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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Trolololololol .... Gtfo


    ---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------


    And about your comment "atleast i dont need to get a girl to win a poetry contest to get some" so your saying he forces girls to win a poetry contest, than once they win they automaticaly sleep with him?

  2. I will agree with EZ on that one, but one time i caught him cell spamming, even though he slayed himself he never appoligised for the 5 T's that died, and being the nice warden i am i had to give a freeday :/

  3. I really want to become a Mod, as i am not a "troll" but as peechis stated, it olny maters when the higher up say anything :P

  4. ^_^ Mia Poem (Slipery)

    The language of love

    is silent and seeking

    in life's loudly speaking

    from down to above.


    The language of silence

    in love with creation,

    a soul's inspiration

    is full but still widens.


    The language of silence

    and love seem the same:

    they show us the flame

    but speak without violence


    Of burning and brightening sunny salvation

    of finding some peace on our blue-shining block.

    Love makes man and wild flowers spread on this rock

    where all life is looking for balanced vibration.

  5. THANK GOD! I have no problem with them, but occasionaly they do get on my nerves with whining, and complaining. But of course, in saying that i am speaking for a minority of that so called group entitled "minors" as quite alot are fine and are treated with equality from most players.

  6. -1 to the ban, me and drink are good friends, and this isn't like ANYTHING that he would do, ill talk to him tommorow when he comes on, and ill change it to a +1 if he admits that it was him.