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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. I mean you do have like good knowledge of the rules and stuff, but you're really immature and I don't think that you would be able to handle the job. I say wait a while longer then try and go for it I guess.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjuUWr9vaXo I for one think this guy is amazing and a new hope for America. I'm Canadian and I even realize that he's not stupid and that he actually wants change for the USA in good ways. This guy sees the logical side of things and he just knows what he's talking about. How did he even lose in 08' when he ran? This guy is amazing and he needs to get into office and fix things. How do you guys feel about the election? Me being Canadian, I use to live in the states for 3 years and I just looked up some stuff on the election and I found Ron Paul. Who do you guys want to be in office?
  3. +1.. Why aren't you in the clan again yet? So what he left because things got bad, it happens. Some people can't handle the pressure or whatever happened. Give him another chance. He's a great guy, knows the rules and he is quite active at least when I'm on. Skyfrost and I use to dislike each other too, but we've both changed a quite bit. So +1.
  4. I think when people vouch they should vouch based on proof and like legit reasoning. I mean like in member submissions it's like acceptable to say, oh hey I like him, but in ban requests and member protests I find it extremely stupid when someone says "-1 I like him etc etc". I agree with you.
  5. I would destroy you. See that rank 26? Yeah boy, just dwell in it.
  6. Chickenlips


    Not something I would of expected from Xavien. "Duke your dumb, and I'm better then you" that right there just makes me +1. Nothing personal against Xavien, I think he's a cool guy, but he obviously trolled and disrespected Duke, so I'm not gonna put up with it. +1. ---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ---------- I hope you aren't serious. Look at the legit proof and stop -1ing "because I like him". It's stupid. He obviously disrespected. I like Xavien and I don't have anything against him, but it's obvious what was done here.
  7. He doesn't.. Me and him use to have it out a lot and then like I made the ban request, and he obviously did get mad about it, then he manned up and apologized. Since then I haven't seen anything wrong with him. He's an energetic warden, a really good one at that, and he knows the rules really well. I think he deserves it to be honest.
  8. Alright, since you guys are all having a huge flame war about what I did, alright, I did put up the ban request, but after he got out all of his anger and stuff he messaged me and asked to start over and he apologized. I accepted the apology, we're friends now, and he's improved in my books. I say +1. I think he's good enough now to handle it, but if you guys don't think so, then I can't say more. He manned up and apologized for what he did even though he did dig himself down further in the thread, but still, I noticed the improvement and the lack of trolling. So +1.
  9. .. What.. This is like the only thing I've said bad.. It just bugs me that there's a lot of pointless subclans, but sorry I said anything. You're always so negative towards me and I don't see why. It was just my opinion..
  10. These are the kind of subclans that ruin the point of having a subclan. Pointless ones, Turtle subclan? like come on bro think of something unique and not totally stupid, not to bash you or anything but there are so many useless subclans and it's really stupid I really hate to be that guy but like.. There's so many stupid and pointless subclans already, what's the point in having another one.
  11. Chickenlips


    i love this guy, knows rules, he rebels a lot, +1 :)
  12. I mean if you minus that, then +1. I say +1 because I like him but whatever.
  13. I kinda agree, some people have changed after they got MOD. I'm not gonna name any examples to single anybody out, but it's obvious who they are. I think they change just because they get power. The ability to have power changes people, for the good or bad. I don't see the reason in change though, if I was to get mod, I wouldn't change, I'd do my job and still be the fun person I am today and still have fun with everyone.
  14. I say he's just looking for attention.
  15. +1, this kid is so annoying and he acts like he contributes to the community but in reality he's just another fail troll. +1 for out and maybe even bans. He crossed the line with the disrespect.
  16. Me and Mohammad are gonna be a team Duckii, thanks :D Just wondering what time is 6 pm est for Pacific time?
  17. How did she deserve that? No woman deserves to get punched in the face like that.. Regardless of the situation.. He was one of the guys who cheated and he did that? What a pathetic excuse for a human being.
  18. I say maybe only like one T is allowed to buy a gun.. People can just go CT until they have a ♥♥♥♥ load of money then go to T and act like they're cool and buy deagles and fail at rebelling. Noobs.
  19. Didn't really cause any damage, just not a good first impression seeing as that that was the first time I've ever run into you.
  20. Being out of your cells at any time when a warden says out of your cell you're a rebel, means you're a rebel.
  21. I was going to a party, but they canceled it so.. I have no idea what I'm doing. Probably just hang out with a couple of my good friends and this girl I like. Other than that, nothing. If not, just jailbreak.
  22. When I was playing with you, you really came off as disrespectful and not really like friendly to me, so I'll leave it at a 0.
  23. Cool guy, playing deathrun with him at, he's cool and I see him playing JB and he doesn't really break rules from what I've seen. +1 :)