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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. It's fast when moving board to board but when you click a thread it kinda takes a while. Not super long but still quite delayed. It's cool though, site is good so far.
  2. Seen him playing yesterday, guy has decent knowledge of the rules, good guy also +1
  3. Agreed, but you need to stop thinking that you're so innocent and that were all the culprits. I never had anything against you, you just disrespected people and I didn't like it.
  4. Just edited my post, +1 now, you know the rules, you've been a member of the community for a long time, but you did just come back from inactivity so as long as you stay active then I'm fine with it.
  5. How am I harassing you.. I"m just spitting facts and things that are knowledgeable.. You have to be kidding.. I don't say any rude remarks to you or anything so I don't know where you're getting this idea that I'm harassing you. ---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ---------- You say "give me what you expect to receive". It's funny because when were on the xG servers you trashed everyone, mic spammed, disrespected anyone in sight. Why should we give you anything? You may of calmed down but saying that you don't do anything to anyone and claim that you're the innocent one and that WE of all people harass YOU. That's a joke. Treat us how you wanted to be treated, you treat the server and the people like shit, we treat you like shit. Stop complaining and crying when you don't respect anyone yet you expect respect back.
  6. What's the point of -1ing if you "probably would make a great mod". Saying I'd probably be a great mod is saying that you're pretty sure. I don't see the point in saying I wouldn't be a great mod then later saying I would be.
  7. If you consider trolling on what he said on my application, you really don't know the definition of trolling. It was a misunderstanding and you took it seriously. You said you were leaving xG, then out of nowhere you decide you weren't. It's not his fault he didn't know. None of the stuff he's said on the forums is worthy enough for a 1 week ban. -1. I'm pretty sure off forum proof you can't get someone ban from the servers for a week.. He's done nothing in-game bad and nothing on the forum terrible wrong. Give some legit proof before you decide to make these silly requests.
  8. Only reason why you said I wouldn't be a good mod is because of what I said in your goodbye thread.. He's not even trolling, you said you were leaving xG.
  9. Yeah for sure, sorry about that. I'll try my best to. ---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ---------- Your opinion doesn't mean anything in xG anymore considering you got kicked out for being extremely disrespectful towards the members. I respect everyone except for people who don't deserve it. Treat me how you want to be treated. All you did was break rules and be disrespectful. You're not even in xG, you need to be a member to vouch..
  10. +1, it's only SOME of their members who are the trolls. Some people just joined for the fun. It's not fair to everyone who joined who likes to play on the xG servers. I say unban but keep the trolls banned.
  11. The only reason why you're -1ing is because of what I said in your goodbye thread which wasn't even bad. It might of been rash but that's about it. I apologize for that and I hope you can change your mind watching me play. Only reason I ever had a problem with you is because you disrespected a lot of people, mic spammed, and acted like you were above everyone when I was there. I don't mind you as much anymore since yesterday when we were playing Canyon because you were calm. If you don't believe me that you disrespect people a lot, in your goodbye thread you said this. "All i have to say is quit fucking harassing me, cause i will only laugh at you and trash talk your dumb ass when i see you in-game." Thanks for the vouch anyway.
  12. For sure. I wouldn't consider the wrong things I do right now trolling, probably just random outbursts like me saying "FUCK WOW". Or some other stupid thing like that. I should cut down on that. I'll try my best to be a great mod. Thanks for the vouch.
  13. Member Name: Chickenlips In-Game Name: [xG] Chickenlips What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41973414 Age: 15 Donated: Yes Other information: It's been a long road with xG. A lot of bad things, a lot of good things. I've went from bad to good (or at least better). I've been in the clan since July, I'm a very very active member in the community, I try my best to be as friendly as possible. If I do get mod, I'll try my best to get rid of all the rule breakers, I pay very close attention to stuff. Feel free to your opinion in this, I'll take criticism to the fullest and accept the things I've done wrong. Thanks for reviewing this application.
  14. Where the fuck have you been yo, why are you never on the servers?
  15. So something has been bugging me recently. I think this should be classified as a cheap LR. When the T get's to LR, and he chooses race and then chooses a spot and DOESN'T show the CT where to go, I think that should be a slayable offense. It's basically winnable unless you get extremely lucky. I think the T should HAVE to show the CT where to go or else the mod/admin can just slay them classifying this as a cheap LR. It's really not fair for CTs, they should at least have a chance every round if they survive to get to kill the last T.
  16. I like how you wrote this then yesterday I saw you on the server. If you want attention, don't hesitate to ask.
  17. -1, it hasn't even been that long since you got kicked out or left, I don't know what happened. I'd rather not have you in the clan considering you're a pest to the members.
  18. I love Rise Against, so does my other friend Dylan. I love their song Everchanging Acoustic Version. :OOOOOO ---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ---------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2r8kBnGtAU One of my favorite songs.
  19. I'd say about every 3 days. I SHAVE MY PUBES THOUGH EVERY 2-3 DAYS CUZ I AM A HAIRY GUy.
  20. Good riddance, you're so annoying.
  21. I cried a little on the inside.
  22. Chickenlips


    He's a troll and he mic spams and is extremely annoying. +1.
  23. I mean I'm just afraid that if you do become mod, you won't be able to handle it just for the simple fact people are stupid little trolls and will do anything to get under your skin. Saying you can handle it is one thing, it's easier said than done though. If you were mod it would be hard for people to take you seriously considering the tone of your voice etc, they'll be like"SHUT UP KID YOUR STUPID BLA BLA". I don't have anything against you at all, so I'm not going to -1 it anymore, I'll change it to just a 0. Like Tarin said you know all the rules and I already knew you did, it's just the fact I don't think you'd be able to handle it.
  24. -1, I think you know the rules fine, but you lack maturity. I don't think you'd be able to handle the pressure and the amount of people who need attention from admins/mods and I think you would get very frustrated. So for now no, until I see that you can be mature then sure I'll +1 you. Nothing personal, it's just the way I feel about it. :)
  25. +1, I remember him around the first time I joined then he magically disappeared, a couple months ago I was like "WHERE'S KBSHOOTER". Glad you're back, you know the rules extremely well and you're extremely loyal. <3