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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. wait... its the other xenogamers group...... 1. I don't even get the point of that group 2. Are you even allowed to make that group 3. Just count me off of the competition

    You didn't enter so you were never couted on ._.


    and to reply to your comment, is the community now allowed to have a voice?

  2. No, I refuse to affiliate myself with the XenoGamers public group. There's like 50 pop-ups every 10 minutes. *Shivers*


    The group has been in-active for several weeks, months even. I am at this point the only admin on said group and can ensure you that there will not be any more than one event a week.

  3. I did this for (1st or All)


    I did this for XenoGamers!


    Whats nuclear dawn? lol


    Your vote may have been affected by the rules, pleae re-read the rules and edit your post accordingly.


    Awnser: Nuclear Dawn is a FPS, that runs on the acclaimed "Source Engine" this game is avaliable on steam that combines FPS, and RTS elements into one game, for more infofmation on the game, go to www.nucleardawnthegame.com or simply search up Nuclear Dawn on Steam.


    Hope that helped :)

  4. Hey guys, I have decided to do a little give away for my fellow xG PLAYERS, here are the prizes:

    1st - Nuclear Dawn (Or another game of equal or lesser value)

    2nd - Total War Shogun 2 (or another game of equal or lesser value)

    3rd - Nuclear Dawn 3 Day guest pass


    Here are the criteria, you MUST Follow in order to win prizes.



    3rd - Nuclear Dawn Guest Pass (3 Days 0$)

    To Win this you must

    1. Post "I did this for (3rd or All)"

    2. Go to Steam and join the "XenoGamers Players" Group

    2nd - Total War Shogun 2 (10$ Game)

    To Win this you must

    1. Post "I did this for (2nd or All)"

    2. Go to Steam and join the "XenoGamers Players" Group

    3. Like any of my Video's on YouTube (link in my Signature)

    1st - Nuclear Dawn (20$ Game)

    To Win this you must

    1. Post "I did this for (1st or All)"

    2. Go to Steam and join the "XenoGamers Players" group

    3. Like any of my Video's on YouTube (link in my signature)

    4. Subscribe to my YouTube channel (link in my signature)




    Win any 5$ game of your choice IF you:

    1. Subscribe to XenoGamers YouTube Channel: Xeno Gamers

    2. Post "I did this for XenoGamers!"







    In order to win you must follow all of the requirements for said competition, (ex. If you post for "all" but only do the requirements of Nuclear Dawn Guest Pass, you will only be entered for said prize.)


    You Must keep language civil, if not I will ask a fourm moderator to simply close this thread and this Give Away will not happen at all.


    Lastly you must join XenoGamers Players group to be apart of them all, and you must subscribe to MY channel as well as like one of MY videos in order to win first, or second. And for the BONUS you must subscribe to the XenoGamers YouTube Channel.


    If you are caught not following any of the rules/requirements of the contest you will be disqualified from the competition all together with


    -Thank You!

    Slipery Fingers <3



    EDIT NOTE: You can post in both Random, and General to double your chances!

  5. Hey guys, I have decided to do a little give away for my fellow xG PLAYERS, here are the prizes:

    1st - Nuclear Dawn (Or another game of equal or lesser value)

    2nd - Total War Shogun 2 (or another game of equal or lesser value)

    3rd - Nuclear Dawn 3 Day guest pass


    Here are the criteria, you MUST Follow in order to win prizes.


    If you apply for "all" than you can not apply for the bonus, sorry about that mishap all previous votes are not affected!


    3rd - Nuclear Dawn Guest Pass (3 Days 0$)

    To Win this you must

    1. Post "I did this for (3rd or All)"

    2. Go to Steam and join the "XenoGamers Players" Group

    2nd - Total War Shogun 2 (10$ Game)

    To Win this you must

    1. Post "I did this for (2nd or All)"

    2. Go to Steam and join the "XenoGamers Players" Group

    3. Like any of my Video's on YouTube (link in my Signature)

    1st - Nuclear Dawn (20$ Game)

    To Win this you must

    1. Post "I did this for (1st or All)"

    2. Go to Steam and join the "XenoGamers Players" group

    3. Like any of my Video's on YouTube (link in my signature)

    4. Subscribe to my YouTube channel (link in my signature)




    Win any 5$ game of your choice IF you:

    1. Subscribe to XenoGamers YouTube Channel: Xeno Gamers

    2. Post "I did this for XenoGamers!"







    In order to win you must follow all of the requirements for said competition, (ex. If you post for "all" but only do the requirements of Nuclear Dawn Guest Pass, you will only be entered for said prize.)


