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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. It would be perm if it's a mass freekill either way. Doesn't matter if it's under no balls or not lol.. Any mass freekills are perm. I personally don't believe that unintentional mass's should be perm, but this was fully intentional and you knew the consequences of your actions.
  2. So we're just gonna use that excuse for every single mass freekill? Yes he mass smited and its obviously up to debate whether his punishment was sufficient enough, but you can't just use that to justify every single mass freekill. We might as well just have every regular on xG massfreekill and then !unban @all with that same excuse.
  3. -1 Na. People are mass freekilling with the knowledge that they will just be unbanned. And the odds are you are gonna be unbanned here too. But you know what's going to happen when you do it and you do it anyways. Regardless of the fact that you will most likely get unbanned I have to -1. If it's unintentional I don't think it should be perm but you fully knew what was going to happen and did it anyways.
  4. I personally don't think that unintentional three person freekills should be punished to the same extent an intentional mass freekill is. Honestly, a week ban would suffice for something like this. Although I wasn't there where it happened and I don't know to what extent his role in it was.
  5. Just in case I didn't make this clear in my previous post, I think the fact that mods and admins should be active on teamspeak is fine. But forcing them to connect to Teamspeak whenever they are on the servers is a bit too much? Most of us do it on our own anyways, just because we like being in Teamspeak to be there, not because we were forced by some rule. Furthermore, ADMIN chat and Steam work perfectly fine don't they? If there's something really THAT urgent that requires some kind of emergency briefing then ask that admin to come in if they haven't already. Today I witnessed a moderator warning a long acting admin of CSS that he was on his last chance. Shortly after he was banned. Isn't some kind of line drawn when admins that spend their free time to help keep the servers running smoothly are banned for something as minuscule as not joining Teamspeak?
  6. +1 I get admins and mods should be active, most of us are anyways. But what's the point of forcing mods to be on teamspeak?? You can easily contact us through the ingame or via steam. It's come to the point where admins are being banned because they aren't on teamspeak. Admins that are spending their time to help the server.
  7. Well either way, I'm not positive of the exact time Nutella told minecrack to go open cells. If it was past the time the Ct's were supposed to be inside the warday area, the slay on minecrack was unjustified. If Minecrack was told prior to the time and he had enough time to open the cells (if he lost this time by saying he didn't want to follow the orders that would be his fault as well) then the slay is justified. So to recap. SLAY IS JUSTIFIED Minecrack did not go open the cells after being ordered. BEFORE Warday BEGINS. SLAY UNJUSTIFIED Minecrack was ordered to open cells after warday already began. You can't order a CT to leave warday area.
  8. Gawd

