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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. +1 Has a been anger issues but not to the point he should be banned.
  2. Yay it's that anime dude who sends me random invites with smiley faces!!!!!! Let's not forget about the part of taking punishments to the exxreexexexetreemememememe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. So are we talking about graham crackers? I heard they were exceptionally delicious. :D
  4. Can't we just get all along y'all'? Southern Accent*
  5. ........? What... why tell nobody this during TeamSpeak? You're usually cheerful man... but wow.... I wish good fortunes upon you soon man. Good luck. :(
  6. Right Billy, you're much better than Sunshine. trollface.avi
  7. Exactly, her voice was like.... uhh..... I don't know truthfully. It was new... and a refreshing experience?
  8. +1 We need more moderatorsseasfdsgfdsfsd.
  9. Wait, so you can change the army size? I never knew about that! Can you access it in options? ---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ---------- Also, we should try to face each other competitively sometimes in Empires or Napoleon. I'm planning to purchase them later on in the future or I might as well stay with Dark Souls.
  10. You perv, posting a porn link on a mature site. YOU COULD HAVE SCARRED SOME CHILDREN FOR LIFE.
  11. So you're playing as the House of Julii? And you mainly conquered most of North Western Europe except Britons.... let's leave that out. lol
  12. I must say Arthman, you look like a thug. lol
  13. I really like the development here in xG since I joined around May or so. The clan seem to improved a lot, both in acts and shenanigans but that's not the main idea sadly. I'm really proud of you guys staying with xG since we lost many members during the summer with obnoxious reasons backing them up. Also, the clan seems to have an increase in loyal members which is also good, and we should keep it that way. So at least leave a supportive reason why you're leaving instead of saying this clan is stupid and make a new clan afterwards AND inviting members of xG to that clan. We should also try to cease the idiotic players being a nuisance in the clan. Peace~
  14. Damn it dude, for real? :(
  15. Sweet! Go rage Duckii Jr! Go rage some more!
  16. +1 Kenny knows the rules since he used to be in xG during the summer.
  17. Oh yeah? Here's a story I got for you peers from long ago, It was one normal and average afternoon on Tuesday when I walked to the Gas Station. Somehow, the depot had suffered from a gas leak but there were eventually three people smoking cigarettes right on the spot; it was not very pleasant afterwards. We can be safe to say that none of us survived that explosion and our bodies weren't found... This story was from a ghost.
  18. Whose birthday? I haven't been on for a while so fill me in please. :D
  19. Mad_Scientist


    Do you have the ability to ♥♥♥♥ Diamonds?
  20. Congratulations guys. Continue to serve your position proud.