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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deS27fw9hp0&feature=BFa&list=FLjS-0yNbFFKm5XdIAj-mecA&lf=BFp


    I also have done another edit recently >_< It isn't that good, because it is my first edit for about two years. Anyway if you like any of em feel free to leave a like and subscribe :D




    Trailer for my most recent work in progress :P



  2. my current name is I-KeeTaT BTW

    Once I learned that it wasn't him I had to go for it. it was so fucking funny over voice chat. xP


    Anyway here it is!:


    [xG]sonicboomzoom: im gay

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: okay?

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: this changes how I look at you how?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: this is somebody else jk

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: kk

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: you know who this is correct?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: yes

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: who :P

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: wait you

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: mhmm

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: no i dont

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: i no who sonicboom is

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: alright, who are you?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: sonics friend

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: want to know who I am?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: i guess

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: Sonics father

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: lol hi

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: or should I say Adrian

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: wow didnt see that coming lol

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: ?

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: didn't see what comming?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: no i didnt ever think id be talking 2 u

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: Haha

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: and why is that?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: i dont know i figured it would be one of adrians random friends online

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: :P I guess it was your luck

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: i wanted to see how adrian would react as a joke

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: is adrian there?

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: no hes out

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: i wanted to see what would happen when he gets back

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: alright, when he gets back tell him im going to be late

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: late 4 wat

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: I have to go to the bank

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: ok

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: so I am going to be a little bit late

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: ok

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: thank you, saves me some time.

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: no problem

    i-KeeTaT #King of Halifax!: any way back to work ._. cya

    [xG]sonicboomzoom: bye

  3. For all of the new members

    that come onto our forums we should have an into video, to teach them how to use this forum.

    By the way, I am actually taking a video right now and this is a demonstration of how to use the forums as they are.


    -Slipery Fingers



  4. "- Not contributing much to this community at all. "

    Agreed, I have recently noticed that she is quite often absent when appearing online or in-game.


    Also, upon noticing that she... (he... it...) is losing in an argument you will recieve a frustrating:

    SNAIL INVASION @'@'@'@'









  5. Than why did you say it? I know i'm kind of going against you here. But if you took the time to say something, it obviously had something to do with a prior event, this matters not at all.


    What I am trying to say, is we all get messages. But Ultimately, the true experience is the players, not the one of the admins. We may complain about receiving so many messages, but this is only because we single handedly are the "coders" of said players experiences.


    Anyway by this point in what I was saying was almost completely irrelevant to what you were saying earlier Mohammad xP

  6. Yeah but i'm talking about just letting them use simple commands. Just to get used to having to make decisions, and not asking others to make those decisions.


    But I do the same thing as you. Just sometimes newer moderators are forced into tough situations with people complaining about hackers. Also letting them have the chance to learn how to work with fellow mods, rather than going as a lone-wolf.

  7. Thanks for posting this. I see things like this every day.


    Another thing I always thought should be instituted, was to have some sort of "Moderator in Training" where they only receive simple commands such as,

    !mute @(person not all)

    !gag @(person not all)

    !slay @(person not all).

    And the spray commands just not kick, but warn and delete.

    As well as Admin chat/All Chat

  8. Phew here we go, some of my deepest Darkest Secrets >_>


    1: I'm a complete hypocrite.


    2: I've never really "Loved" anyone


    3: I've only ever had 4 Sexual Partners (excluding the one I am currently going out with.)


    4: When I was 9 my (Step) Uncle tied me to a chair, and drew swastika's all over my chest.


    5: My first Girlfriend committed suicide, because of an argument we both had.

  9. Are you taking a break from xG or completely leaving? And sorry to hear man :/


    I'm not sure yet, ill see how things go. If badly than I am completely leaving, if shit hits the fan. Well than I might be back. But for now I've stripped myself of my Moderator tag, this topic isn't up for discussion throughout steam what so ever unless you are an extremely close friend of mine.






