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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Meeh, over played now. Im thinking more lego :D ooh! I don't think we have met! Im new, steam name: Slipery Fingers

    You don't need to learn/know the rest. Ooh btw i am the fourm scavenger ;) well olny when im bored!

  2. Alright so i was once agian i was looking on the xG site, and i noticed that there is no sites that xG particapes in, my thought was that silence would be able to use donations (if it even costs) to enter a top 100 server website. If free we could advertize on a site like this: The Counter-Strike TOP 100 Sites - Rankings - All Sites where the second server dosen't even have 40 votes! I am shure xG could dominate on sites like this, aswell maybe even with in the 50's or 60's on some larger sites.


    But of course this wouldn't be the best as is to get users to vote. I was thinking something like 10 hat "trials" for each vote that a person places. Either way i hope you read this silence, and get some ideas, as this would greatly help the traffic to xG servers.


    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers

  3. I think that everyone should be "given" a chance to become a mod. But of couse there has to be some sort of "rules" as to how to become one ie:

    1. Must play atleast 5-10 hours a week.

    (i played about 39 on JB in 2 weeks ;))

    2. Must be active on the fourms.

    (almost 100 posts in my first 3 days ^_^)

    3. Must be (some what) active in team.


    (im not yet :P)

    4. Must read over, and follow the rules on the MOTD at all times.

    (who dosen't :D)

  4. Why thank you mouse splash, but i do take offence to the fact that you called me "retarded" as i am a perfectly fine livibg breathing human being, and comparing me to something that is essintaly, a "life changer", and if you went to school than you would know that the current day, proper term is "Globaly Chalenged" don't belive me? Google it.

  5. Silence, even though you disabbled !hats, the crash still happens, i rember me and Drink the pee pee (aswell as others) being stuck on a map (lego i belive) for atleast an hour and a half before we got the T's to RTV, but realize it is not olny lego, we were on another map for about an hour before we RTV "ed"