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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. You sir are wrong, you cannot judge my age by (what i am guessing) is my voice as my microphone is "slightly" (Totaly) broken and my voice can sometimes sound like i am in my late thirtys xD (the default now seem as if i wam 14-15) i was born December 11, 1993. So please +1 and improve the community or GET OUT! :D

  2. Member Name: SliperyF


    In-Game Name: Slipery Fingers


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11090300


    Age: 16


    Game Time: 111.8 hrs


    Helpful Skills: I am not a derp :l i am becoming a regular on the server for jailbreak aswell as on the fourms, and wish to become a member of the ever so growing gaming community that is XenoGamers.


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers



    *this is stuff i left out*

    -I Always apoligise for any freekill/!lr kill as i NEVER mean to do so.

    -I have 36.8 hours on Cs:s with in 2 weeks, 31 of those hours are from Jail Break Server.

    -Most Importatly i like to have fun, and like to have fun with other player.

  3. I personaly find no problem with "MY" ping on the server, but this is a large problem for many people, and i realize the frustration of being kicked trying to play some of our favoutrite servers. Silence sadly this means either, do nothing about it and let the community become angry and frustrated, Spend money on further increasing the servers, or to simply increase the ping to 150-200 as a maximum.

  4. This is sadly the fact, many "admins" or "Moderators" Play the server but many do not resolve any situations, of cource, unless a CT Breaks a rule. (iE. Camping, Mass Freekilling) Aswell, admin favoutisim basicaly controlls not olny the game, but the fourms, my example being people who are "friends" with an admin, apply to join [xG] and are accepted within the first day, sometimes with in hours, while the rest of us wait... and wait..... and wait, and we get nothing :l

  5. Thank you for that Steam ID finder, sadly the map changed so i am guessing that the console is lost?


    ---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------


    Yes The console is lost, might aswell close this post if an admin reads this, although i have people to prove that he freekilled, if this is not trustworthy enought, than just close this post even though 4-9 people were free killed.


    -Thank you

    Slipery Fingers

  6. Member Name: SliperyF


    Player's Name: Sladay93


    Player's Steam ID: No clue sorry


    Ban Request Reason: Free killing many times for aboustly no reason on the [xG] Xeno Gamers JailBreak Server. He was also free tazing, i belive that this should be more of a week CT ban rather than a Day as he did not follow orders to slay himself after he free killed many terrorists and finaly had to be slayn under the commant of warden.


    Please Take this seriously


    -Thank you

    Slipery Fingers

  7. Yes this is true that the [xG] was put in-front of my name, but it was not on my consent, i had a friend over, and under his logic he was told by a member of the [xG] clan, to put it in-front of his name as he did not know of the consequences, once i noticed (quite a bit later) that he had put the [xG] In-front of my name I removed it, almost in a "Mad Scramble" :P either way i am sure that saying this just to you, will do nothing, as nobody under major authority will most likely read this, either way i thought you should hear my side of the story, rather than what the page you were reading "said".


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers

  8. Member Name: SliperyF


    What game?: Counter Strike: Source


    Your In-Game Name: Slipery Fingers


    Player's Steam ID: 0:0:11090300


    Ban Reason: "FreeKilling"


    Unban Reason: To my suprise i was banned while playing on your counter strike: source server XenoGamers JailBreak. I was notified after waiting (from the !guard command) that i was CT banned. I went to your website to find that i was banned for "freekilling" yet i have done nothing of this sort. I was hoping that this ticket would unban me as i have alot of fun on your servers.


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers

  9. Member Name: SliperyF


    In-Game Name: Slipery Fingers


    Steam ID: Slipery Fingers


    Age: 16


    Game Time: 90-170 hours


    Helpful Skills: I am a good leader, aswell as folower i am interested in joing your JailBreak servers, so this would seem usefull under the sircumstances of the application.