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Everything posted by Reflex

  1. yeah man you were 3 /12 i was 0 /15
  2. dang...let us know what happens and it is like in belair, you shouldn't of hit your mom :(
  3. i feel ya, i got school and i get a shit ton of homework too :(
  4. Gratz on promotions :D . I still don't have CS:GO, might have to get it soon .
  5. you want a good show? watch "Breaking Bad" series, its the shit. i also recommend "Supernatural" series
  6. I'm pretty sure this is already in affect. Admin rank or higher can connect via console.
  7. Auction ended - gawd bought it! /close.
  8. +1 , on everyday on gmod and is very active , mature and follows MOTD well. Deserves mod ;)
  9. This isn't the section for it. Apply @ moderator submissions.
  10. I'd use .org as it is more professional and it also represents non-profit.
  11. He is a moderator. (Assuming you are referring to ShadowSpy)
  12. Reflex

    Opinions from xG!

    I hope for the website to be a little more professional. One more thing, can you make the scrim servers have better reg?
  13. Well, I don't think a ban is absolutely necessary because there probably isn't proof he hacked in the xG servers or scrims :smilet-digitalpoint
  14. Reflex


    NOO! rimdogs never go to school! Anyways, good luck in school, mine starts in 2 days . DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Reflex

    New Game Mode?

    Nice job thinking of this idea. I +1 for the game mode , it sounds very fun and interesting. :smile:
  16. Reflex

    Breaking Bad

    Holy shit. I predict Walt is going to get slammed behind bars , Hank caught his ass...!!!
  17. Reflex

    Breaking Bad

    I'm watching it today!
  18. Reflex

    So I got hacked...

    how did you get hacked? :(
  19. Reflex

    Diverse RDM

    +1 for the ban. This dude called me out twice for nothing and popped me when he was detective. This guy is straight up one of the most downy detectives and should never be allowed back on our servers.
  20. that's unfortunate news , hope you get your account back! :(
  21. played with him on css and he's pretty chill and mature. +1
  22. well, this idea is essentially russian rolleute. if this was implemented, i would agree with ganja's idea so the T's won't be able to escape. as for a map without this game , maybe as an indicator to stop, one person would play a song and stop it after 10 seconds or so and whoever it lands on will die.
  23. I think you need a demo along side those screenshots since its only from the console.
  24. I'm pretty sure you need to look in your email for a code to be entered in-game.
  25. to be fair to what happened on duckiijr's case, he should be unbanned +1.