    You Must keep language civil, if not I will ask a fourm moderator to simply close this thread and this Give Away will not happen at all.


    Lastly you must join XenoGamers Players group to be apart of them all, and you must subscribe to MY channel as well as like one of MY videos in order to win first, or second. And for the BONUS you must subscribe to the XenoGamers YouTube Channel.


    You may ONLY apply for two of these prizes, so you can do All, OR any ONE of the three and BONUS.



    If you are caught not following any of the rules/requirements of the contest you will be disqualified from the competition all together with


    -Thank You!

    Slipery Fingers <3


    EDIT NOTE: You can post in both Random, and General to double your chances!

  6. -1 ur banned forhacking goodluck


    I am sorry to sound rude, but you don't know what happened no matter what it was that you heard. You can have an opinion but that is not a valid reason to -1 or vouch if that fact is your primary purpous for vouching.

  7. Yeah he was banned, idk why he can still play on any xG servers since he was never unbanned. Anyways, -1 because you left the clan like 2/3 times(the rule says you can't come back but no one seems to care) and one of them in bad terms plus you hacked in our servers and continuously lied to all of us about it and many other things, I didn't have any problems with you untill all these things happened :l


    I don't know where these lies are coming from? I spent 3 weeks at the Bridgetown And Area Health Center Society it is about thirty minutes from where I live. They have a whole new area for people with depression and schizophrenia which was just built and I was allowed a laptop and cellphone on the premises. All of my gaming, and social contact was monitored, I began to hack about a week and a half in due to pure boredom, and xG invited me to a scrim, upon my Doctor finding out about this (I had told my therapist about the happenings in Xeno Gamers) And I was stripped of my phone and internet privileges. I was released yesterday at 5:41 PM on Friday March 16, 2012.


    About the constant lies, I was lying about hacking on my laptop, I was genuine on my PC when I had updated my drivers, and everything I told you about why I was going to the CMC was true. As I said you can all think what you want.


    ---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------


    I said that to papi, if I was being serious I would of updated my thread to say so and if I wasn't coming back I wouldn't continue to bring you my "life story" and argue with other members about nonsensical things


    ---------- Post added at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------


    Read what I told unique


    ---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------


    read what I told unique


    ---------- Post added at 01:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------


    No only three, I chose to have it reduced because I couldn't take that much time off of school and work.

  8. -1 You're still banned anyways? You hacked in our servers, if you come back why don't we let Oscar back in? And give neteX moderator too


    Anyways, you left completely and the rules say you have given up all chances of coming back to xG so yeahh


    What rules? On the sticky it says that said thread is for temporary leaves ONLY, I posted there ergo it was a temporary leave.

  9. Once a hacker, always a hacker?

    I am sorry but that is one of the most ignorant things I have heard for a long time.


    That is like saying once a nose picker, always a nose picker, You don't even know why I had to leave so you truthfully cannot make that assumption.


    Also I didn't want to tell you earlier why I left, but I see a reason too now. I left the first time because of you, there. It is why I always have acted strangely around you and most likely always will.


    What you said earlier "once a hacker, always a hacker" is just like saying "once a smoker always a smoker" you are able to stop, like I said earlier what else did I have too do? Nothing, I was trapped in a room for seven hours a day, with a shitty laptop and css/minecraft. There is a reason I am coming back to this clan, and it is not because there is nothing else out there, there sure as hell is. It is because I know that I have moved on from doing things like that, and as I said earlier you can make all the rumors you want, that is your choice not mine.


    I have told many people this before, and I will tell you and all of the forum. When I was "caught" hacking it was one of the few times that I had, I had never done it on my PC only on my laptop.


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers

  10. decision: +1

    why: He is a great guy.It was his fault that he left, but hopefully he is back for good

    maturity: 9/10

    activity: 8/10


    I/We can't really say that It was my choice, but say what you want it isn't my voice

  11. are you coming with or without your wallhack?


    Without man, over that. I can acually play now (PC) plus I am still doing that live stream tommorow, I would have to be stupid to do so with hacks >_<


    Plus when/if I get moderater/member I want to do shit like doug and ptfg [Play The fucking game]

  12. Your suspicious? Omay than inspector fucking gadget, usualy people are kind and considerate, but I can tell that you are genuinely being an asshole about this. Anyway, if you aren't gonna say it I might aswell, it was fun playing with you.