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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. I dont know what your talking about, war3 is basically all mods. Surf doesnt really need mods that much, its really just for a random spammer at times. Minigames also, theres atleast 1 or 2 mods on which is all you really need.


    War 3 the new Warcraft server, there are alot of NO3 kids trolling on that server, and a few wallers, Nd aim bots

  2. I don't know, but what i do know is that there will be an abrupt halt in all posts done by me by the time my next shipment of KY anal lube finaly arrives, i mean that is the only reason that i joined xG: I ran outta Lube!

  3. Im getting really tired of no admins/Mods being on the third party servers (if so rarley) i know JB is our main priority, but mini games, war3, and others are starting to gain popularity.


    I don't really want to apply for CsS mod (Agian ._.) in fear of everyone i though of as my "friends" comming down on me, and -1'ing despite my activity, aswell as knowledge of servers, commands, rules. (and so on ._.)


    Each time i report something to an admin/mod, i get an "alright, ill be on in a second *uurgh*" and ten or fifteen minutes later one arives, and the greifer/troll/freekiller is gone by than, and the incident is gone un noticed essentially.


    I am starting to get annoyed on this topic, yet as i said earlier. I don't want to apply for CsS mod, in fear of people comming down on me, yet i know that noone is going to vote towwards me, when aegean goes around asking admins on outputs.



    Just my 2 cents


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers

  4. Ben, We didn't talk much, maybe a couple of times on tiny chat, and team speak. But recently, i have notived that your in-activity, i do applaud you on your choice to resign as a moderator, and i still respect you.


    -The few, but fun memories (this sounds like a ing funeral ._.)

    Slipery Fingers

  5. I -1 this, xG is currently in its "omega" stage IE we are trying to remove all trolling if pausable, you Mojo, troll quite a bit. I hope that you do realize that because of this, you are essentially "marked" as a troll, meaning that Mods are mostlikely watching you online, to see if you are trolling.

  6. I found it quite refreshing, i liked starting anew, and we have many more new guests on the server than we did previously (me and health advertising).


    And for anyone out there wondering, yes silence has the old map backed up, so he CAN bring it back, but its all up to him.