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Everything posted by DysprosiumJD

  1. Add one more offense to this already severe condemnation. -2000000000. This kid needs to be not only not accepted, but needs to be forum banned for all of our sakes. EDIT: Also noticed that this kid is lying about his gametime. If you check out the first of his three all-equally-hilarious applications, which was just one day ago, you'd see he only had 50 hours. Now he's telling us that in a roughly 24 hour period, he's logged in 43 more hours of CSS. Ridiculous.
  2. I usually do this as an opinion day. Call them out one by one and have them spay, then have the CT's vote if they should live or die. I think it works better that way.
  3. Son, I don't know if you're too young to know anything about a job interview, but suffice it to say you never throwout insults to people you want to impress. You are on wrong terms calling an xG member a fatass and telling them to stfu as an applicant. You clearly have no sense of class, judging from basically everything you've done these past couple of days, and you're annoying as hell. I wouldn't vouch this guy even if there was no clan tag issue, or if this wasn't his second application on another account, or if he didn't spam multiple members for vouches, or if he wasn't a freekiller, or if he wasn't rude to established xG members, or if he wasn't super young and still lying about his age anyway. As it stands? This is the probably the least eligible person for admission into this clan that I have seen yet. He needs to wait approximately two years before he worries about joining any online community, let alone this one. Trust me kid, I was as old as you once, and I definitely would not want to be joining online clans at that age. Don't take all of this personally, though; in about three or four years you'll be old enough to look back at this and laugh along with us, and you'll probably be glad that you never got into the clan and made a further fool of yourself. -1, extremely unrecommended
  4. The fact that you labeled this thread as your "wake up call" just shows you're too young to have any perspective in life, and that just doesn't lead to good things in a clan.
  5. Your opinion goes here.
  6. This thread is so perfect and beautiful in its simplicity, it's a modern art masterpiece. I'd request that nobody posts on this thread further and that it is closed immediately, so that the one-two punch of its delicious ridiculousness is not lost, and left forever alone as a wonderfully mystifying exercise in meaninglessness.
  7. Killing Floor's a lot better game than people tend to give it credit for. I've sunk 70 hours into it, and can still see myself playing it from time to time. The gunplay is awesome and satisfying, the classes are unique and have their roles, the maps provide a decent amount of diversity seeing as most of what you do is just corner-camp, and the teamwork is rewarding when you manage to pull off a difficult wave-survival. There are active servers all the time with people on them, and the devs do occasionally still release new content for it. What more do you want out of a game that is currently on sale for $5? Sexiness? BOOM, done, if you have a bald girls fetish, the trader will knock your cocks off. And trust me, EVERYONE secretly has a bald girls fetish.
  8. DysprosiumJD


    Shpongle, Nujabes, Glitch Mob, Infected Mushroom, God Is an Astronaut, This Will Destroy You, etc.
  9. Obviously Jailbreak, but the slide race maps server is pretty damn boss too.
  10. I hope this is the thing that makes her turn her life around, and drastically. If not, then I'll see you all in about five years for the sequel, I'll bring the popcorn.
  11. As a regular attendee of this timeslot (and indeed the Warden for a good many of those games), I can say that as long as there's at least one active person on a decent mic, everything tends to be in check. Yeah, we have unseasonally high rebellers at this timeslot, but rebelling is just part of the game, so who cares. As far as freekilling goes, it's impossible to go a decent-length session of Jailbreak at ANY timeslot without witnessing at least one freekill. It's a problem, sure, but just throwing moderators at the problem isn't going to fix it. Most freekillers will (even if they do it with reluctance) slay themselves next round, and those that don't tend to be the kind of people that are going to get banned anyway. Those kind of vicious offenders can simply be reported and admins can deal with them later that morning, but for the most part that's never the problem. Trust me, I've played at max traffic early evening games, and I'd say that's probably actually more hectic than trying to keep people in check later at night. The ONLY thing that I feel would be handy as far as having a moderator during those times goes would be some help with team-switching just to make sure that there's always at least one or two decent, active, mic'd CTs at any given time, but beyond that things are fine as it is. So yeah.
  12. **** England! Woohoo yeah we showed them up! Hell yeah America! Football is a game where you tackle people *****es! :D
  13. Aww, Korean. Now that you're gone, who am I supposed to freekill? Rain?! See ya anyway mate, enjoy your time away from cutting-edge online Simon Says simulators.
  14. Hello everyone, as the new division leader of everything, I'd like to assure you that there WILL be change, but it WON'T ruin your gaming experience. I'm just going to make your experience better. Even though I'm new and many of you are wondering why I got promoted to dictator, I want to implore you to realize that I am SO COOL and that I know SO MUCH about moderatingizing the **** out of hackers, trolls, and twelve year olds. Godspeed, and long live me.
  15. What I got out of that video: - You need a better internet connection - The kid sounded fine and wasn't being obtrusive - Serbian likes to speak in jits and jumbles - You could probably use a better processor So, I'd say no ban.
  16. Just out of curiosity, Soiarn, is it a French accent, or is it a Benelux accent? Or something completely different? I can't seem to place it.
  17. The join music changed, and it has made me the saddest human being alive, and I do mean the SADDEST. I personally toured the world and collected tears and then jammed them all into my own tear ducts so that I would be able to cry sufficiently for this turn of events. The old join music was catchy and cute, whereas this new music is not memorable, sounds like a boring version of Last CT. I'd appreciate it if we could change back. Thoughts/concerns/confessions of love?
  18. Unless the gaming was particularly involving and stressful, I'm doubtful that simply being sedentary and playing video games is going to be exceptionally detrimental. In fact, it's probably safer than the alternative of being markedly active. Now your body has needs of course, and if you just ate snacks (which are probably not giving you much of any nutrients) and took leaks you probably are neglecting those needs to an extreme extent, which, compounded by the weakened immune system and logical well-being of a person in extended consciousness, is probably going to be harmful to you. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if malnutrition was the leading cause of death for those individuals you mentioned, because gaming in and of itself has very little in the way of biological consequences (for better and for worse). So really, as long as you lead a relatively healthy routine for the days you'll be awake, you'll be fine, even if you spend a great chunk of those hours gaming. So yeah, drink water, brah, and get some sweet, sweet Vitamin D every now and then too. You'll be fine.
  19. Why so much hate for the people who leave in the future?
  20. This is the perfect response to every departure thread.
  21. This is my entry into the contest. My Steam profile is: Steam Community :: Gustave Moreau Let me know if I win. Thank you for your time.
  22. That is unstrategic. The winners will almost always be some guy hiding in vents (until vents are banned, then it's the guy in the farthest, most obscure corner). Besides, it encourages CT's to lose sight of the T's, which basically means universal rebabler round.
  23. Who wants to bet that this would have never been reported if the woman had been attractive? ;D Anyway, this is explicit hardcore sex, I don't think there's really much of an argument on this one.
  24. The problem with hide-and-seek is that it's not fun for half the people at any given moment. The team that has to hide is quite literally just sitting underneath a stairwell holding down shift, doing absolutely nothing for about seven minutes until a CT randomly runs in and shoots him in the face. Then he joins deadchat, where everybody's watching other people sit underneath stairwells holding down shift, doing absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, the server next door is having a musical chairs day and everyone is running frantically from cell to cell in an attempt to survive. When they're done, they can probably do it for an entire second round while our hide-and-go-seek is still going on. In other words, is your favorite part of Jail Break when you AFK Freeze outside of your cells? If not, then I don't see why you'd want to do a whole day of that.