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Posts posted by Im_Aspire


    Not 12 you just fail and get pissed over very little thing that happens to you. And you act like your 7


    I act like i am 7? On that note i was going to re-post saying that the person i was playing with was impersonating you named: Gundon96


    I was "going" to +1 but seing you get angry you in a sence turn into a "troll" if you respond to this in a reasonable manner than i will +1

  2. WHAT IF! we made a floating island, out of dirt, or what ever is easiest. and make stuff on the floating island. I could go down into the Ather and gather some glowstone if it's night ^_^

  3. Yooo guys! I was going through some old mail in my email, and i came across this old accoubt that i don't use anymore! If anyone wants it just ask!


    Older Games!:

    Counter Strike (1.6)

    Counter Strike: Condition Zero

    Counter Strike: Condition Zero (Deleted Secenes)

    Day of Defeat (Original)


    Death Match: Clasic


    Newer Games!:

    Peggle Delux

    Peggle Nights

    Killing Floor

    Team Fortress 2 (tons of weapons)

    Half Life 1

    Half Life 2

    Half Life: Death Match Source

    Half Life 2: Death Match

    Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat




    That is a grand total of: 120$ Absoultly free!


    The winner will not be the first one to comment, and will not be picked by favouritisim. I will write all of the entries down, and put them in a hat.


    This "contest" is being done on facebook aswell so there might be atleast 15-20 people



    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers


    ---------- Post added at 01:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------


    Yooo guys! I was going through some old mail in my email, and i came across this old account that i don't use anymore! If anyone wants it just ask!


    Older Games!:

    Counter Strike (1.6)

    Counter Strike: Condition Zero

    Counter Strike: Condition Zero (Deleted Secenes)

    Day of Defeat (Original)


    Death Match: Clasic


    Newer Games!:

    Peggle Delux

    Peggle Nights

    Killing Floor

    Team Fortress 2 (tons of weapons)

    Half Life 1

    Half Life 2

    Half Life: Death Match Source

    Half Life 2: Death Match

    Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat



    That is a grand total of: 120$ Absoultly free!


    The winner will not be the first one to comment, and will not be picked by favouritisim. I will write all of the entries down, and put them in a hat.


    This "contest" is being done on facebook aswell so there might be atleast 15-20 people



    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers



    There is also some un-gifted things witch you can reclaim and take em for your self >:)

    Magic The Gatherthing: Duels if the plains walkers 2012

    Lead And Gold

    Black Light: Tango Down


    Now total value is: 150$!!!

  4. Thank you Aegean, and to rexx i never mean't any disrespect. As i even said in this whole argument, "I would much rather be friends with you rather than fight, and argue" i'm shure that other people don't want to read us arguing, so for the good of the fourm, should we stop this between eachother? Well this is my appoligy, weather you are to accept it or not, it is your decesion.

  5. Ahah, im not crying if you want to know what im doing (creep ;P) i am watching south park, and chilling with my dog. With a huge grin across my face :)


    ---------- Post added at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ----------


    Ooh and rexx, how did your job at block buster turn out ;P?


    ---------- Post added at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------


    Sorry for arguring on this post blastoise, if you don't accept my steam offer, than i shure hope you had fun reading this argument, best of luck in "future endevours" :P

  6. I don't use a voice changer, that is my voice, i act like im 12 because what do 12 year olds do? HAVE FUN! They act as if they don't have a care in the world. I like to have fun, and for that terrorists for the most part have fun, i have made 57 friends in the 3 days on the server, i got 10 vouches easily, not because i acted scruff as ♥♥♥♥ but because peoplw accept me for who i am, and my intrests rather than who i am in a game, shure i can act how ever i want olnine, but i treat people with respect. Think. Have i disrespected you at all? No i never insulted your views, or your religion, nationality?

  7. HAHA, and the trolls just keep on trolling, last time i checked i "am" 16 so YOU have no right to call me a 12 year old. The fact that you say i act like im the "♥♥♥♥ing hero" of this fourm is completly irrelevant, and not true what so ever. I like to have fun, you know enjoy my self. Rather than acting all tough, "ooh i've been in this clan for soooo long im scruff as ♥♥♥♥. I can to whatever i want because i have superiority over everyone that is lower than i am."

    Grow up, live with it, i would have much rathered be frends with you than have to fight like this, it's almost like were maried 0.o

  8. Erm i was asking if anyone wanted to make an Xeno Gamers Youtube channel. I do find it funny that your telling "me" to stop "poking my ♥♥♥♥ where it DONT belong" yet you come onto this fourm where trolling is not wanted and troll to your hearts content. It really is people like you that ruin perfectly fine communitys.