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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. I don't mean to contradict you in any way, but I've seen this glitch in jb before. When I was playing on lotus last week, @^4danno (and then OH MAI GAWD) appeared to be in the armory. "get out of the armory!" I said. He was like "I'm right next to you, what are you talking about?" And he fired under his feet next to me. I was really confused. You can ask him what I mean lol.

  2. heisenberg, you bite your tongue!



    Mister Serbiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Ms.Snackbar is had premarital sex with Mr.Snackbar and a stripper and is therefore going to hell for eternity

  3. That's actually a really good question. I'd say probably 21, because I have an insane amt. of knowlage about guns, history, film, and useless info. I'm very rational and balanced. I don't get angry. I'm almost emotionally cold and calculative. Sometimes I slip up or think its funny to act like a jerk. That's just me being a kid at heart :D I'm almost too responsible irl to the point where I can't have fun in most social situations. I think its a waste of my money to go to the movies and a waste of my time to do anything else. That's kind of grumpy of me considering I play video games as a second hobby XD. I don't trust anyone and prefer to be alone. I'd say it all balances out to my 20s, although I'm 17. I dunno really. It all depends on how you define maturity. Really good question btw.

  4. Actually i do not live in canada, I'm in Escambia County WHERE the fcking district never gives us presidents day off, so stfu please. and duke did i ask you no, herpes your right i should have, and mick stfu your not in this


    Wow kid, really? You're really going to go off on a tangent with the grammar and demeanor of an angry 12 year old after being caught for hacking??? Smart move there. I was giving you the benifit of the doubt and defending you, but you just go off on Blooddevil (and me?). You don't have to be so agressive. But yeah, good luck on your unban.


    -1 for unban; hacked and was banned multiple times. Is a troll and a cancer to the community. He hasn't changed and should probably re-take all his english classes.

  5. You Canadians with your lower drinking age :PPP


    At least we can own guns that don't blow :3 I'd never trade in mine for a lowered drinking age. I'd say people are less responsible here, and would probably drink themselves to death a lot more often if it was lowered. I'm content :D

  6. ...this thread is so full of cancer Tarin jokes that I should go run through traffic. (Honestly I think Tabiko tries to make a million tarin jokes in threads that I posted in because I told him to stop once. Cocky bastard </3) So then Heisenberg...

  7. >18

    >Doesn't know the difference between there and they're

    >Not sure if high school drop out or little kid in disguise




    ---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------


    But srsly, +1. Played with him in surf dm and he knows all the rules