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Everything posted by Reflex

  1. Reflex


    Ok. Let's get things clear here. You're better off begging for some $$ on the streets than on the forums here. P.S @@easy tell these broke ass niggas wussup
  2. @@easy Plain and simple . fucking listen to me or else i will personally cut your dick off with a Microtech Select Fire M/A Knife. GIVE ME DA GAME. I WILL MAKE YOUR MOOD EVEN BETTER WITH MY PERSONAL BITCH : @@Gawd . @@Gawd will suck you off so clean that you can see the shine. also he is good with toys. he especially likes the head strap-ons. p.s tell these niggas wusssup
  3. That better not be you in that gif.
  4. was fun having you around. thanks for giving me items when i was completely noob :d
  5. gotcha added on steam so we can still keep in touch ;( goodbye
  6. Reflex

    borderlands 2 PC

    worth buying? it's 10 bucks on steam sale so i'm considering.
  7. i have a feeling it's going to be chaotic. maybe limit free slay and smite
  8. Reflex

    Wat do

    i play handball ( with the wall not the goal since there's two types of it ) and sometimes bball and yeah having a team is nice, met a lot of people despite having a small school. i was in the wrestling team last year , but it was extremely time consuming. you'd go to school at 8 AM then come home at 8 PM .
  9. wb :D and you should also add me on league : ilikepotatoes454
  10. @@Hidingmaster alright, also i'm going to add you on steam tomorrow so it'll be easier to communicate.
  11. would be fun to have . maybe something like " !radio " instead and have a DJ choose the songs with an additional option like !request song
  12. @@Hidingmaster right now , i have amd phenom II x4 830 processor 6.0 GB RAM ATI Radeon HD 5450 I still have trouble running a lot of games on high graphics. Would replacing some parts help ?
  13. :D we played a 3v3 yesterday with op and bunch of other dudes from xg maybe getting a 5v5 summoners rift organized would be fun tommorow
  14. I'm so fucking poor , I have to beg in public ... only to come home with 5 bucks to buy an Indie game.
  15. been staff before and a very chill guy to be around . definitely a +1.
  16. Alright , I accepted your request. We should play an all-xG custom Summoner's Rift game.
  17. How much is this in total? (USD) Also will it be able to run games like ARMA 2 in full-graphics with 50+ FPS?
  18. You should always record if an admin isn't on. Upload it to the xG site for ban request.
  19. @@MineCrack Add me dawg : ilikepotatoes454 I've got Chrono and Microsoft added.
  20. No. Who the fuck are you? P.S RIMDOG
  21. @@Gawd @@easy 2/24/13 to 2/25/13 only!!!