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Everything posted by MeowMix

  1. I got VAC banned for downloading Modern Warfare 2 mods lel and the servers thing I just meant like no one is on as much and it's not as fun as it used to be. I didn't mean to sound like a booty head. I just simply miss the old days. @@Rhododendron
  2. Hey guys just wanted to let you know I am leaving the clan. I don't want too, but these past couple months of college has gotten to me. I haven't been on a lot because of the work and track practice in between. It's taken a toll on me and so has this week since it's finals week. I'm really trying to keep my grades up so I can run and prove to my family that I can get a college degree. I won't completely be gone forever. If and when I have free time, I will get on the servers and play. Mainly just jb. The past 2 and a half years in this clan have been up and down but nonetheless fun. I'll miss all you guys and wish you all the best. College isn't the main reason I'm leaving. Part of it has to do with all the servers and junk just not being what it used too. I'm not gonna go into detail about that because it's obvious. Also because I didn't get Co loljk feg. Seriously though, this is goodbye and I'm sorry if you're sad or disappointed. Or maybe you don't care. PS Anal Beads freedays shall live on through ShadowSpy PSS Sorry DeathGod
  3. Genesis : Cun I gut promoded? Forest : Yus Genesis: rly? Forest: loljk feg Rt if u cri evritiem
  4. MeowMix


    Hudson ;_; I will give you all the MeowMix you need to tame them cats. This summer wasn't bad. How was yours?
  5. I'll be right black.
  6. MeowMix

    Happy Halloween!

    I'm gonna write a paper lel
  7. With that said, it should probably be added in the rules.
  8. Well in Cristo's defense, wardens usually are supposed to give terrorists 5 seconds to complete an order. It doesn't say this in motd, but it's kind of become a regular thing to do when being warden. I just wanted to clear that up. Cristo could have handled a little better than he did.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RKeF6vI4lI Here we go :D
  10. If someone rates my post British one more time, the anal will commence.
  11. Give me that pussy gurl
  12. MeowMix


    Wow, McNeo is so Cashflow it's crazy kid.
  13. Call me Cash kid