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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Yeah its about that time.. Love you man. One of the first mods I became friends with when I joined. Rimdog rep
  2. Gawd

    Oh boy

    I agree we do man. See you around and good luck with everything bro.
  3. Gawd

    runescape vote poll

    Haven't played in forever heh. Still got 1b sitting around my bank, wanted to sell it a while ago but the RSGP value has dropped a fuck ton recently. Meh, overall the community sucks. I was scammed over 3B by a friend I knew for 4 years on the game. But I spent a ton of time on that game, too much honestly. But if they did bring back 07, it would be amazing. Current game kinda blows.
  4. Alright, so this doesn't happen very often. But uh, sometimes when I plug in my headphones the entire computer just shuts off. Like, just instantly powers down. Just somewhat concerned over it frying my shit. Any possible solutions or reasons for the problem? It's nothing to do with my computer not getting enough power, or at least I don't beleve it is. I checked the voltage of each rail in BIOS and everything was fine. So, in general not the biggest problem but if anyone has anything to suggest it would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Gawd

    Pet Peeves

    Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Ironic. heh
  6. Don't even feel like making a huge argument like I did on the previous CN- unban request. -1. CN put the lives of afriend and his family in danger, I don't care who did it in the clan. Keeping 4 entire communities banned would be worth it imo if it prevents shit like this from VIDEO GAMES escalating into real life. -1
  7. See ya around man. We've had a lot of fun times, hopefully you still pop by teamspeak. Btw, still don't believe you saw me irl haha
  8. See ya bro, fun times in scrim. We still 10 man w/ billy and all them though, better join nig.
  9. Well, I think we should just get rid of the 100 post rule at this point. It is seriously almost never followed, so I don't see the point of making some people follow it and not others. Might as well just get rid of it, or make some kind of active member requirement. Like a member for a year or more or some shit like that. But in all honesty, if you've been here for so long, it's really not that difficult to get the 100 posts w/o spamming, if you are really looking to be an active part of the community. And yes, I know I say this on tons of mod apps, like the exact same thing. So by this point I think we should really just get rid of the 100 post rule if its never followed even though personally I'm in favor of it. ( And yes, I know he has 100 posts. I'm just saying this in general, whether he spammed for it or not) BUT, if you don't take into account if he spammed for it or not, which I really don't know and atm don't have time to check I'll +1. He's been around for a while, and certainty knows the rules.
  10. jeez, a bomb threat ;s Kinda fucked up
  11. Well I'm an admin in a couple of divisions, so it would kinda suck if i can't participate in the forum of one of the divisions I regularly admin on.
  12. Since I can't comment because of AJAX or whatever, I'll just quote you. +1 for no camping on warday expansion. -1 for no camping in general in LEGAL places. It's always been a part of the game, no need to take it out. You're a T and should rebel how you feel as long as it isn't in any cheap spots/vents/armory.
  13. Inb4 "qq you're barely play in csgo jailbreak gtfo dawg omg". It doesn't matter how he is. What matters is how other people react to him. Even if he may not mean to cause grief, you're acting like everybody who plays in the server has known him forever and will take it lightly when he is an asshole to them. If he is acting in a fashion that will cause harm to somebody else - regardless of "how he is" then it needs to change. That's the bottom line. Edit: And especially if Nom was calling Matsi and other people "faggots". No. That's complete disrespect. It doesn't matter what nature he meant it in. Killers don't get set loose because that's just "how they are".
  14. Gawd

    The xG we all know

    That's exactly what I posted on the thread too. While you did mass freekill, (which although is a serious rule, in the end it's just pixels on a screen) you remain banned. I'm just slightly upset that we treat different people so differently in punishment. I realize xG leadership has changed multiple times but some things need to be consistent..Others have been unbanned even though they participated in massive trolling and DDOS threats ffs.
  15. I don't know why you guys interpret the motd one way or another. You can't just say it's like this and that's it without any mention of it at all in the motd. At least change the motd then instead of assuming everybody follows the same thing. As the motd stands right now, it is legal to camp when a warday has expanded. We can't just play the states' rights card and leave everything to interpretation. I'm gonna follow what I see in the motd, if you guys feel it necessary, edit the motd to match the new rules. Don't just say em out loud.
  16. You can't camp during last ct, but I don't know why everyone says you can't camp for lr.. You can camp in all circumstances except last ct, or in a vent/armory. Or certain circumstances such as not participating in warday. But you can sit in your cell as long as you want in all other circumstances.
  17. Gawd

    Regarding -xg-r-

    I think a nice comprimise on this would be a different tag all together that doesn't include xG. Maybe just -r- before the name, or something new entirely. That way people in xG can still recognize applications, but people outside the clan won't automatically associate somebody with xG.
  18. I know this is a bit of a gravedig, but toward what @Brian said. He suggested that I should get a better power supply. But is it neccesary? To my understanding if the computer isn't getting enough power it will just crash, but I am not experiencing any kinds of those problems. I understand that if I overclock I will need a higher voltage of course, but if my computer is working fine now without any crashes on stock voltage, why do you think that I need to upgrade my PSU? It's either it'll work or it will crash right?
  19. +1 . We've unbanned people of admin status who have threatened to ddos us and also mass freekilled(the same person). Ridiculous as it sounds, wouldn't be fair to Papi to keep him banned. And he's cute +1 Not to mention the fact that he's put up with this crap for 2 years. I'm all for keeping perm bans perm, but not for banning some and forgetting anything ever happened with others..
  20. This has got to be a joke. I have my own opinion on the pinoy/line fiasco, but this is crossing the line. You're basically saying that we should never say anything or argue anything about xG or how it is ran. Alright, I'll keep that in mind next time an admin !kicks @all. I honestly hope nobody listens to that ban threat, if you think something is wrong with xG, voice yourself. Jesus .. And yes, I realize that you said to post something on the forums in the last part of the post, but you're seriously gonna start banning people for saying negative things? If some admin singled me out as a player everyday I sure as hell wouldn't be saying positive things about the clan.
  21. Congrats everybody! Especially Forest and Darkwolf on div. Been a challenge with the amount of people leaving, especially on jailbreak. Glad you guys have stepped up to the plate. See you on jailbreak.
  22. 2 posts before ??? Can you please respond as to if he actually freeshot or not? He has explained that he didn't freeshoot because the t wasn't against the back of the wall..
  23. You are really starting to irritate me. I'm not trying to start anything, but stop being so incredibly biased. Because you dislike the OP doesn't mean you just -1 an abuse thread towards somebody else. He posted correct proof, and here you are -1ing without any form of argument at all. I'm glad that this kind of thing isn't coming from mods in CSS. Not trying to cause any form of hostilities, but come on, you're a mod! Examine the proof and come up with a decision based on IT, not the OP or who the report is against.