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Everything posted by DysprosiumJD

  1. Did you know that you can earn money ONLINE, for FREE, FAST? That's right! Just by sitting at your computer and doing small daily tasks, you can earn actual money! It really works! Try FusionCash now, where earning money ONLINE for FREE is both fun and easy! No credit card required!
  2. This kid has like 7 active complaint threads ATM, and yet he just acts more and more ridiculous every day. It's sad. +1
  3. YFW you realize this is a giant trollfest?
  4. Please refer to this link if you want to see my opinion on the matter. +1
  5. DysprosiumJD


    +1. I am sick and tired of his childish ********. I tried defending Soiarn last time, but my reward for that was that everytime I log in I get to see four complaint threads in every board *****ing about some mod who banned him for freekilling. I honestly feel bad for people like Drank or Quarantine who get so incessantly berated for trying to do their job. It's sad, and it just shouldn't be happening. The guy's absolutely ridiculous, and he's trolling everyone. We should do something about it before he overruns these forums with absolutely unnecessary tripe.
  6. Soiarn, I just think your life would be like 6x better if you stopped making so many threads. Right? Like, just cool it. Go outside. Play in the six metric tonnes of snow you have. Talk to a neighbor about reindeer. Just... just stop making so many threads, all of which inevitably are about the exact same topic.
  7. Haha yes you just posted in an old thread! Man that's fantastic, this is just as hilarious as the seventy other times people have done this! SO GREAT. Honestly, necroposting is stupid. If conversations are done, let them be done; all you're doing by bringing up these old threads is cluttering up the forums and making it harder for people to casually browse the newest posts. Nobody's laughing. I guarantee you that there isn't a single person shoving a hand down their pants and jerking it the second they see your amazing post in an old thread that isn't in any way relevant to the current state of affairs. Now, admittedly, there are several people with their hands down their pants, but that's more to do with what's in the other tab they have open and less to do with your necropost. Good day sirs, and I'm really hoping I don't see this thread randomly revived six months from now.
  8. If it makes you feel better, Drank, I'm always down for you shooting your load all over my chest. It'd make ME feel better, anyway. ;D
  9. They said that the One Great Comeback would be heralded by trumpets and angelic choirs. They said that when The One spoke the Holy Words of Witty Revenge, it would reverberate, and the internet would break apart. My friends, I am here today to tell you that that is not the case. The above quoted post is no doubt the single wittiest, most intelligent, and hilarious comeback ever made, and yet it has come quietly, hidden in the wind. Imagine that. I mean, it's like, get it? You play WOW. Haha, man, oh that's great, that's amazing. You showed him DuckiiJr, you win this contest for sure. 10/10 A+ way to win internet arguments kid.
  10. I'm agreeing with you, actually. We're just throwing moderators at the cogs and hoping that it solves problems, but we're just bogging ourselves down by making a large, unwieldy machine. Leadership is now a tenure thing; been in the clan x days? Mod! Recently rejoined and were important in the past? Mod! Did I see your name once and liked a post that you had written? Mod! The post I linked shows in pretty humorous fashion the ridiculous extent that the problem has evolved into. Aegean (and this is not a stab at Aegean, I love the guy's airplane feedback and I was on his side during the massive *****fest a week or so ago) quite literally promoted a member he knew nothing about. Some dude who was almost permanently banned and then became inactively shortly thereafter was made a mod and nobody cared. Just think about what that means! A moderator is supposed to be a recognizable and respected authority figure, and here we are, throwing mod around like candy so much so that nobody even cared to investigate the people that were actually receiving the promotion. That's sad. Every week we're getting three more mods, then three more mods, then three more mods, with no demotions being passed around to compensate. Everybody's mod now! In fact, being mod isn't even cool anymore, since you can't walk three feet without tripping over twenty of them, so much so that I've seen several mods remove their tags on a regular basis simply because they don't care about being recognized as an admin; after all, there's twenty others on the server, just go bother one of them. The result of having that many mods is inefficiency. Ever heard the saying "too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the broth"? Well it's in action here. I can't go a single day of playing on the servers without watching the moderators bickering. Not only that, just about every week there's a new mod abuse thread, complaining about one of the new mods, in which other mods are actively complaining as well. There's also a lot of ban protests as well, which I think is probably thematic. There's not a single coherent direction in the clan anymore, because we're all "in charge" of the clan servers now, and we all have our separate ideas on how to get that done. Yes, I know there are freekills in JB and morons/trolls in Minigames all the time. Just last night I watched a guy on JB freekill everyone twice and stay on CT, just because there were no moderators on. Yes, It was frustrating and it made everybody feel powerless, and yes, I wished there was a mod on at the time. We need mods to compensate for the large population xG's servers have begun to accommodate. I'm not saying that we need to have two people in charge and fire the rest, but do we really need so many, and do we need to have them propagate themselves at such ridiculous speeds? I don't think so, and I think that having these weekly and prolific promotions is negative, and I'd rather have a coherent, reasonably-sized leadership.
  11. Protip click the link for maximum points
  12. I assure you, all promotions go to quality members who are given extensive reviews and are vouched by multiple moderators as to their maturity and activity. A mod position would never go to somebody who the admins weren't incredibly familiar with on a high-respect level.
  13. Correcting everyone's grammar mistakes is always the correct response to a situation. Being a troll and forcing the arbitrary complexities of the English language down other people's throats are two different things entirely. The former is reprehensible; the latter is the stuff of song and legend. You see, in the exchange presented in the opening post, Drank is actually a Hero of Linguistic Justice, and he is slaying the Dragon-Beast of Amont'Ra, the Being Who Knows No You're. He is actually winning a victory and bathing himself in the wicked blood of his evil enemies. As such, Drank, I throw myself before you, as a Maiden willing to cast aside impunity and reserve in order to perform the carnal acts that you should so reap as a reward for your victory upon the stage of the written word.
  14. Give me the code and I'll see what I can do.
  15. Hey NullByte, uh, I just came back from the garage, and I was wondering why your truck has a blood-stained knife and a dirty trashbag in the back? I'm not trying to pry or anything I just thought that was weird.
  16. DysprosiumJD


