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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. fail post. Delete or disregard. Sorry :P
  2. Yeah Nova, you seem to be slightly avoiding his argument that he didn't freeshot. According to him, he shot the T because he wasn't against the back of the wall like he was supposed to be. So, if this is correct, it was a legitimate shot and he should not have been teamswitched. While I'm sure you didn't intentionally free-spectate him, he is right in this situation IF it is true that he shot the T because he wasn't against the back wall. Maybe try to actually confirm what he did before switching next time.
  3. I don't have a grudge. What I do have is the knowledge of 13 perm bans. Xeno Gamers
  4. Please do not post on this thread if you don't know who he is. Netex has been banned so many times I don't even know. He's been unpermed COUNTLESS times. -1 Inb4 new people in the clan "+1 its been a while"
  5. Disregard post : will update later.
  6. Gawd


    freetree bangbang
  7. Good, just another troll to get rid of in xG. lol
  8. Hi guys, I just have a suggestion regarding player reporting. Recently people have been qqing about disrespect and hur bad admins etc, like they always are. And what astonishes me is that nobody ever files any form of report against these people. I just have something that may help. I'm not sure if it can be implemented into the forums, and I'm sure Silence is busy enough with the forums but maybe something to look to in the future? A lot of people may think a member is intolerable or have that one admin who they know is abusing but don't respond. Why? Well, a big factor is just to not look like a douche. While I don't think you should be scared about voicing your opinions, many members don't want to be labeled as "that guy who reported him", as many people who do report others often get flamed in the thread itself. I was just wondering if it was possible to make some kind of anonymous posting mechanism so that if somebody has sufficient proof of disrespect or abuse, they can post it without fear of others opinions towards them. I feel this would boost the amount of legitimate reports and serve as a wake up call towards abusive admins. Now a lot of people could abuse this method, just to post troll threads since its anonymous, but it could always be reviewed by admins, or most likely divs or higher before it is actually posted. Just a suggestion, thoughts?
  9. God damnit I'm always late on these threads. Anyways >.> [ATTACH]4325.vB[/ATTACH]
  10. Gawd

    MOTD for JB

    Theres a lot of specifics though that aren't mentioned in the motd, which is why I made that thread earlier. I think the motd we have now is fine, people can ctrl + f easily to find certain things. I think it needs to be in depth to cover even the minor things, which there are so many of.
  11. Eh..Poncher? xD Doesn't let me post comments btw.
  12. I'm just curious, why do we ever PERM people if we always unban them in 6 months? Why don't we just ban people for 6 months then. There's a reason we punish people with "perm" bans not 6 month bans. It just seems like we unban everybody :l
  13. No.. especially since many people have bought it anyways. You always spam HLDJ, so your argument for making it xG member only isn't very valid. It's as simple as, if they abuse it, they got punished. No need to discriminate against non-members. I wouldn't wanna join a clan JUST so I can play HLDJ.
  14. Meh, I'll give it a try sometime, but I think the dayz standalone looks REALLY promising. And I'm still having a ton of fun on dayz. But ill try it sometime.
  15. #communism russia 2013 far left yolo
  16. What does the wait command do? If I want to do something similar I just bind two separate commands separated by a ";" on one single button.
  17. Gawd

    CS:GO VS CS:S?!

    I think CS:GO is fun to play for me since it's new/more modern feel but if I have a definite fave it's always going to be source.
  18. Just gonna mention some people that may be in able to edit the motd so they are aware of this thread. @@serbiansnaga @@Neo @@HighSociety
  19. Well I actually really agree with this rule, and think it should be implemented. But somebody could reply hur I was taking my step you can't judge steps etc. So I really think there should be a definite length that a step is defined as. I previously mentioned a foot. I mean seriously, a few light taps on w does the job. It's stupid when someones half way across the cell block and they say they took one single step.
  20. If a Div/Colead feels that this thread should be moved to CSS Discussion feel free, I just felt like it would be receive no attention like most other threads in that category. Especially since this could also technically qualify for CSGO. A problem that has come to my attention are certain rules that admins ALWAYS argue with each other about. 1 admin thinks this, or another admin thinks this. I propose that we come up with a list of these particular rules so that these disagreements are ended with a simple yes/no answer from the motd. I also believe certain rules need to be clarified a bit further. Basically, I just want to see if people can respond to this thread with things they feel need further clarification. If any good suggestions are brought up I will try to do my best to keep editing it in to this original post so that hopefully it can attract a Div or a Co's attention. A couple rules that I think certainly need further clarification are Hide n Go seek days and "the step". Rules in Question/Suggestion for further clarification Gawd : 1/12/13: Hide n Go Seek Day : A specific minimum timer for amount of time that t's have to hide after the cells open. Today somebody tried to make it so that they can be hunted a second after cells auto opened, leaving them trapped in the cell block, impossible to do anything except die. Gawd : 1/12/13 :The Step " : "The length of a step can't be judged" THIS has NEVER been mentioned in the motd but yet many admins still say that you can't judge how large a step is. Doesn't make sense to me really, if we can judge how far 10 ft in game is for the camping rule, we can certainly judge the length of a step in game? Especially since we see the model of a character's leg move forward. Possible clarification in the motd could be 1 ft forward. Gawd : 1/12/13: Flash/Smokes "CTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THESE UNLESS IT IS WARDAY OR IF IT IMPAIRs ANY T/CT." From the motd. Just felt the wording was somewhat strange. So they can't use them UNLESS it impairs a T/CT? Saying that I can't use it by throwing it into a corner but i can use it if it impairs a fellow ct. Duckii Jr; 1/12/13: CT breaking vent while killing rebel If you kill a rebelling T that was knifing vent, but happen to shoot open the vent by accident while killing him/her, is this slayable? Forest: 1/12/13 Warday: Needs a specific minimum timer, in this case for the Expansion time. Warden can say at the beginning of the round that there is a warday, and say that the warday expands literally 10 seconds later, pretty much making it a Global Warday and not giving the Ts nearly enough time to access Armory. McNeo: 1/12/13 I'm paraphrasing. This is a sort of a complement to the step rule. If a T is given ten seconds to take a step out are they able to run around until the ten seconds is up or should they do the orders right away/stay in cells until the ten seconds is up. I personally think t's should either do the orders right away or at least stay in their cells during this time period. Some form of clarification is needed. Diabeetus: 1/13/13 Death trivia: Just some rules on it's legality. Diabeetus isn't sure if it could be considered a tarp or not due to disagreeing mods/admins. A definite answer yes - it's legal no - it's not, should be put in the motd. I hope this thread helps improve CSS or even the CSGO jailbreak experience. Feel free to suggest more!
  21. this is the 3rd thread. The fuck is going on?
  22. Gawd

    YOLO games!

    Is this the second thread you've made asking for stuff? ;s
  23. Gawd

    COD or Halo?

    Well theres no ranking system anyways.. which is pretty shit. So not much point playing matchingmaking anyways, I've usually just been playing mlg v1 customs lately, but I HATE their new gametype. Always gotta make the first one shitty to attract casuals :/
  24. gahh xd Just get the 100 posts. Don't understand why we have a rule if we always make exceptions. But don't spam.
  25. well, your argument convinced me. I'm going to give you my entire bank account instead of those pesky starving children in africa, why would they need money. Jeez, talk about selfish you little starving bastards in africa