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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Mayeski, thanks for keeping everyone updated. You could be a fucking journalist, esecially since you are the only one trolling me on this thread. Anyway, it almost cheers me up just seeing how pathetic you must be to troll someone on the brink of committing scuicide.

  2. Yeah, well for everyone that is wondering if there is anyone that is. About 3 Months ago my genetic father got into a car accident, and has been in the hospital since, about two weeks ago he was put on life support. After two months of contemplating scuicide, I was diagnossed with depression, I've been on meds, but the relentless insults from the souless bastards of the internet didn't stop.

    im trying to get my mess of a fucking life in order, and upon seeing a therapist he said I should quit this clan,immediatley. Thus why I said I may or may not be leaving. It all depends on how this therapy goes. So if you want me gone, its your lucky mother fucking day.


    ---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------


    And thanks papi, nice to k.ow I have a,true mother fucking friend here. Esecially to put shit in usless context to speed up the process of "fucking off" ill miss you too bro. <3

  3. Dude, you've posted SEVERAL OF THESE THREADS. Im sorry to sound rude, but catch a fucking trend yet?

    I for one will have to add my two cents, because this is an open topic for.ds


    ---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 PM ----------


    Dude, you've posted SEVERAL OF THESE THREADS. Im sorry to sound rude, but catch a fucking trend yet?

    I for one will have to add my two cents, because this is an open topic for open discusion. Rather than the arguments between moderators and players where you blantantly interrupt and say something like ''ahem... I like turtles'' that has no relevativity what so ever to the topic.


    I agree with SGTBLU your voice is BORDERLINE, and you don't meet the required age. Which ALL mods to my knkknowledge


    ---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------


    Have met.



    I've had to slay you what... 1,2,3,4 times almost 7 timrs where other mods have done so. Where you get caught freekilling on ct, and feel as though you are some form of alpha player whom dosen't abide to the rules.

    And on the topic of rules, you back your self up with rules you haven't read. And when you do, never bother to check a second time.




    Also, please disregard the multipul posts, my Nexus has a horrible mobile screen for xG

  4. This could be anything from depression, bipolar disorder, early stages of schizophrenia, or you said one thing to piss him, her... It off. Same thing happened with me and one of my best friends, she started ignoring me, and or insuling me. It took some time but upon giving her some distance she loosened up. Also FYI this is about eight months past and I still play it cool.

  5. 1.Maddy <3

    2.Billy Mays



    5.Ben Dover


    7.Sky Faggot[Llama]




    ---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ----------


    9.High plains

    10. Hudson


    536. Serbian


    31,469,680,040. Aegean

  6. Oh shit that's me! :O (That One Pyro Assassin) Sucked then, still sucks at CSS now XD


    Lol xD I rember the soccer team, aswell as That One Pryo Assassian. I miss old xG, when it almost felt like a ''growing'' community, and when I wasn't even a member :3

  7. I can't see the frags!


    It's great and all that you can edit this much but you have to remember the more editing you include the more you take away what it actually is. Some of the greatest frag movies focus on the editing during the cascade of clips, not the moment of every single kill.


    Syncing kills with the music is good, but in moderation, after so much it does become tedious. Try to find a track where the beats are more spaced apart so you don't have to rush the parts so much inbetween frags. :P


    But other than that, its great.


    All criticism aside, thanks :P What I mainly focus on as an "editor" is editing, when I get good enough I most likely start doing more advanced edits, and highlighting the frags more than the editing. But as it is I can't get any recognition as an editor if I start out slow. I've been asked to join several editing groups, and finally decided on one.

  8. Pretty good, although the screen tilts make it a bit hard to see the frags :<


    Sorry lulz, I will keep that in mind


    ---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------


    Man you really 0wned those bots!!!!




    Look at Kill Feed, :P no bots here.