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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Who are you?


    Meh: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_10_38.jpg.a5e936b50c52705c8698337675d80f1b.jpg (far right)


    Basic:White,17, Male, cold, slacker


    Personal:Ray, Connecticut


    Facts:I'm not athletic in a competitive way, but work out. I love the outdoors. I'm the single most dangerous person you'll ever meet. I'm a survivalist, but in the liberal world I'm known as a borderline schitzophrenic :PPPP This is my 400th post btw :3 I think the government reads everything I write. Someday I'll be in court and this is going to be read back to me, I know it.


    Hobbies: PC and Xbox 360 games. Firearms: collection, tactical, and competitive target shooting such as speed shooting and long range sniping.


  2. ignore this thread, i dont want to join anymore.


    reason: im sick of getting freekilled with 4+ admins online and never having the freekiller get slain.


    i like the server, but the admins are horribly lazy and see nothing that happens in the game. it seems as though they are always playing as players and never as admins. they have never seen me get freekilled, and then ban me for being angry with their terrible administration.


    i am posting this because i am currently banned for admin disrespect because i was calling the admins worthless after having been freekilled AGAIN and having no admin do anything. there were at LEAST 4 admins online, possibly more. i just checked the player list, these are the admins that were on: Hudson Jr, pyro furry, jaybreeze, serbian some ♥♥♥♥, cassimiri, papichulo


    SOMEHOW, not a single one of them witnessed the freekill, but every one of them was quick to shut me up about disrespecting them! they pay very close attention to admin chat, but no attention to players apparently.


    you might as well perm a ban me, make me admin, or somehow make me immune to freekillers because everytime i get freekilled and admins do nothing when they clearly should have been able to see it (which should be most times btw, unless your admins really are this ♥♥♥♥ing terrible), im going to ♥♥♥♥♥ about how bad they are.

    Lol -1


  3. I get on at 7:00 its not a evidence that you have a family. If I didnt talk in the mic and pretending that I was 23 years old everyone would trolll LOLOLOLOL anyways no one believes ye. except your mom


    Snackbar actually does these things, I overheard him on teamspeak talking about his life a buncha times