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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Deep, but i thought that, that last word was "anal" xD im just sayin ain't trollin <3


    ---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------


    Beat this ^_^:

    No instructions to this ♥♥♥♥,

    so I add another piece.

    playing legos with my life,

    I am tryna build a dream.

  2. 0.o exactly what kind of teeth do you have, looking a that bite im guessing you have some where around 200-300 teeth?


    ---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------


    I really want a ♥♥♥♥ing cookie right now xP

  3. My spread is quickly becoming legendary ;) (effed up pikachu) if you want i could send you that as example of a spray ^_^


    ---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ----------


    Speechless, paint will I REPEAT WILL look terrible if the dimensions aren't EXACTLY 256 x 256

  4. Yeah Rexx, you are a ♥♥♥♥ ^_^


    ---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------


    Well atleast to meeeee!

  5. I have noticed quite a bit latley that i will just be playing, minding my own bisnuess. When all of the sudden xG JB server losses connection >:{ it says in the top right corner "Auto-Disconnect: *count down from 30 seconds*" i join agian to find it is a new map, and play goes on as normal, but i find this anoying. Dors anyone else have this problem?! I'm all like OMG-WTF-BBQ!


    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers

  6. I thought it was 10 vouches and your in :O well thats what i read on sign up


    ---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------


    Sorry xD never noticed that my friend changed my keypad numbers (agian) -.- sorry i meant 1994 but i am about to be 17 ^_^

  7. I have been noticing that a large percent of players on counter strike JB servers Troll, ALOT. I have not olny noticed that there is no "rule" agianst this, but not olny is it "trolling" that is quite bothering, racial slurs are quite disturbing in some cases,

    and if we ask someone to do something about it, they will just rage up in there little ball of trolling internet dust, and go all out untill someone tells a moderator or an admin. I just wanted your guys opinion on this, because i dont exactly want to join a sever to leave due to insults about (Ie) my country of origin, or how i speak these are not problems i have but i do know some people do, i just want "something" done, but i never said i 'Need' something done.


    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers

  8. Hey Guys!


    Source: JailBreaK Shop 3.0 - AlliedModders


    I just learned about a plug-in entitled 'Jailbreak Shop 3.0'

    Description :

    Terrorist: Have 1 knife default(punch), Have 2 shops, 1 shop in terrorist spawn! this have knifes with(sounds, damages, models) diferents, the amazin in this plugins you can listen the other knifes sound. The other shop is with the say command /shop in this have any items for fun... example(drugs, grenades, glock, speed, and silent walk)

    Drugs: rare vision, hp, armor and speed..

    CT: Can use the shop... but have 1 knife default with more powerfull.


    -Thank You

    Slipery Fingers