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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. -1, you have one month left, calm down. You haven't yet proved to me that you've changed, and you haven't expressed you wanted to come back until now. Just wait out your oh, so horribly long month of a ban.
  3. +1 has a mic In all seriousness, I agree with everything that's been said. This is fishy af. -1 from me until you can explain the 1 month inactivity after the "disconnect."
  4. I miss my carries. I've been having fantasies of me feeding and still winning. I'll be home soon, my loves. @[51158:@StarmiX] @[51697:@Liekos]
    1. StarmiX


      I got you babe.
  5. You already have 20, but I feel it's important you know how I feel about you. +1, I honestly despised you and your brother for the longest time. You defending Kitty in the whole ban situation kind of gave you a bad vibe in my eyes. But your personality(/personalities) have improved and you not being a weeb anymore is a plus. Kappa. Anyways, I hope to see the both of you less cringey and less triggered than you were before, and I suppose I will speak to you on Teamspeak when I'm back from Florida. Welcome back. M: 8?/10 A: 9/10
  6. Didn't know you played Nemesis. That just means my Nox can destroy you. c;
    1. ChickenPanda


      haha no. just 3 I think. my highest mastery is Scylla at V
    2. Kypari


      Rip. My brother is 6 or 7 in Scylla, 8 in bastet
    3. ChickenPanda


      oof. I spread my masteries. I can't stick to one god for a long time lol. I have puch 3, agni 3, nox 3, janus 3, etc etc.
    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. Yay. +1 mature, fantastic guy. A: 8/10 M: 9/10 Welcome back buddy.
  8. I'll be slightly upset if this goes through, (no offense, Rin, I love you.) just because I told this guy: Joshua12 - Team Fortress 2 "We don't make exceptions for anyone."
  9. Isn't this what moderators do now? I don't understand what you want. Moderators have one server they love and play on the most, and moderate other servers when needed. It seems you're complaining that no moderators use Jailbreak as a main server.
  10. No. All moderators go to all servers. This has been talked about in the past, and it would be a waste of a moderator position. "Hey Guy #1, there's micspammers on Pokemon, can you go fix it?" "Sorry Guy #2, not my server."
  11. -1 You were the single most toxic, obnoxious, and ignorant member in this clan. You're super immature and the racist comments you made were unbelievable.
  12. If the team is serious, I'll soldier or demo. If. It's. Serious. Edit: I can also co-lead again if you need me to. But practices will be mandatory. (Like, getting kicked off the roster if you don't show up with no warning.)
  13. I mean, the TF2 division accepted "CuntPuncher69" awhile back. His name is changed now, but he was accepted with that name.
  14. The division should discuss it and decide what we want on our server. Not 5-6 selected people.
  15. No point in a conversation. If this is going to happen, everyone should be seeing the ideas. Other people who don't speak up would like to know what's going on. Just discuss things here.
  16. See you soon, buddy. Good luck finding work.
  17. We don't make exceptions. Whoever told you that is lying. pls closerino.
  18. How amazing! You were 14 three months ago? Oh boy, what a spectacular magic trick! You aged two years in three months! Try again in two years Earth time. Please close. @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Moosty @metalslug53 @Rejects -Closed
  19. Lol, close this now. @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Rejects @Moosty @metalslug53
  20. I dig me some fried chicken. But I haven't seen you on servers, and I only met you this morning on Teamspeak. You also sound a bit young, sorry if that sounds rude. What servers do you play on?
  21. Nobody can be this retarded. Right? RIGHT?!
  22. I would assume we should close it, but this is a member sub for Admin, and he currently has moderator. @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Rejects @Moosty @metalslug53