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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. i heard in gta 5, they'll make it ultra realistic. u have to go and get a job instead of shooting people and taking their money, ull spend hours flipping burgers or doing paperwork for minimum wage, after which ull have to put the money in a checking account and a savings account so that u can gain interest on it. ull also haev to buy a house to live in and sleep and that ull have to take out a mortgage on it. as time passes, ull get into relationships and eventually start a family and have to worry about raising ur kids while dealing with ur job and keeping urself from getting too stressed and having a heart attack. also heard that if u die in the game, u have to restart from the beginning as a single celled organism while ur gestating for 9 months until u are born. and u start off in different circumstances each time. its gonna be teh longest game ever to beat


    Except the j♥♥s on wall street forclose on your home because of some semantics in your contract. You take up drinking and your ♥♥♥♥♥ wife divorces your fat ♥♥♥ and takes half of your money and takes off with the kids. You put a gun barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger...the credits roll and every person you met scrolls by with a picture of them and thier prolouge. Most die in the next 10 years due to your actions. Most depressing game ever.

  2. You guys are literally assholes, You gave me another chance, and all he want's do is be unbanned from 1 server. you guys troll a troll, What does that make you, nothing but the same thing as him. Grow up.

    We already gave him another chance. He didn't change.


    Plus he was annoying as hell on jb and minecraft. Every word out of his mouth was either or abuse.