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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Hey! This is my work so far! The New one is an Image that i took with my Camera! :D



    Click to Enlarge



    Click to Enlarge



    Click to Enlarge NEW!

  2. It can have xG in it, but some of these photos just look terrible :( Especially the MS-PAINT ones.


    L00L I love it when these kids try and win with Paint

    Erm another Question, is my Logo fine even thought it has the xG in it >_> Because if not than there goes all of my work.



    This took me a few hours. 7 layers of images. 7 Pastes. 4 bagel bites. 2 glasses of water. A crap load of stress. and then BOOM! it appeared.


    Its good, but i sugguest if you plan on entering things Practice some more, but you have to start some where :D

    If you want some Help, I can help you out for free or you can ask Tarin on a Pay To Learn plan.

  4. What do you think?



    Where did you go to get that? Because another Member used it aswell.


    ---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------


    You are along the right track but half of these submissions suck. They aren't logos. They are just the xG text with some crappy design behind them that goes against the rules defined. It must have a transparent background.


    Im focusing on my main Image(s) (The two provided) and if i win i plan to make them Transparent.



  5. So you like it but i need to center it or is it still shitty


    He dosen't "Like" Any of them, it will be the communitys decesion


    ---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------


    If I don't give feedback you might not be following rules or didn't bug me enough to say something. Remember I'm not deciding the winners, this is a group decision and one all the submissions are in a vote will begin!


    Like is it fine if my 1st xG Logo (The Smoothe one not the small Images) Is in border style, or if my 2nd Circle one is 500x500

  6. Don't worry about favicon lol. Just worry about the big picture!


    Silence, should i keep trying >_> because i have put out High Quality, and im not getting any feedback from you.

  7. The thing I'm worried about is that the logo will probably have to be shrunk down to 16x16 for the favicon, and it'll have to be shrunk down to fit in the header too. :I


    My "Bently Logo" (>_>) can be shrunk down to be a header, and Just the Plain Circle can be shrunk down to 16 x 16



    This is just the Circle inside my "Bently Logo" Sorry for the choppiness in the middle, is said Xeno in the middle beside the X But i rembered the rules, and i noticed this shortly after i got off my PS Computer >_>

  9. xg - Google Search[/url]


    L00L Haha, i always put a few in from google. People are idoits and never check xP

    I never do anything with ones from google though, seen my "Bently" xG Logo (Acording to Double it looks like the Bently logo thing >_>)



    I Do good :3


  11. Step 1: Take a couple shots of vodka

    Step 2: Squirt lemon in both eyes, put remaining lemon in mouth

    Step 3: bang your head agianst the nearest table

    Step 4: this is the best time of your life. Enjoy the scenery :3


    Really? Gonna call me a liar? 6 hours a day is nothing for me, I play all day at work then when I get home lol.


    Get your ♥♥♥♥ing facts straight before you call me a ♥♥♥♥ing liar.


    Oh and YES, I had 9k.


    Ask Arth I made him rich too buying diamonds lol.


    Pardon me if i insult you, but you are just re-enforcing the fact that you have "no-life" if you spend 6 hours a day, and lets say, 10 hours sleeping, than that is only 8 hours of other things. Also i am guessing that an hour in the morning, aswell as an hour to and from work.


    I hope you don't have school in that case ._.

  13. AS it currently is, the server is becoming more, and more popular, we hit a peak of 23 people on at once. But there is one problem, we have no public rules. There is no "!motd" so i think that at the spawn city, we need to have some form of "rule room"So when you first log-in you know the rules right there.


    I also think that one of those rules, should be that any town that wishes to be public, or surpass hamlet level, needs to have a rule room at the town spawn, as i did at Aether, way back when.


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers