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Everything posted by Mayeski

  1. Nigga, you said niggas are always in jail already, yet you're against saying nigga, nigga. Great logic nigga.
  2. Mayeski


    everybody love eachother and under no circumstances do you dislike someone god help me i'll fucking kill all of you also i fucking hate all of you
  3. Guys he can change give him another chance.
  4. Mayeski


    All of the fucking votes that say he's a nice guy -1 shouldn't be counted because they are obviously just fanboys/friends and don't want their friend to be demoted. Be less obvious. Hitler was a pretty cool guy before the whole genocide thing.
  5. Mayeski

    The Legend

    Brb sending to Tarin.
  6. Honestly you fucking smell. You think you know Psycho but YOU DO NOT KNOW PSYCHO. He's so racist and hurtful to my friends, and he's not funny. -1
  7. Mayeski


    We are so desperate for money we sell admin and moderator, you think we can afford an app?
  8. Mayeski

    Abortion, Y/N?

    I only support abortion if it's for a rape victim or the woman is too young/not financially prepared. If a hooker or some slut gets pregnant she should have the kid because she knew what she was getting into. If you don't feel bad for killing a bug, you don't feel bad for killing a fetus.
  9. Mayeski

    Please help<3

    Hurr I don't know but I'm going to reply anyway.
  10. Mayeski

    Dragon's Dogma

    I'm so fucking hyped for this game, it's a mix between LoTR, SoTC and Dark Souls. Want so bad.
  11. PM/PA isn't really something to be proud about.
  12. Need proof even though Stego is a faggot.
  13. CoD is always going to merge to the most popular plot that is going on at the moment. First it was World War 3 blah blah russian terrorists and now there are going to be tons of games set in the future like this. Oh, and Ghost Recon will be better nigga.
  14. Quit being a fucking nigger and get some proof. IT WAS A JOKE GUYS IM SO SOWWIE
  15. Do you really think we care? Nobody wants to hear about your show for kids.
  16. Mayeski

    Active admins

    This may come as a surprise to some, but CSS DOES get boring, especially if you are mod/admin etc. Many came to xG from Jailbreak during the summer and Jailbreak was the SHIT back then but now it has become stale. It's hard to be active on a game where you can't have fun on anymore. I never get called in anyway so don't get mad if you don't see me there, if I get called I'll come, jeez. Also a thing called personal lives and teamspeak.
  17. Mayeski

    Active admins

    Uh oh that admin doesn't play on the dead shit jb server so he must have his powers removed for inactivity. Jailbreak isn't the only xG server, and i rarely see the vote command used properly anyway.
  18. Mayeski


    I'm an edgy teenager that smokes weed!!! xDDDDDDD 4/21 NATIONAL DRUG TEST DAY NIGGA
  19. I told Charrax to ban him, I gave him his SteamID so I think he's already banned, not sure.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVvRwtzHcWI OHSHITNIGGA
  21. It's funny because you're gay.