. Mad_Scientist


    Sure, she got Aegean's share, but I still have the cookies I stolen from her! ahhaahhaahah! >: D
  5. Can you be my English teacher? As you can see, I am lacking knowledge of the English sentence structure, and grammar. :D Give me a task, and I will try to accomplish it to the best of my abilities despite being an Asian, of course.
  6. You do realize that less then 25% of the community is generally racist towards you right? - You are generally good at following the MOTD but the thing is. You often kill them on sight without giving the slightest warning what they were doing wrong. Be more fair to players instead of saying, " Not follow warden's order. Shoot on sight!" Effectively, this causes players to be angered since they want to have fun, leading them to complain to mods and admins alike. Mod and Admins both alike don't like getting raged at and being trolled at from doing their jobs, resulting in getting gag, muted, or kicked. Give the mods time to explain instead of blankly arguing back to them, you are having a debate. Be respectful.
  7. Nice use of prefixes. Necro is commonly known as dead. So in other words, bringing up dead threads using necromancy. :D
  8. Mad_Scientist


    CT ban? Are you kidding me? Are you seriously going to start a thread in which like every ****ing day you got yourself banned?! I'm getting tired of this crap. I'm getting tired of seeing your useless ban protest. When I go to the ban protest forum, I see like 10 of them belonging to you and most of them were limited to 1 hour even though it should be a day. 1. How about we stop the shenanigans. 2. Let's all have fun in the server. 3. You're still playing on the server despite not being a CT. So don't complain.
  9. Mad_Scientist


    Dude, this reminds me of the stuff that goes on in my house. My little bro starts dancing and like sings Baby.
  10. He is telling the truth Soy Sauce. You are posting useless ban protest threads in which most of the bans only resulted in an hour. For real, how can not being a CT ruin your game experience? You can still have fun as a T and kill CTs.
  11. Mad_Scientist


    Bro, search up 'Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse.' From my point of view, this game was excellent and contain plenty of sick humor. It had great graphics back in the day and the plot was so random. Taking place in futuristic city of Punchbowl, Pennsylvania after the Great Depression in the 1950s. Nice job man, you just insulted my childhood.
  12. So are you like leaving or are you just posting a ban complaint? You can post a ban protest, you know?
  13. Bro, we should have you post screenies of your crotch and like put in on 4chan. :D
  14. I don't know much about him, but I will investigate his background! Mad Scientist away!
  15. Mad_Scientist


    Wait, so who was warden? If nobody claimed warden and cells were opened, then it should be a freeday. Resulting in every kill by a CT a freekill.
  16. +1 He'll be bait for the Hounds.
  17. You ****ing trolling son of a *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You had me there! I was going to cry alone in my corner.
  18. +1 Ban him, we don't need players who trolls constantly.
  19. Alright, if he does anything that's against MOTD or is caught freekilling again by me personally. He will be banned from CT or Server for about a week.
  20. Mad_Scientist


    I did. OHHHHH TTHHHEHEHEHEHEHHE IRRRROROOOOONYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  21. Mad_Scientist


    I'd prefer if you stop discussing mindless nosense on forums and continue on with our mindless lives.
  22. Mad_Scientist


    Thank you for making me notice my grammatical errors of which I will ignore 100%! :D
  23. Mad_Scientist


    Silly me, that was the time when I was tired and not aware of the things I'm typing. I lol'd when I read what I just typed. I will also do something about Surf. xD
  24. Mad_Scientist


    Woah, don't tell me this happened in Surf? Anyway, rules did stated that spawn camping is allow. ---------- Post added at 06:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ---------- Woah, don't tell me this happened in Surf? Anyway, rules did stated that spawn camping is allow. Also, I was undercover bro, players often break the rules when a mod is not present. :D