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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Tommorow will be my first time on the mine craft servers than ^_^ maybe a village made out of tnt, so we can try to crash peoples computers at the end of the party :P

  2. Hey, SliperyF(ingers) here ^_^


    None of you probably know that i am an editor on youtube, i have around 335 subscribers last time i checked, i am just recovering from being hacked so i have 335/1361 old subs. I was just wondering if anyone was considering an Xeno Gamers channel on youtube, i could edit almost anything you want, here is a older edit of mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsmF3gKOeBs

    Please excuse the "uploader comments" as my friend though he was tough on my computer, if you want anything done, respond to this fourm and ill get back to you ^_^


    (I also do web design, commentary, photoshop, and a little bit of my own games that ive made)


    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers

  3. Well it's this or hells gamers ;) joking, joking, hells gamers are just a bunch of anoying players that claim to have "skill" and i am so getting off topic so i will end this post with a bunch of dots right no.....

  4. I realized today as i was going to post a ban request, that my fourm privilages were Taken from me. I was wondering why, because of that there is still a mass free killer playing on the server. I mean is 26.8 posts per-day too much?

  5. Ooh and chronos, a small scale MC server is "basicaly" nothing as me and a few of my friends have made countless mods, and a server peaking 400 players, but its dead now. Olny because we did donations wrong (i made the site myself :/) and the amount of players plumited, all you need for a small scale MC server, is hamachi and a website that advertises free hamachi server. For this reason i will not go negative, as i belive you have skills that xG could use!


    .... Ooh right, +1 ^_^

  6. I already told you, im the new fourm scavenger ;) i am bored, and need something to keep me entertained (don't say it) untill i get tired :/


    ---------- Post added at 02:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------


    Well in all truth i am olny really noctournal on this server, if you want me to stop "scouring" your posts just ask me!