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Everything posted by JimenyCrickets

  1. I love it the most when the server is filled to capacity. I wouldn't play in a 30 man server; it would be too boring. Even when it is a 55 person server, hardly anyone talks and I never get to have friendly banter while I'm shooting ♥♥♥♥♥es in the face.
  2. I know we both said some things we didn't mean; but I don't want you to leave.
  3. Most people do have mics, and I have never seen a situation in which there isn't high demand for a CT position. Maybe in the wee hours of the night, but during peak hours when the server is full capacity, we need a way to quickly and easily optimize the situation so that we don't waste a large portion of the time dealing with riff raff. Additionally, how do we get to decide who gets kicked off or not? How do we decide which of the CTs without mics gets to stay and which of them have to go on the T team when the ratio is skewed? The people we like the best? I guess I can support that rule; I'll only let the people I'm friends with stay on the CT team if they don't have mics, and if we need to kick off CT's I'll just hand pick the people I don't like. /sarcasm
  4. I propose that we remove the "ratio" rule since there are always people with Mics on the T team that want to get switched; It will save us (Moderators+Admins) a lot of time if we can just CT ban people without mics, it will save us time that we could otherwise spend either playing the game of jailbreak or overseeing the activities. I spend usually 2 or 3 rounds performing mic checks which always get broken up or distracted; and this is a process that needs to be repeated every single map change which detracts from the overall gaming experience. +1 if you think we should get rid of the 1:4 CT:T ruling on mics because of its redundancy and lack of enforceability -1 if you have a GOOD reason why we should keep it.
  5. I made a judgement call; 1) you were waiting at a vent which took me 15 seconds to navigate through. (that's camping FYI) 2) i'm not sure if the vent lead to armory, but if it was then you were camping armory which is also slayable/restrictable 3) you weren't with the CT's considering that the vent leads to 2 different places and we just happened to pick the vent exit that you were camping Maybe I wasn't exactly sure how many precise seconds you were waiting there, if it was <14 then yeah it was a freeslay and I was wrong. But given the fact that we had a full server full of people complaining about freekilling, and the fact that I had to slay you earlier for freekilling and baiting; I think that my judgement call wasn't out of the question and was infact, given the circumstances, the right thing to do. To add insult to injury, you complained as if you had no idea that you could have been wrong, when several factors CLEARLY show how you were bending the rules and should have been slayed regardless. -1.
  6. TBH I didn't know how long he had been camping there. Other than that, he just kept on coming back for more punishment. I warned him 2 times since he was being really inflammatory and he wouldn't let up with the hostility. I gave him ample opportunity to chill the ♥♥♥♥ out, and when he wouldn't I gave him an hour ban to see if he could cool off. But then he made this thread.
  7. My parents taught me that there are some people who ask stupid questions just to make you look bad. If you wanted me to explain to you why standing in front of a vent waiting for 2-3 terrorists to run through so that you can kill them all wasn't vent camping; I wouldn't dignify you with a response. And then you came back into chat and started talking ♥♥♥♥ about me. I loved how you first asked "Is Smoker still in here?" and when nobody said anything, you started to rage. -1. ♥♥♥♥in' ♥♥♥♥♥♥
  8. Over the course of highschool I think I drank 50+ bottles of cough syrup, and even more bottles of the gel caps.
  9. -1. We already have wardays, and it is pointless to force the CT's into an unwinnable situation.
  10. -1. Gotta show support for Xavien. ♥♥♥♥ THE HATERS, XAVIEN!
  11. I have no problem with him getting Moderator, but I think he needs to be under heavy supervision for the next 2 weeks to make sure he is up to date with the rules. I distinctly remember a few times when he had misinterpreted the rules and caused a lot of confusion on the server; as long as he is up to date with the rules now I think he would be a good addition. +0 for now.
  12. Entourage Game of Thrones Spartacus Arrested Development
  13. My friend is getting us a VIP table with bottle service and an open bar; all comp'd. The only problem is that we have to let his loser cousin tag along with us. It should be a good time though since we are inviting some really fun people and I'm really looking forward to it! What are you guys planning on doing?
