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Everything posted by DysprosiumJD

  1. DysprosiumJD

    Server Removal

    Keep Multigames and Sliderace. Multigames is underused, yes, but it is fantastic and deserves to be kept in rotation. Sliderace actually receives a respectable modicum of European traffic (I regularly see German or French people on there late at night). The others are never used and I don't think they're particularly interesting, and I'd love to see Rats reused as a pub rotation server.
  2. DysprosiumJD


    First off, chat spamming = CT ban? No, it equals gag, and if it's persistent beyond the map change then it's a server ban. So if he's spamming chat, warn him, then gag him, then if it continues ban him from the server, not CT ban. That's just silly. Second, someone making silly threats on Teamspeak is not a bannable offense either. I can't tell the amount of times people have made mass freekill jokes, or this-rule-violation jokes, or that-rule-violation jokes, but if I had to give a rough estimate I'd say it's somewhere in the trillions of billions. People do that kind of ish all the time, and if it's somehow a bannable offense, let me direct you to the entire clan so that we can start distributing bans appropriately. Thirdly, using a different Steam account is not a violation. If it is, both Colour and Tragik are in trouble, because both of them have played on a sibling's account before, and I'm sure others have as well. So that should be a non-issue. In other words, we get it, you don't like Soiarn. The guy can come off kinda hard, sure, but you can't just ban him for arbitrary reasons. Now, I will admit this is a giant session of he-said-she-said, and I don't know what really happened, but to me the treatment Soiarn is receiving is unfitting for a clanmate, and even if you don't like him he still deserves his due process.
  3. DysprosiumJD

    Funny thread

    That's the funny part.
  4. Mitch Hedberg is my favorite comedian. He was funny and had a truly unique way of looking at things, and he WASN'T an observational comedian, which is like an instant +500 points. There's only so much "HAHA YOU KNOW ALL WOMEN DO THIS WHEREAS ALL GUYS DO THIS" that I can take,
  5. Optimism for this clan just soared fifty points.
  6. DysprosiumJD

    Funny thread

    Do you know what they call something that takes and takes without giving, Hudson? They call that a parasite. YOU ARE A HUMOR PARASITE GET OUT OF MY BLOODSTREAM.
  7. So you're slaying yourself once for every member of this clan? BRB, counting the memberlist with a huge smile on my face.
  8. I am glad this man is on the frontlines fighting for the important issues of today. If this man wasn't here to ridicule other people for how they choose to enjoy a hobby, I don't know where we would be as a generation, or even as a nation, today.
  9. On the plus side, TF2's free now. So there's that.
  10. When fast food is not fast, the food comes at you fast.
  11. DysprosiumJD


    Because women lack the natural intelligence and the superior rational perception of a man, they tend to get swept up by their short-sighted, naive emotions and therefore cannot make smart or logical decisions. This is a fact.
  12. DysprosiumJD

    King J

    i have been shown who is boss treat me like a little girl o great master and show my cave of secrets your fury and strength
  13. DysprosiumJD

    King J

    Haha good try bro 7/10 better luck next time. Anyway, onto the subject at hand, we do need better control of the voice traffic during heavy server traffic runs. There is literally nothing quite as frustrating as every player trying to get a word in edgewise at the same time, and having the helpless warden all-the-while try to keep the game moving forward. We've all been guilty of this at times, I'm sure -- I know there are times when I am so deadset on getting my little joke in that I am constantly stuttering at the start of my sentence waiting until I feel like people are going to hear me. However, louder and more rambunctious players, like King J, tend to just skip the whole try-to-shove-your-way-in system and simply start yelling at the top of their lungs, which quickly escalates the server's voice traffic into an all-out shouting match, which is pleasant for absolutely nobody involved. While there's certainly nothing wrong with King J's rather all-out-blast sense of humor, I can verify that it can get annoying when you have people not so ridiculously outspoken as him trying to say important things as well. The solution, I guess, is asking people to generally be more mature with the times they choose to use mic. I, for one, have been trying to actually use my mic less when there are a lot of people playing, so that the only times I'm talking are the times when I feel like I'm not fighting fifty people for the space to say what I have to say. It's less frustrating for me, as I'm generally more softspoken and will pretty much not win a shouting match, and it's less frustrating for everyone else, as they have one less person trying to say something at any given time. In other words, being on mic is great and can be a lot of fun for everyone, but there's definitely too much of a good thing, and when everyone in the world tries to be on the mic at the same time, it's chaos, and it sucks. King J in particular is a bad offender, not necessarily because he is an evil, mean person who wants to choke women until they cannot breathe and then rape their lifeless corpses, but simply because he's a loud guy who shouts a lot and that's just who he is. So the constructive thing for you to do in this situation, King J, is take this thread and the large amount of upvotes it got as an indicator that you need a better grasp on the time and place. I think you can be hilarious at times -- I've literally laughed out loud and some of the things you've done -- but you need to know when to go balls-out crazy and scream like the demented psycho-***** you are, and when to sit back passively and take a ****ing bottle of Ritalin for once.
  14. I play on a laptop, but its a ******* laptop that can run the game at full settings and max resolution. You jelly?
  15. That sentence is some sort of hellish construction of babbling mindless hatred, and I am afraid of it. Get it away from me.
  16. Depending on your locale, it's anywhere from 3-6 in the morning. I am afraid, good sir, that you have straight missed primetime by a good five hours.
  17. Soiarn keeps better track of the rules than 90% of xG members. The kid could look into a law career. -1
  18. Oorah, sir. Good luck in the halls of Montezuma and on the shores of Tripoli. ;)
  19. DysprosiumJD

    New format

    I agree, everything looks colorful and new. We could tone down the green a little bit, but other than that it's very nice.
  20. That's why I did, anyway. ;D
  21. Wow, this has gone from bad to worse. I'll miss you man, rock on.
  22. kk thanks case closed thanks everyone
  23. Enjoy being able to afford gas now.
  25. Because we're about to go apeshit on this case. HERE IS THE PROBLEM. On the twenty-first of July, in the year two-thousand eleven in the year of our Lord, I was performing some post-rigorous-fapping JailBreak, upon the stage of VIPIntheMix. Thither, between some jolly good sport of FR/LR and some pantie-wetting excitement of Simon Doth Speak Thusly, I happened upon a CHAMBER OF UNKNOWABLE SECRETS! Using a Daguerreotype, I "photo-graphized" this abominable chamber of miserable secrets. The result can be found a short jaunt away from this very web page, at the following e-location: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542900342902979940/13EDF2981991B609E7312A60CC6A2BA3744907FC/ Go ahead and journey henceforth. I shall wait for your return before I continue. You done? Good. The most immediate problem that an individual faces with this strange anteroom progenitored by the Devil Himself is that there is no entrance. Now you don't have to be a ****ing PhD in All That Ridiculous and Complicated Architectural ******** to realize that the very point of a room is that it has entrances so that it may be perused by its clientele at their leisure. You may actually possess that PhD, in which case good job you are the King of Minds, but that is besides the point and stop bragging already. So, gentlemen, our task is this. We must, as a collective of the most brilliant individuals who have ever lived, find our way into this room, and then seek out its hidden meaning and purpose. Once this has been successfully and aptly gleaned, we shall sacrifice a virgin to the Blood God of Fury and Madness (this is a CSS clan so we should not be in short supply), and consecrate this forsaken place of rebounding darkness as a throne for our victory over the world. Long Live the One Who Has Not Lived, and may we solve this mystery so that he may keep our souls intact.