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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. you need the "special" cookies! Ahem, back to serious business. I'm sorry.
  2. LOL SOMEBODY'S TALL I'm 5'11 xD
  3. How can you play Minecraft for 2 years?
  4. +1 You spin me right round right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round~ <Insert Rage Comment>
  5. I want a knife, it's not like I'm going to use it in some odd way..... like uh.... threaten my little brother for candy.
  6. Who said you had to be mature?
  7. Well, I'm 17 and I act immature. You mad bro?
  8. Damn it, you guys are enjoying the online experience while I have to write a summary fully detailing the main characters and plot. Easy task, but I'm lazy.
  9. Interesting story man but relatively off topic, still, an interesting story.
  10. School is like salad. You can choose to hang out the tomatoes or to stand out. Doesn't really matter, it's just that hanging out with the tomatoes (friends) are indeed more better, or stand out (doing your best). Either way is an option, only one objective I have in mind, aim for the highest.
  11. Bring an admin or moderator in when it reach a certain extent. I'm sure they'll be happy to help you out. :D
  12. School already started for me! Wish me luck gents!
  13. Damn it Colour! I feel that you would have been a much better admin then me! I sincerely do!
  14. Well, I'm resigning myself to Moderator. Since, we lost Colour which in my opinion would have been a much better admin then me. He's an outstanding member in the community and is much more active then me. Also, school is coming around the corner, decreasing my time online even further. Guys, come on! We have a lot of excellent players and members here in xG! I'm sure that most of them deserve admin like Billy or Quarantine for example. They been Mods for as long as I can remember, and I trust that they can maintain their positions as Admins.
  15. Mad_Scientist


    No prob, gotta keep these forums active. <3
  16. Mad_Scientist


    ***. It makes you look like some hippie.
  17. Well, only 8 minutes left to live....... Hm...... Death is Acceptance, Acceptance is Key. Survival is Instinct, you fight it.
  18. I remember eating these as a child. Nostalgic Memories. [ATTACH]313.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. It was hot man, everybody was stripping. I was scared. :[
  20. I do agree with Herpes here, it's Art. It's commonly known that in the past, many artist would often model sculptures, and paintings of both naked women, and men. I find it unoffensive and idiotic for a person to find it containing any pornographic material. Porn is used in a matter for the general use of sexual arousal meaning, it's objective is to put you in a state of masturbation or putting in "heat." We remove sprays that surpass the PG-13 limit, and this does include violent sprays such as a man in a spray with children dead all around him (don't relate this to infamous Alucard). Our objective as Mods is to enforce the rules and make sure everyone is treated fairly. If we consider that spray offensive, we might as well consider any painting offensive. Should we consider the many historic paintings offensive? How about we grow up, and learn from reality a bit. It's a painting, get over it. Sure, a guy is ****ing a goat, but we can't consider it pornographic, because of their culture views. Everyone is raised differently, and I really don't know why I bother writing this enormous paragraph in which I must defend my friend from getting kicked out.
  21. Mad_Scientist

    Bad System.

    Nah, we don't have to forum ban Arash. I want to see him rage on forums or so. Maybe around 3 threads of endless thread then we can ban him.
  22. Mad_Scientist


    This kid must have been determined to create a new account, and purchase the game again just to troll. I salute him for his idiotic endeavor!
  23. I think he meant dawsie123. I think he was that guy impersonating as a British guy. I miss Helmet man, that guy was my target practice bro.