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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Deathrun lately has had only 3 or so people actively playing on it. I decided to grab a few people to go play for a bit, when I started noticing bugs. Here's a list: 1. Scouts can use the FaN, soda popper hype, double jump, and any weapon basically. 2. RTD can toggle toxic and the boss can be killed, ending the round. 3. The AFK bot? Well. "[xG] Chicken Panda fue movido a espectador por estar AFK." Yes. That is spanish. (After playing after a bit, I noticed this was gone. Maybe it's only on certain maps?) 4. I've seen scouts being able to move before the round starts. 5. Sticky jumpers/base jumpers work, not sure about rocket jumpers. 6. Medics have mediguns, making the secret in VSH_DR_BLOCK_V4 a lot easier to access. 7. Remember the original DR? It used to have a boss with a good amount of health, similar to VSH. This would make some minigames where you had contact with the hale (ie, the hide-and-seek maze on some maps) would make it hard to kill him. Now, if the DR trapper is a scout, the minigame is easily stopped by killing him. Bring back the Saw model and health! That's all I've seen, but I'm sure there's more. Just some thoughts of what we need to fix. I'd like to see this server come back to life, and this is the first step. I'm sure Roloc and Ohstop would be willing to help me repopulate it, as it was our main server when we all were in xG originally. Thanks bbys. @Nomulous @kbraszzz @MuffinMonster Edit: It's also worth mentioning no mods/admins go on there. For other servers that are fairly dead, we at least have one mod/admin looking over it often. For example, Bonfire loves playing with the FF2 group, I always see him on there when I play. I'd appreciate someone being promoted who enjoys Deathrun. Gold lust would be a good start.
  2. ChickenPanda


    Think I'll stay neutral on this for now. Although I do see him doing this on occasion, he has been an active xGJB player for about a year. I think he just needs to be spoken to about this, then he'll stop. He's typically fairly respectful, and would stop when asked (but most likely only by an admin.)
  3. PONIES notrly. As said before, I'd love to see Radigan Conagher. He was in the old FF2 before it went down for "maintenance."
  4. +1 BABY I MISS YOU OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU COME BACK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SEXY BACON MISSES YOU. okay, on a serious note, this is the only dude who knows my original gamer name (Donorcate.) M: 10/10 A: 8/10
  5. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Chicken Panda 2.0 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91761934 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 14 Further Information: HAI BBYS. You assholes just can't get rid of me, huh? <3 If you don't know who I am, lemme introduce thyself. I am Chicken Panda, or Brenden if you prefer. *cough* niko. *cough* I joined this clan when I was like 11, and I said I was 17 bc yknow. I wanted to be in it REALLY BAD. I ended up getting mod, and was in the clan for like a good what? 2 1/2 years? I've quit on and off, and this is one of the shortest breaks. I think. xD I swap between playing TF2, GW2, and WoW atm, and ofc it's summer, so I'm very active. HOWEVER, MY AIDS SCHOOL IS LIKE "OH YOURE COMING BACK JULY 31ST" SO THATS BALLS. If you have yet to see me on the JB or Pokemon servers, I say herro to you, and I hope we meet in the near future. Yesh. This is a new account. Why? Whale. I trusted my retarded big-foreheaded blonde ass little glasses-wearing sister while I was out grocery shopping with my madre. She knows I trade, I value my items, etc. I bumped some trades on outpost before I left aaaaannnddd she wanted to play on my account so I was like k. Phisher added her, blahblahblah. Me being a complete retard, GUESS WHO PUT THEIR PASSWORD AS THE EXACT SAME THING ON THEIR EMAIL AS ON THEIR STEAM? yerp. this guy. e-mail hijacked: check account stolen: check account recovered: check account banned: check *this happened 3 hours after I got an aussie minigun* #ripshirley2014
  6. well, this is interesting. and while I'm here, I might as well prove to you I wasn't aimbotting. I know anyone would say this in my position, but I'd hope that you respect me enough to trust me. 1. I am one greedy mother fucker, I wouldn't risk a VAC ban on my account because I have too much in my bp. 2. I'm not stupid, if I wanted to hack, I'd probably do it on an account that isn't my main. 3. my comp is so shitty, and you guys know how pokemon is. lag. 4. maymalays, african, hapless and many more spec'd me and saw that I wasn't aimbotting. keep in mind, I do not know may, but, he can confirm that he saw some missed shots and body shots from me. this just makes me giggle. idk why.
  7. I kind of have no life. I have 6 90's and a level 87 atm (who will be 90 by tomorrow) Troll Warlock Troll Druid Orc Warrior (the 87) Undead Monk Human Paladin Human Rogue Night Elf Hunter (my main, my bb.)
  8. What I meant is they're both oldies, and African gave me some reasons he didn't list in his thread. He brought up some good points. Honestly, I just don't want to deal with the responsibilities or anything anymore. It just doesn't feel right. I miss xG. The old one. This new one is... interesting. I've had issues with newer mods and I feel at times targeted by the others. The old xG was so warming and welcoming. I rarely see any other mods/admins trying to help. They find rulebreakers, they ban them. Sure, that's their job. But why not try to lend a hand?
