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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. how can i get in on this tiny chat?
  2. Lol white people problems. But the best moment was when I shot a chopper without aiming with my rpg by chance, and caught a screenshot of it. Check my screenie! Or when I got 14k XP
  3. Hey so it turns out BF3 won't run on XP. Parents raff ruse to switch to Windows 7 Brb gunna slit wrists
  4. -1 Castiel's a bro in minigames or jb when I'm on
  5. Heisenberg


    +1 I like him. He doensn't have to be active to be good in the community. He's always on the forums. Laith sounds like a decent guy.
  6. Lol I just preordered it today. I'd be $23 in debt if I pay for the entire thing now.
  7. I never had a legit girlfriend. Luckily I don't have feelings anymore :.D I'm pretty sure sexual frustration turned me into a sociopath. P.S. Duckii Jr. don't feel bad, you're only a freshman (right?), you have you entire high school career to get ♥♥♥♥♥es.
  8. I'm in your lunch wave...
  9. Thanks everyone, I was really pissed off but I cooled down and decided to stay. Kevin!!!! You dont mic spam at all! I love you almost as much as my future life partner, Pyro :)
  10. I'm tired of the massive cancer going on with [xG]. It's getting full of little 12 year old mic spammers and bad CTs (no offense Kevin, you're cool). Vote if you want me to leave or not.
  11. Zapper spam posts this, has >2 months with the clan, and mic spams to ♥♥♥♥, yet still gets mod. Wow.
  12. I got my braces on 1 week before halloween in 8th grade. I got slapped by a girl at a party in freshman year during new years and it cut up the inside of my mouth
  13. I agree with griefing. Griefing makes the game actually "survival". Real life survival is you vs the world vs everyone who is willing to take advantage of you and your stuff. It makes us hide our homes because we can trust no one. Also, we wouldn't be able to tell who is greifing or not. It's your responsibility to lock your doors and crates, and hide your homes. If anything, exploit griefing shouldn't be allowed, like locking random crates in peoples houses or watching where someone disconnects and making it so that when they spawn, they die.
  14. +1, rebels almost as much as BillyMays lol
  15. +1 lmao this guy is great
  16. +1 That's a good point. Why don't people ever use /cprivate?
  17. Heisenberg

    Alive thread?

    Nooooooooope Chuck Testa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJP1DphOWPs seriously how has noone seen this yet
  18. uh should I add you? I'm a mod for the minecraft servers (or does that not count?)
  19. ^granted, but now inflation caused the price of everything to go up $5000. I wish I was an african american
  20. LOL! Drunk typing foils the plan again! But seriously, -1. Zapper acts like a kid and mic spams constantly. It's not even his voice, but how he acts. He constantly trolls in minecraft (even though not against the rules) and CSS.
  21. ^granted, but all the release dates were moved ahead 4 years I wish I was Batman
  22. ^granted, but now males and fat ugly chicks only go to your school I wish I could find a stronghold in minecraft 1.8
  23. You want to hear whining? Thiiiiiiiiiiss is whininnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg. Rarity <3