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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. Camp didn't worked Micheal, he's still the homosexual that left us on Thursday....
  2. My gluttonous habit... [ATTACH]533.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. No, we already discuss about this problem a few weeks ago, and it was not very persuasive for our members. The plug-in was already canceled and therefore, we can't do anything about it. I personally will -1 it since it's irrelevant since you're just making it more confusing for players by mixing up the symbols with capitalization/mixing up fonts/teamchat/etc. As Aegean said before, players with no mic will just bind it despite the fact that the Ct claiming it has no mic making the situation even more drastic and ridiculous.
  4. +1 He has sworn to know JB rules and is effectively active on it. Great Guy, seems to know and respect many of moderators and admins.
  5. Great, due to Serbian's discovery, most of our mods are psychological unstable and may be on the verge of murdering innocent victims. We must stop this before it gets out of hands before he murders a whole school bus full of Canadians.... My methods of curing, 1. Beat him to death. 2. Isolate him. 3. Do nothing. 4. Therapy Sessions with Rabid.
  6. Jesus Christ, I recently saw this on Facebook. lol
  7. The release was somehow ridiculous and peculiar from my perspective, not only was it released a few days after Minecraft 1.8 was recently released. This update somehow brought NPCs into the game. Discuss your ideals and thoughts.
  8. Brian, I hope I don't become your friend anytime soon....
  9. Mad_Scientist


    Zapper, have you seen teh Korean chicks that dig SC? I gotta say, there's a lot of them. It'll be a SC player/fan paradise and increasing your chance of getting a girl in the United States 100 times fold.
  10. Mad_Scientist


    Fights are meaningless, so are the morals of humanity. Why should I restrict my actions because of rules set ago by my ancestors? It was mention ever since the beginning in the bible, every human is born naked, but why hide your existence? What does being a human mean? Does it mean emotions overwhelming you and you only, or does it mean something more? Philosophy is an important aspect and must not be overlook, always questioning, yet never finding an answer, only to realize everything is nothing. A death means nothing, happens everyday, but what will happen with 100s of important individuals such as scientists and famous politicians? Are their lives more important than 2k people living in poverty and warfare? Humanity is cruel, although acknowledged, we live on knowing our crimes and ignoring it regardless. Time is changing, acceptance is changing, senescence is active. Does my speech of mind mean something? Anyway, sorry for my philosophical approach there. lol
  11. +1 Aegean was being a ♥♥♥♥♥ on me.
  12. This players were caught personally by me which is also supported by evidence clearly. [ATTACH=CONFIG]505[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]505[/ATTACH] The evidence above was the aftermath of the damage done.
  13. This players were caught personally by me which is also supported by evidence clearly. [ATTACH]505.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]505.vB[/ATTACH]
  14. He's actually making logical sense here. Not only are most of you guys being preoccupied with the clan, you're distracting your daily duties. If you have enough time to be online, that's good, but if you don't. You shouldn't get online everyday just to be contributing member of xG. I don't recommend getting on everyday, xG is just a clan online meaning that it could be split up at any time. Time is limitless as the wind, enjoy life and fulfill it to the fullest. Also, you guys are still young including myself, meaning that your future may be in jeopardy at any moment. Thanks
  15. Meh, sounds like a major ignorant egoist douche. lol ---------- Post added at 05:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 AM ---------- Junior year is where it's at. Practically, every week we have to focus on increasing vocabulary and rephrasing the words in in order to fit the tone of the paraphrase. I have never done so much work before that it's insanely ridiculous. Anyway, my school population ranges from 400-600 due to the flooding of freshmen.
  16. http://5493-planetmc.voxcdn.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1137/texture%20pig1_457396.jpg
  17. So not only was the title emitting a tone of sadness and grief, your intro was as if you washed it away. Excellent Contrast, but nevertheless, your appearance or audience in the forums has seem to increase the uselessness of this forum. Thank you sir, have a nice day.
  18. [southern Redneck Accent] Haters going hate, and we string haters up by the way.
  19. Later brp. Make sure to improve those grades and get a high score on the ACT.
  20. +1 Seems like a cool guy. He's a connoisseur of Minecraft.
  21. I know the reason why it's laggy. I just prefer to play 1.7 when the official patch comes out.lol
  22. Great idea! I'm in full support of this!
  23. I rather play on the 1.7 patch since 1.8 is laggy like the Sahara Desert.
  24. Mad_Scientist


    Initially, it seems that most of The Family members were banned due to a member falsely confessing that the group was going to split from xG and bring many of the current members with them in progress. Due to the "unknown" player bragging false accusations, the group was banned from xG servers but the misunderstanding is now cleared up. I hope many of you will understand the situation and put this behind us. Precautions are necessary in order to preserve order and stability among the clan. We must forbear ourselves from jumping to conclusions too quickly. Thanks, Mad I personally find this ridiculous and childish, let's stop the shenanigans and move on with our lives. Let's procrastinate this for another time.
  25. Sounds like my grandfather.