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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Just look at how digustingly perverted the G looks like! and then the x representing someone not likeing something entering their mouth. I mean its just rape I tell ya!


    Lol I jest but srsly rape isnt cool.


    What the fuck are you talking about

  2. Well, It's all for my portfolio.


    And you can already guess what I am going to study, Game Artist.


    You don't think you could whip me up a skin for CSS that makes the player's hands invisible, could you?

  3. @request close

    Yep lol. Inb4 serbian closes it before you ;3


    ---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------


    Update: Having the same issues again. It must be my shitty service causing the problem now. Fuck, man, just fuck. What a POS company that can't do thier job right. I had to spend 80 (I think?) to replace the modem and now the connection still goes down. Whatever. Just close this thread lol