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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Uh oh! Look who it is! One of the admins you were trying to troll! Remember? Let me give you a refresher:




    After complaining about how nigga isn't a racist word and you can say it all you want, I ask you to drop it and stop arguing with admins over little problems. To which you respond:




    Nice trolling skills. Pointing out grammer mistakes in a video game must really show how superior you are. You must have learned this skill from funnyjunk, I was waiting for the classic "Lawl umad?"





    I loved how you called the management 13 even though you're 14. Nice, breh. Also gg on leaving before I could ban you. You knew that 1 more comment would have gotten you been banned for a day. Smokeyy can back me up on this.


    GG, broski, G fucking G. I can't believe a freshman made me waste 15 minutes making this post.


    P.S. I would make a ban req, but that seems kind of redundant seeing as how most admins will see this. If I see you trolling again I'll just flatout ban you.


    -1 btw. Good luck on getting into the clan :D I inb4 "umad" and "lol butthurt"

  2. A. This might apply to some mods but not the majority. Have you played with every single mod while someone is being trolled, or just the baddies?

    B. Most (99.9%) of the time KIDS are the one trolling other KIDS. Literally every person I have disciplined for trolling in the past 2 days was under the age of 15. But that's besides the point. So this doesn't apply really.

    C. You are a mod, so why don't you do your job too instead of telling others too. You have powers, right? (I don't mean this in an agressive/offensive way, just deal your share of internet justice).

  3. 5. You must have been a member in the clan for at least 2 months (As of november 6th' date=' 2011)[/quote']


    Sorry, but you applied for on the 23rd of December and were accepted on the 29th. This'll have to be closed and you'll have to make another application on Febuary 29th. :/

  4. There's a difference between what xG's 'furries' like and furry PORN. we like the art not the porn, that shit should be illegal.


    Well by "into" I am refuring (loluseewhatIdidthere?) to a fetish. It's like saying "she is into bondage".

    And for the illegal part, there are much worse things than yiff on the internet. Don't feed the police state we live in any reason to ban more things, no matter how much you dislike them :3 Once they take a finger, they want the arm. They'd ban hentai next and then fetish porn. Luckily politicians only want to ban things that would boost thier popularity. Corrupt system that we live in, huh? >.>


    Oh fuck that was MAD off topic :confusion: What have I done to this thread