    Unban request

    Lol I've made this exact suggestion in the past, but was more or less ignored. I think a XenogamersTv, like the one we have on our scrim servers, would be very useful and would eliminate any kind of issues that come up due to lack of proof. But seriously unban him. People can get away with mass smite, something that's very intentional, but we keep somebody who clearly didn't mean to mass freekill banned? Also, just to be clear, if he said go, (or I guess Squidward in this case) at 6:50 and at 6:43 said be doing this by 6:41 or even 6:42 it is completely valid and not against the rules. AT 6:50 he told them to go, it doesn't matter when the cutoff time is, as long as it provides adequate time to begin with. And honestly, I don't know why we treat the initial gun check any differently from any other orders. If a T doesn't follow orders within a reasonable amount of time (i.e. 5-6 seconds) it should be treated as detouring and delaying as with any other order imo.
  9. Needs to be well organized w/ more than just one or two people taking the lead. The last two have both ended badly. If we can get a group of people to work on it then +1. (I'll help out)
  10. Don't flame people for having a differing view from yourself. This is the kind of thing that prevents people from attempting arguing a different viewpoint that they agree with on a ban protest.
  11. -1 I know xG is pretty lenient but I see no benefit having a huge potential liability on our servers for the sake of second chances. Especially seeing the real life consequences this stuff can have.
  12. If warrior got unbanned for a mass smite then clearly none of the higher ups listened to any of the input provided by other members and I here Ban suggestion (Just hear me out) so might as well +1. Especially if it really was unintentional.
  13. Was about to link it myself. Check it out for my view on it and other members. Personally, my opinion is consistency. While the time lengths for bans can be variable and should be discussed, we need to stick with them. And the general rule for mass freekill has always been 3 freekills. However imo, I don't think that 3 unintentional freekills should be treated as such. ( Although it doesn't often happen). Something like 4 would be better because honestly it's really hard to FUCK that up. Three is even borderline. However three intentional freekills in a row should be treated as mass.
  14. intentional freeshooting has always been slayable. If they do it on accident let it go if they don't actually kill anybody or freeshot a ton of people.
  15. Gaming COMMUNITY. You're supposed to have community input, otherwise, the server owner just runs it himself, and might as well get rid of the forms if that's what you're going for. But you're ignoring the issue which I am trying to tell you. I never said anything about Silence being the decider of everything. I mentioned the possibility of limiting it to staff to at least attempt to fix the issue of having all your friends +1 to unban you. At the end of the day, what the community wants will result anyways. But this wouldn't fix much anyways as much of the staff does the same thing.
  16. But who should they be given to? Who decides that? It turns into a matter of who has the most friends. Also to be honest I'm all for lowering ban lengths, but i think we should at least stick to them. I mean, people know what they are getting into when they mass freekill and then DC. A perm. But the ability to post a ban protest and get all your friends to plus one it removes any kind of deterrent factor that comes with the ban and honestly prolly encourages them to continue w/ the knowledge that they can be easily unbanned. Also @Brian towards what you said at the bottom of your post. I wouldn't like to see the say taken away from the community either, but doesn't a clear flaw present itself when anybody banned can just ask all their friends or even randoms they may have just met to +1?
  17. I've already posted this in a different thread, but as a topic that I feel needs attention I am going to copy/paste what I wrote as well as add on a few things. With the amount of people making arguments about bans I wanted to provide my personal input and what I think makes sense. I think that we should keep perm bans PERM if they were banned for a legitimate reason and only unban if they were actually WRONGLY banned. But, seeing as this is xG we love to keep giving people second chances such as when people mass freekill (including members lately). But why do you think they do this? They do it because they know that they will be easily unbanned. Now honestly, if they make a protest in a much later time along the road maybe it can be put into consideration. They won't necessarily be unbanned, but w/ how lenient the clan is the odds are in their favor. However at least at this point they will have already served a time. I just don't get why these days people are considering perm bans optional. If you are permed you are permed, unless the ban itself was wrong then shouldn't any argument be done at that point? Also, not that I am in favor of taking the say away from the community but there's something wrong when somebody who just got permed (regardless of their current position or former position in the clan) can get his friends to +1 with crap saying that "he contributed a ton to the clan". Well that sucks doesn't it? Regardless of what he did in the past, he fucked up and got perm banned. We can't just unban people we like if they broke the same rules others did and were banned for it. What I suggest is, at least in some limited way, to limit the input on ban protests to mods, admins and divs of the respective division. Hopefully, (and i realize it will prolly just lead back to the same +1ing for friends situation) the staff will provide unbiased input in the protest and not simply unban bc they like the person but +1 if the ban was actually wrong. Also forgive my bs grammar typed it on my new phone still getting used to it lol
  18. Or just keep perm bans PERM if they were banned for a legitimate reason and only unban if they were actually WRONGLY banned. But, seeing as this is xG we love to keep giving people second chances such as when people mass freekill (including members lately). But why do you think they do this? They do it because they know that they will be easily unbanned. Now honestly, if they make a protest in a much later time along the road maybe it can be put into consideration. They won't necessarily be unbanned, but w/ how lenient the clan is their odds are in their favor. However at least at this point they will have already served a time. I just don't get why these days people are considering perm bans optional. If you are permed you are permed, unless the ban itself was wrong then shouldn't it be done at that point?
  19. Sucks you're banned, but you're a chill guy. Hope to see you around man
  20. not that difficult, just password it and have people join a TS channel to be poked the password etc.
  21. Gawd

    dayz division

    Well if you pay I don't see why not. If it really does become empty like the last one an extra empty server alongside all of ours won't matter. Though it may be worth it just to wait for the standalone rumored to finally alpha in June.