    AMD Athlon II x4 core 3.0 gHz


    MSI Radeon 5770 Hawk (has 128 bit shader bus :( not 256)


    4 gigs RAM


    1 Tera HDD space (I know i should go solid state, but not now...)


    Not bad, but if you plan on going solid state (SSD) wait a while, Hard Drives are so expensive now because of the floodings in Thailand A 80$ 1TB hard drive is almost 150$ now! Imagine the prices of SSD's your best bet is to check out if it is a 3/GB's (SATA 300) if so than attempt to upgrade to a 6/GB's (SATA 600) Other than that you would need to dish out about 250-350$ for a SATA II (2) motherboard that runs USB 3.0 rather than 2.0, and something with a higher Buffer Memory (64 MB is the higest on retail at the moment), other than that wait a few months for purchace your Solid State Drive (Also most SSD's are in the 200-300$ range just for 125GB)


    If you do choose to upgrade to a 6/GB's HDD here are some of my reccomendations:

    Western Digital WD1002FAEX Caviar Black HD

    (1TB, 7200RPM, 64MB, SATA 6Gbs 3.5") ^300$^


    Hitachi GST Deskstar 7K1000.D HDS721010DLE630 (0F13180) 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive Bare Drive - Newegg.ca

    (1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5") ^120$^

  11. I don't really customize my CSS :P. Regular crosshair or reticle is fine.


    Really? All of my weapons have skins, even my knife is >_> BTW if anyone wants an awesome skin for their pick here ya go :3

    Minecraft like Pickaxe (Counter-Strike: Source > Skins > Knife) - GAMEBANANA


    Also, here is a kick ♥♥♥ AWP and M4A1:

    M4: Cannonball Productions - Bushmaster M4A1 (Counter-Strike: Source > Skins > M4A1) - GAMEBANANA

    AWP: L96A1 Animations (Counter-Strike: Source > Skins > AWP) - GAMEBANANA



  12. The BoardRoom Thread




    Hopes for This Thread

    Just a place to share a little about our gaming methods, fourm methods, server methods, even PC builds, how you came across xG, and discuss what is and isn’t working…your strengths and weaknesses, server limit, etc. Hopefully a few seasoned people join in, and through “the beg, borrow or steal” method…er, collaboration…we can all pick up a few gems from one another to improve our own gaming methods. No need to give away all of your info…your edge, so to speak…though. Share as much, or as little as you like. Contribute what you can…take away what you like.


    I also find I get asked the same questions quite often. I often find it a pain to re-type a response…or to dig back through my posts to find a link to post for someone. I’m just going to use this thread…and particular posts which I will update over time, as the link I provide in such cases. If you find that happens to yourself often, too…and you don’t have a thread of your own for people to reference…bang out a post with some of your method. Keep it updated…and use that link as your answer to people on the often asked questions.


    We don’t have to post live calls or anything like that here…but feel free to if you want. I picture more of a reference type thread…an ever-expanding textbook, kind of thing. Post some images, or videos and explain a bit about your method. Try to ask and answer a few questions…if they’re good. And of course…no amount of humor is too much! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥…”that’s what she said’s”…all welcome!





    You wanna sit and hang, perhaps learn a little something from the seasoned vets, all are welcome, BUT:


    1. Though we all hope to gain by a collaboration of experience, we already appreciate that we are a slave to our own game experience and though hope to improve, are not looking to START our careers as gamers.


    2. This is not your guide to getting good quick. If you have taken entry as posted here, use your best judgment. Those that participate do so of their own free will.


    3. The use of the words "♥♥♥♥", "Feck", "Fak", are not reasons to report a member to admin, they are not a lack of respect nor professionalism; they ARE words that will get used.


    4. Have fun and MAKE PROGRESS.




    Well…that’s about it, folks. We’ll see where it goes. Thanks in advance to all that contribute…and to those that I have already learned a lot from. There are some good heads here, and I consider it a privilege to be in contact with many of you when time permits.


    All the best…and much success…you bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!


    -Slipery Fingers




    ASUS M4A88T-M AM3 AMD Mother Board

    PNY Optima 8GB RAM

    AZZA Dynamo 650 650W Power Supply

    Radeon HD 6870 2GB Video Card

    AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition CPU

    RAIDMAX Blade ATX Case

  13. Spammed this post asking for +1's -1's

    You do not meet the required age to even become a member (although this isn't exactly enforced I belive it sould be for becoming a moderator)

    I've heard you mic spam, and have people ask for you to be muted.

    I've seen and slayn' you multiple times for freekilling.

    Not to mention that you get angered VERY easily.