  14. I've been playing since the 23rd and every time I see Glenn Beck it looks like he is still being a major disturbance. Just look at the way he acts; you want someone who rages either on the forums or in game? I didn't think so. His idea of being cool, friendly, and nice? Harassing members with suggestive and borderline offensive language. DuckiiJr, You REALLY think that he is a nice guy when he spams chat saying "SEND ME YOUR NUDES! SHOW ME YOUR ♥♥♥♥! I'M GONNA CHOP OFF YOUR BALLS!"???? If you truly think that this is the sort of behavior that we need in xG, I am sorely disappointed in you.
  15. -1. You should consider yourself lucky you are even allowed to play on the servers at all. Us removing you from the clan wasn't a simple "timeout", kick you out and wait a month and you get to rejoin. That isn't how it works; IMO you should still be permanently banned and never allowed back in. While we are on the subject, I think you should be perma-banned for harassment and overall disturbance; all you seem to do is vie for attention by saying "cute things" like "OMFG TRIF IM GONNA CUT OFF YOUR BALLS LOLOLOLOL YOU ARE MY BOY MAN I LOVE YOU I WANT TO CUT OFF YOUR BALLS THOUGH" meanwhile being disrespectful to players who aren't in xG and thus have no stake in readmitting you to the clan. That isn't cool or being friendly; its deeply disturbing and the fact that people like you continue to join (and even find acceptance) contributes to the downfall of xG which, day after day and week after week, becomes less and less a gateway of fun and more and more like the 2nd hand playground of rejects and social miscreants. tl;dr -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 and in case I forgot -1 I will never accept you into this clan.
  16. $1000 in cash. And some other ♥♥♥♥ that I have no need for.
  17. +1. I'll cut most of you guys breaks since you are so young but, harden the ♥♥♥♥ up and learn to ♥♥♥♥ing deal with it.
  18. Some people are naturally skinny; its really hard to fight nature sometimes. I know a guy who was just like you, very skinny and lanky. I tried putting him on a high protein high carbohydrate diet and he would eat as much as me and not gain any weight/muscle. Just accept it the way you are. If you are a fighter though, and don't want to accept the status quo your body has designed for you; theres really only a few things you can do: 1. Stop doing cardio. No breakdancing or popping and locking or whatever the ♥♥♥♥ it is you do. Cardio burns calories and will not help you gain weight 2. Heavy Lifting. I recommend deadlifts and benching primarily. (Squats are for faggots who want huge asses and thighs) 3. High protein/high carb. You really need to eat in order to get strong; I think I can eat something like 3 lbs of chicken, 3 protein shakes, probably 1 lb of brown rice, and as many vegetables as I want per day and still only manage to put on .5-1 lb a week. Try it out man; its not easy but it will be worth it if you want to get bigger.
  19. +1 this. I've played on servers where knifing is allowed "within knifing distance" and what happens is a giant ♥♥♥♥ show since everyone's opinion of "knifing distance" varies. Things are fine the way they are; if you have a problem with someone who is continually baiting, let the moderators know and we will deal with it.
  20. My name is Smoker because I used to smoke. Merriam Webster lists: \smok-er \ noun \ˈsmō-kər\ Definition of SMOKER 1: one that smokes
  21. Stop complaining; the warden doesn't force anything when this happens. The only thing that happens is that he suggests something that everyone already wants to do anyways.
  22. Nobody forces anyone to RTV; its not RTV or Die, its RTV if you want. If people are willing to RTV for a freeday, then maybe they don't like that map as much as you do; what you are saying is that you don't care that the majority of the server wants to (or can be convinced to) change the map; all you care about is getting it your way. I don't see how we can really ban this; just stop complaining so much just because you don't like something.
  23. I've compiled a list of known drama queens and attention whores; now is the time to remove all doubt... WHO IS THE BIGGEST ATTENTION WHORE IN XG? My vote goes to Rexxthg; for making a big deal about quitting (4-5 threads on this one subject) and then making threads asking if anyone wants him back. And then getting into ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ matches on the forum LOL P.S. Don't worry, votes are anonymous; unless you want to post and tell us who you voted for :) P.S.S. a close 2nd vote for Snackbar, who claimed he was going to quit xG if his proposed "anti-racism rule" didn't go into effect.
  24. No!!!! Say it ain't so!!!! What will we do without you? You were the glue holding xg together!