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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. I don't mind being a admin in both CSS and Minecraft bro. lol
  2. This was one of my assignments that I turned in? A Victim for War Never shall I become a fool, a fool of conflict within my own soul, but persist! So I must carry on my very diligence for a valiant cause. Never shall I forget that experience, with us irrationally supporting the endless endeavor into excellent exploitation among our enduring lives. Never shall I become a victim again, carrying what?s left of strength starring onto the blissful night. Never shall I forget the heat of battle, the shouts, the screams-never ending as always. Never shall I forget the night before, with cheering and smiles, with maidens and wine, with hopes and victory, with friends and comrades. Never shall I forget the screams of men howling throughout my mind, clashing my very nature. Never shallI forget the burning cross imaging and branded into my vision. Never shall I forget that conflict, opening my conscience to reality. Never shall I forget the stench of blood spilling into the air dying it dark red with its demonic presence, blinding my sight in the process. Never shall I forget this painful urge in my chest, the feeling of guilt, the same feeling haunting me with the faces of my dead comrades and friends alike. Never shall I forget that this is war.
  3. Mad_Scientist


    I'm DJ Mad Approved
  4. Update 2 [ATTACH]427.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]428.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. AP History AP English Algebra 2 Honors Chemistry Honors
  6. You held a girl's hand for the first 16 or 17 years in your life? Alright, let's not bring relatives into the discussion.
  7. +1 Respectable member in my opinion, deserves mod.
  8. I miss him too. Sure, he gets angry easily sometimes but that's one of the main reasons why I respected him.
  9. [ATTACH]413.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]414.vB[/ATTACH] I was around the other day and I happen to stumble upon a kind and gentle creeper; not only giving me the opportunity to take screenies! He also manage to pose in a photo with zapper!
  10. Mad_Scientist

    Me IRL

    Right, majority of them were blacks and ignoramuses.
  11. It makes no damn logical sense why we want you back! First, not only did you left xG for stupid reasons (joining another clan's server for admin only to realize it was not populated annually)... You than decided to reapply in which inevitably you were definitely accepted because we love you, but you declined it because you said it was a joke. -1 We don't need players who are going to leave constantly then "reapply."
  12. +1 Like Aegean said, what could possibly go WRONG? It's not like a epidemic of spamming and malware might happen...
  13. [ATTACH]381.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]382.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]383.vB[/ATTACH] Apparently, I recently purchased Minecraft... Amazingly and shockingly, it turns out to be an amazing and creative game morphing fun into a next new gen. My name is Legendwolf22 to let you guys know. :D
  14. +1 I love this guy and want him back in xG. Also, he pretty much knows the rules since he was a member.
  15. ♥♥♥♥ just got real for real manz... I'm sure Duckii Jr. is not going to be on also.
  16. Mad_Scientist


    We will never take Yurkoon as mod or admin in that manner. He has broken many rules constantly. I disapprove of him. -1 I will love to be on and watch the servers as I used to do, but school getting and sucking on my life force like some succubus. An attractive thing to my brain, not my eyes. Still, I will try to watch the servers from now on, and try to maintain a balanced schedule for both school and my gaming attire.
  17. +1 We need more cardiovascular exercises.
  18. I will probably kill Serbian but after realizing it was shitty I just move on with my life.
  19. Here's a tip: Make friends and have fun. The objective of High School is to experience new things and pleasures such as new friends, new teachers, and a new lifestyle. After going to High School, things are certainly going to change for you. Not only will your voice go deeper (I hope) your sexual glands will have increasing activity due to curiosity of the opposite sex. Also, play safe kids, wear a condom. We already have enough children in Africa.
  20. Hm... 1. Study *** off in High School and aim for the top. 2. Graduate with Honors 3. Be lazy for the rest of my life. Perfect
  21. Whoa..... Earthquakes ain't nothing compared to Tsunamis.