    +1. I don't care if he keeps mod or not, but I'd like for him to take a chill pill.
  17. The first thirteen are always the most shitty. Just wait until 14 years of age. It's a utopia over there, with smiling love-spirits gently intermingling with laughing maidens who are brushing their long, golden hair while happy children bounce around the lilac fields of joy and lasting friendship.
  18. Username: DysprosiumJudas Steam ID: ensignblue Your email: [email protected] Why you deserve the hats: Because I feel bad about some 13 year old spending fifty dollars on other people, so I'd like to feel better about the situation because OMIGOSH HATS I HAVE HATS How awesome I am on a scale from 1/10: "Pika pika!" I think adequately summarizes your awesomeness. What hat pack you want: Hat Pack 1 Do you already have a hat pack, if so which ones: I currently own none of them and am a poor pauper bereft of the golden gifts of the high kings of old.
  19. I'll buy you a hat pack if you snap a picture of you in one of your mother's dresses with a ***** lodged in your *** while you hold up a sign saying both your username and your real full name. Favor for a favor seems fair.
  20. Didn't you, like, just rejoin five seconds ago?
  21. DysprosiumJD


    And that's the second person from this clan that I thought was in their 20s that turned out to be younger than me. ~_~ June 20, 1993 for me. Only in a CSS clan do I get the honor of feeling old.
  22. As a delegate to the xG clan, my constituents and I were horrified to learn of the tragedy on Lunar earlier this morning. My thoughts and condolences go out to the grieving families and loved ones of the lost terrorists as they struggle to make sense out of such a terrible catastrophe. I would also like to promise to you, to each and every person on Lunar, that I will work my utmost to reach an immediate and satisfying end to the elevator situation and stop this madness from continuing. Lunar has long suffered from the plague of glitchiness, and this terrible loss of life now demands that we, as a clan, put this on our top priorities and begin working towards a solution that can put an end immediately to the suicides. Our server needs to come together as a single, united people in order to progressively and aggressively remedy the grievances and issues that still remain on Luna, and I intend to facilitate that by passing several newly-drafted resolutions that will be submitted to the Admins later this week. My prayers go out to all those who are affected, and may Silence bless us all.
  23. DysprosiumJD


    Still, though, the crimes he committed seem really disproportional to the punishment he received, and it doesn't seem like he's receiving fair treatment.
  24. +1 to this. I have nothing else to add, so here is an image of my mandolin instead: [ATTACH]298.vB[/ATTACH]