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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. "Kill the pig, Slit its throat, Spill its blood!"

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Do this naow!^^^






    Please tell me you know what this is from... or else...


    I hated that book. It made me want to go casey anthony on my future kids

  2. Choice 1. Keep griefing. If people don't want to get griefed, they can save up and buy thier own town far far away. If they want to live with other people, they would have to deal with the fact that they can be griefed easily.

  3. Smoker a pirated copy doesn't work.


    And I think it should be allowed. For the past 2 days I killed mobs until I got the amount of money to claim a town. Then no one could grief my stuff. Everyone who's stupid and builds 3 blocks away from spawn with no town protection is just ing stuuuuuupid.


    And again Mojo, you. I never griefed on our mc server. Don't even accuse me of like that.