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Everything posted by Reflex

  1. Sounds pretty interesting, how long is the test?
  2. NOO JEW! Why must you do this ? >:c You should still try and hop on the servers from time to time , take care bro.
  3. Hello easy. Welcome to xG . Hope to see you around in the servers.
  4. @jisk Nominated most changes in names since 2012. ( Record holding 54 name changes a week! )
  5. ya man i like the train where it is brown and i can carry passengers
  6. To be honest , I bought some headset for 30 bucks and been using it for well over 3 years. Lol. It still works just fine.
  7. +1 been in servers for a long time and has changed in personality. He is mature and follows motd well.
  8. No. The roster list is as goes. 1. @@Warriorsfury 2. @@Drendan 3. @mckenzie 4. @exoticcrackers 5. @@Duke
  9. Reflex

    10000 > 6600?

    I guess that's probably why it is 33% off credits :s
  10. you know not to click it if it is named blazing griffin
  11. Reflex

    Amanda Todd

    i personally been bullied when this kid would always pick on me in the third grade by throwing milk on my back and i never told anyone , however i still remember his name.
  12. heck yea, don don heavy and rimdog!
  13. You got this idea from TF2 Spy-crab, no? Anyway, on CSS, what good will looking up do?
  14. Reflex


    Type !servers in one of xG's servers such as JB , or go to "Servers" at the top and click bans which shows you all server IP's.
  15. Anyway, I feel ya, I've got a high amonnts of school work and haven't been as active.
  16. doesn't make much sense there , but i think what he is trying to say is other clans are not allowing xG members to join their servers?
  17. Teezar from CSS Moderator to Paid Member (must pay monthly to stay in clan) wat.
  18. This. I been wondering about this too...lmao. I thought we had like 20 people like in the first place...then BOOM! FPS RUSSIA
  19. :( sniff if i cant be yo man then nobody can!!!!! Maybe you can come back soon. It was fun while you were here and best of luck + take care! EDIT: I would like to include that @@easy would like to renew his membership of being part of the DB (Duck Buddies) crew.
  20. Just to let you know. I can still see your IP, you might want to black that out too.
  21. Welcome,you were in TS today...people thought you were Silence :s
  22. :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( This sucks, hope you can come back as soon as possible. Rimdog for life, stay strong! Hope everything goes well, in the meantime....TEAM A.