  9. African left. Josh left. Something is up. If they both left, there's something not right. I talked to Josh a long ass time ago and asked him why he never talked to any of us and only kept in his little circle of Mala, him, and Dova. He said he really didn't like Docter, which is understandable. Origins and Docter, as much as I love you guys, you don't know how to be polite. And that's the damn truth. I really hate how you two treat people and the rest of the clan. I remember Docter kicking me because I "didn't know the jb rules" even though I was the most active mod on the server at the time. Origins just comes in "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg" and I'm sick of it. I'm sorry, It's time for me to go. Now I'll kindly remove my tags. I may still be on the servers, no promises though. World of Warcraft will be first priority as I run two guilds, both with 600+ people. Goodbye.
  10. Chicken Panda <3 Class: Medic/Sniper Experience: 1 season of UGC + 7 years of TF2. As you saw before, my lag is the largest issue. I'd like to ask that a sub fill in every other week due to the lag at my mommy's house. <3
  11. No sir. I've just been busy. This week, I'm in Florida so I'll be on a shitton (especially during the nights). It's honestly not an excuse to not play, I love TF2 still, and I'll play for many more years. This will most likely be the one and only time this happens.
  12. Hey there! This is the wrong forum. If you want to protest your ban, please go here. Ban Protest | Xeno Gamers
  13. Just here to apologize for my inactivity lately. Been going through some shit. I'll try to be on. I haven't told anyone in xG this, but I suffer from major depression, dysthymia, and insomnia. Whenever I have free time, I'll do my best to be on. I also have shit internet, so that honestly makes me not want to get on. As I've told a few of you, I got in le' play. I have the 3rd most stage time and so I have to be there for basically every rehearsal. Thanks for understanding. Sorry for not being on. I'll try to be more active. <3 you all (:
  14. False. I said reentering a cell was okay. Speed questioned making the reds reenter a cell because it's an "in-cell order." But I brought up how people make winners of Pokemon reenter the cell. As for this, any game that has not been approved is decided by mods. Both of the mods that happened to be on were okay with it. Therefore, we went on with the day. Now that Muffin has had a say in it, we're no longer allowed to do it. So stop bitching and trying to get us demoted. Kthx.
  15. just kidding. he begged me to unban him or make the ban shorter. I hope you realize I do not have that power, for 1, and you didn't even know I was the one who banned you. which means you're probably going to go begging to other mods/admins to unban you. kthx.
  16. +1 fun to play with, knows rules, mature. (TEAM) SirTurdle : i escaped
  17. Alright Grinch, here's what happened from my point of view. What happened was speed messaged me notifying me of you massively freehitting/freekilling. I come to the server and you were no longer there, therefore avoiding punishment = immediate permaban. I am the one who banned you. however, I believe in 2nd chances. so +1 to your unban.
  18. So, I had to CT ban someone last night for mass freekilling, and he just came up with this hilarious sympathy story and I became curious. What has been your funniest or favorite ban experience? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: will you plz un ct ban me [xG:M] Chicken Panda: no. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: you wait the week you were banned. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: and then it expires. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: why [xG:M] Chicken Panda: THAT is how you get unbanned vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: i waited all day yesterday [xG:M] Chicken Panda: also, please don't bug other admins about your ban. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: because I don't need you whining to me, nor other people. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: so please don't whine. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: fine i will kill myself (the next part is where he messaged me on my phone after school, when I was hanging out with my girlfriend.) vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: hello [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Hi. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: i now hate hosptial's [xG:M] Chicken Panda: And uh. Why are you at a hospital? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: lets just say i jumped out of a tree yesterday [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Why? .-. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: because of yesterday [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Oh. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Cool. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: "Son. Why'd you jump out of a tree?" vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: i broke both my legs! [xG:M] Chicken Panda: THEY CT BANNED ME WAAAHHHH [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Lmao honestly. If you're that depressed over getting banned over a game, I applaud you sir. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: I had a great friend who killed himself due to major depression. So how about you stop fucking around, because it isn't funny. (this is true, but I thought I'd add it so he'd stop complaining which obviously didn't work.) vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: i am not [xG:M] Chicken Panda: If you're in a hospital, explain how you're playing TF2 as we speak. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: i got out [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Oh, so you broke both your legs, and got out of the hospital in a single day. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Seems legit. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: im in canada [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Cool. What does that change, again? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: great helath care [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Alright, may I ask what you're wearing right now? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: a robe [xG:M] Chicken Panda: With two broken legs? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: yea [xG:M] Chicken Panda: and what are on your legs? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: casts [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Where did you break your legs? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: outside [xG:M] Chicken Panda: I meant what part of your legs? vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: knee down [xG:M] Chicken Panda: So you broke your entire leg. [xG:M] Chicken Panda: From the knee down. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: yea [xG:M] Chicken Panda: Well, I apologize I made you feel that way. I hope you have a hasty recovery. vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: its ok vG|ThePurplePerkyPenguins111: i am a forgiving person I was sort of being a dick, which I regret already, because I know that he's young and I probably shouldn't have said things that I did. But att that point I was kinda done with his bs and decided to ignore him. No idea why I kept him added, but I thought it was funny. SO. Now it's your turn to share. What was your funniest/favorite ban moment?
  19. +1, active, maturreeeee, and fun to play with
  20. I understand, but Samit will get enough vouches and I know that for sure, he's a great guy. I was just saying, I think it's stupid to basically buy power. Bell donated to get mod. samit did. I think it's just better to earn it
  21. +1, although I lose respect for people that pay just to get mod, I think Samit fits the position. he's a good warden, knows the rules (for the most part.) and would be a good moderator. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT #CHICKENPANDA4LEADER2014