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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. I actually did this the other day, was middle green.
  2. Well at least our minecraft division will have some good leadership behind it. Sad to see you leave the css admins though, although I don't know why everybody seems to think you're leaving. From what I can tell he's just resigning from CSS admin -
  3. No clue what happened because I've been busy lately, but I hate to see you go. We did have fun times, and I hope you'll still stick around. I'm sure whoevers giving you shit isn't worth leaving, but I wish you luck either way.
  4. Well I'm for a raid server > towny. We've always had towny, and while raid servers suck on low population, maybe this can finally kick us off? Hate to say this, but towny gets boring as hell as soon as you finish your town.. I don't mean to advertise but an example of a fun ass raid server is hcraid's. Never gets old and the map resets everyone month or two. They have also put it a ton of sweet features that doesn't make everything overpowered as shit - just saying, it would be a good example to follow. It's full day and night.
  5. Well from what I can see it looks like an inconvenient cluster fuck. Maybe I'm not used to it, but I don't like the layout.
  6. Gonna make this short. I've been busy with a lot of real life shit again, work school etc. It's a pain but it takes priority over this clan. So that's why I've been a bit inactive, you don't have to bitch at me with messages the first time I get on in a week about inactivity -.- But anyways, hope everythings going good for everybody. I've been in love with halo 4 and besides the fact that I'll always love 1 and 2 more, its a huge step up from reach and 3, don't care what anyone else says. Also got black ops 2 today for the 360 since you guys prolly know how shit my pc is by now lol. If you wanna play halo or blops2 just message me for my gamertag. Haven't even got the chance to open the box yet though so gimme some time, I'll be able to get active again hopefully by thanksgiving break when I'm not working. But besides that hopefully everything's been going good for everyone. oh btw i'm leaving xG. yes I am completely serious. about everything not in white text. oh and e.z., you're still a faggot.
  7. Oo Big gratz to Turdwig and Rpgs. They really deserve it. Excited to see how this new rank goes. Congratz to everybody once again.
  8. Gawd

    State of the Clan

    Hi everybody, forgive me in advanced if this is kind of unorganized; I'm more or less just writing down thoughts. Situations like this have been happening for a while, a couple members leave and mass panic ensues. "The clan's collapsing", "the community's shit" and I don't want to disrespect anybody but sometimes people have to get over themselves. Yeah, a couple members left, they have their reasons, but it's no excuse for people to start going crazy and insulting the hell out of hard-working staff. To be honest, this happens every couple months with a new generation of members if you know what I mean. People are used to the same things every day and when some members leave or if there is one person who irritates them all the sudden, "the community's shit". They complain over a couple new members but regardless of what you want the clan isn't going back to 2011. We're growing, and in my opinion it's for the better. Sure, people might get kind of hostile, but what can you expect? It's a big group. Your group of friends will still be here unless they choose to leave of course. Another point is regarding something like jailbreak. People seriously complain about that way too fucking much. They say "Jailbreak's boring now silence fault der shit divs der". I mean what can you expect lool? If you play the same gametype for over a year of course it gets boring from time to time. No need to automatically blame on mods and admins and divs and coleaders or even silence. They work their asses off. I guess what I'm trying to say is people have to be at least a little bit more open to change. The clan's getting bigger whether you like it or not. We are getting new divisions every day and overall just expanding. We can't be the same small clan we've always been if we want to survive, people aren't going to play jailbreak forever. And I just really wanted to say something to mods. In my opinion, everybody's so hostile towards each other. Instead of playing and chilling and having fun and letting everyone else have fun as well, people seem to target each other. Instead of admining the server people try to get other mods in trouble over personal conflicts. If you're gonna complain about anything, it should be that. And personally, I am going to miss almost everybody that leaves the clan who I've known for a while. But its their choice and their reasoning. If people need to leave, they gotta leave. I just don't think we should start huge panics every time that happens. (and I'm sorry if I sound kind of arrogant guys, but I just wanted to voice something. Sick of all this nonsense lol)
  9. Gawd

    Good Game

    See ya bro, we've had some good times on the server and you were one of the mods I looked up to when I first became a mod way back. Good luck with everything.
  10. Getting back leoban would be awesome.
  11. C is for holy shit can somebody close this thread.
  12. Gawd

    Towny vs Raid

    First off I just wanted to say raiding is NOT faction. Raiding is faction without the actual faction plug-in. No chest protection - A very good example of an amazing raiding server that I love is play.hcraid.com (their site is hcraid.com) and it's the most fun i've ever had on minecraft. They host events like defend the castle where you can get items. And the thing is it attracts donations like crazy: they have multiple levels of donor kits where you get items, spells etc. Thier most expensive one being around 200$ and theres a TON of people who got it. It sounds similar to vanilla but you can do some much with it, player driven shops etc. The aspect of buying coordinates selling em scamming people raiding is just fun. If you want video of examples go to avengeuiwill's youtube channel for events that they have hosted and raids. (the map is actually resetting on their server right now so the serv's down for a day or two) My vote is for raid. Towny gets boring after people make a town, nothing to do after. With raid you can get raided and raid and there's always some form of objective. It's great imo.
  13. Na there's no way they're gonna use a different browser. I mean it's a clear marketing tactic. But, I guess it's cool 360 finally gets some form of built in browser w/o having to do a bunch shit.
  14. Gawd

    xG Memes

  15. If you woulda read my post I said non-faction. It's a ton better :P And I don't like vindicraft's server, unpopulated and just generally boring :c
  16. Not towny :s .. Raid server! (non faction) I mean most people who play towny get good gear and pvp anyways, why not just make it a raid server? :s Maybe have a towny map on the side for people who don't like pvp or something.. And hopefully this time we can get some better plug-ins like anti-relog and at least a tp timer..
  17. ew nooo not towny again :C Raid server! (non-faction)
  18. :O This is a massive coincidence. I just did this test for sociology yesterday. I believe I was ISTP?
  19. meh, he's had a long time to improve upon himself and he's a lot different than what he used to be. Although he has been inactive for a while, as long as he can keep his activity up I think he deserves to have moderator. He knows the rules well and if it's saying anything, I'm not one to +1 every mod application I see.
  20. You're making a member abuse thread over somebody who you clearly have a personal vendetta with. Instead of being a kid, resolve the problems with the person instead of tattling to us. In my eyes, you seem just as responsible for this situation. You can't get into an argument with somebody then post a member abuse. What especially killed it for me was when you tried arguing in your defense about killing her a bitch Lol.. tldr.. instead of bringing the probelm to use right away, fix your problems yourselves. Or just simply IGNORE each other if you guys seriously have such huge issues. Because this just seems like a childish case of "I'm telling on you, no I'm telling on YOU." We can be a little above that can't we? Edit: ok apparently she did post a member abuse on you too. Jesus guys calm on..
  21. You shitty. Come back when you can, I'll be in our ghetto ass Team A rimdog channel. Jew :P
  22. A while back, I used to think you were a bit of an ass. But we became chill friends, good to know you'll still be around. Hopefully you'll rejoin soon -
  23. Welcome back. Hope everything goes ok with your recovery.