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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. God this whole thread became like high school drama LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  2. Hooray for being furry! Yeah I'm a furry too lol but yeah, name is Pyro. Nice to see ya
  3. Xepher

    Idek haha

    >make ban protest for 4 hours >hears history of being a douchebottle >gets mad for admins doing their job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHZM7l376L4 btw its 4 hours. It's done and over with
  4. Looking at banlogs, it got changed to a day. Soooo calm your tits? lol
  5. Some of these admins needs to know about the whole direspect thing. Not disrespect "That was a terrible shot" "You're a bad warden" Disrespect "You're a shitpickle faggot that deserves to die with rusty needles and no one loves you" Know the difference
  6. Looking at bans of this guy before, he was permabanned by Korean for in disrespect, but unbanned for being "too harsh" of a ban. Not sure if Shadow is that big of a douchebag that can make him permabanned twice, or the admins get hurt easily?
  7. Xepher

    xG Meme Generator

    Haha yesss <3 btw I miss talking to buddy :c
  8. Yeahh why does this remind me of the same excuse Rexx tried to pull about the whole Duckii real name long time ago newfagswontremember
  9. How to get more likes on Facebook - The Oatmeal Here's to get moar Facebook likes
  10. Couldn't he just ban them from admin menu? *shrugs* Wait till Minecrack tells his story
  11. Have fun, and try not to get your face bitten off by some crazy guy
  12. You should by now to have proofJUST SAYIN
  13. Oh hhnnnggg I'm glad you guys remembered that I love Battle Royale <333 ALL OF MY LOVE GUYS
  14. Isnt that been most of the reasons for the past year?
  15. No offense posts like these were funny back in the day. Now it's just stupid
  16. From what I heard and sorry for putting this out there, Charrax wants Slip back in cause Slip knows everything about the Dev's GMod server and what stuff they have and told Charrax about it.
  17. Not sure my vote even counts, but clan hopped twice, and hacked. I've been told the story of what happened by a few xG & Dev members about what happened and I think you answered your own question there guys. If you guys do let him come back in for who knows how many times, this just shows that some of you guys need to stand up and say "No this isn't right" None of this second, third, 50th chance bullshit, I was tired of giving people all these chances only to have them do it again...and again...and again. Also it would prove that it would be ok for other members to hack, cheat, betray, etc. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
  18. Just gonna make this short and sweet. I'm resigning my position as Division leader and member of xG. Now some (maybe none, who knows really) are wondering "Pyro, why are you leaving" Well there's a few reasons and such, things I will talk about, and some I won't I am rarely ever on the servers due to work, social life, etc. etc. Hell half the time I'm not even on Steam anymore. I also felt really out of touch with xG ever since most of the people that I played with/talked to have either A. Left xG B. Don't go on anymore and/or C. Play other games besides xG stuff. With me being very inactive with the server/clan I sorta felt bad for not doing my job as a Div leader for paying attention to what's been going on and such, and I do admit this, I was an asshole to some people because I was fed up with stupid first world xG problems like "this guy freekilled me, you suck doing your job! you're terrible!" and their were some users (not saying names, but you know who you are) who constantly harassed me about being a shitty Div leader and not doing my job and such. With stuff like that it made me feel bad and I'm sure there are better people out there who can do a better job then I can haha Do I ever plan on joining another clan? I rarely have time to play on CSS, TF2, etc. why would I join another one? Do I ever plan on coming back to xG? Who knows, maybe someday I'll join back. I'll probably pop up in the Teamspeak time to time and talk to some people So, until we meet again, Stay Gold Bang. (bonus points if someone gets the reference <3)
  19. Xepher

    Diablo 3

    Gonna update my computer then get it. Assassin all the way Also someone already beat it Someone has finished Diablo 3 already
  20. If this really happened, then you deserve to be CT banned for getting butthurt. I say this all the time, don't let your feelings get the best of you cause people do stupid shit and then they wonder why their banned. Do people listen? NOPE. ¬__¬
  21. @@DJ_Funky_III Upload the .dem file to mediafire or some site to download it so we can see the demo
  22. Xepher


    Here's an idea now bear with me guys. If your tired of playing of JB....THERE IS OTHER SERVERS TO PLAY ON