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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Good luck in your future dude. We'll miss you.
  2. yay I got mod. #roadtoxgholocaust
  3. Explains why I couldn't find his ban. I'll change my vouch to 0 for now. I'll see if I see him on.
  4. -1 how can you play in our servers if you're banned? A: 0/10 M: ??/10
  5. Interesting. Just noticed reason is 1440. Maybe it was supposed to be a day ban? Can console mess up like this? @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Bach
  6. Console auto-bans after a certain amount of freekills in a round. He must've killed the entire red team.
  7. STEAM_0:1:91761934 Congrats all. Looking forward to Bach as new DM <3
  8. Are you trying to start a shitstorm? you're very good at that, muzzie. <3
  9. I basically died laughing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHVW7Zy_vg
  10. Hey guys. I was just thinking about it and thought it would be cool if we got a group together to do MvM. I was doing it with Hachi like ten minutes ago, and was thinking that maybe we could just have 6 of xG members. the runs would be fast, easy, and we wouldn't have to deal with people. I don't want people who are too inexperienced for sake of time and I don't really wanna teach 5 people with zero tours (Hachi did get better though), but it'd be nice just to have a group of us doing MvM together. Anyone down? I can do them basically any time this week.
  11. We have an abundance of horribly dead servers that we literally are doing nothing with. We can do two things to these servers. 1. Populate them lol 2. Turn them into something else. I'm just gonna list some ideas I have for servers, or ideas I've had in the past. Surf - I would populate this definitely. Surf is important to medic, scout, solly, and demo mains due to the air strafing requirements the class actually requires. It's fun, a good way to practice, and there are plugins we can install to make randoms come back. Dodgeball - I would also populate this. Although not as much fun as surf in my opinion, this is very important to pyro mains, and is a lot of fun to mess around with. SZF - Like zombie fortress, but SUPER. Stop that tank - Never played it myself, but these servers basically rake in new players. Basically all the ideas I had. I know we've tried many of these before and they didn't work out, but hey, let's give it a second shot. Unless, you want to, like, populate our current dead servers. loljk tl;dr: wahwahh can we replace the dead servers with servers i want pls thanks
  12. no. it's an actual HACKING conference. It has events like Hack-Fortress where you have 2 hackers which find codes to give the 6 TF2 players special abilities (invuln, crits, etc) for a limited amount of time. it's like 6's but with hackers. it's kind awesome. I'm actually participating in it this year ahah. It's called Defcon.
  13. My father, probably. He's very successful and runs the largest hacking conference in the world. Probably won't post pictures due to privacy reasons, even though it'd be an easy google search ahah
  14. ChickenPanda


    This is like the WoW div we wanted. If enough people play it, it'll happen. Get other people to come and comment if they play rust. I personally don't, but I have a few buddies that do.
  15. I do the same thing, man. Buddy of mine committed suicide Oct 2, and I get in a weird mood around that time, too. Feel better dude. Eat lots of Doritos and watch a lot of porn. c:
  16. +1 oh god yes. If you do not know robster's name, you live under a rock. A: 10/10 M: 9/10
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NFTtSe4Xvg
  18. 0 for now. I don't like your arrogance considering the whole "If I become mod..." thing. Also have seen you on a few times, and you seemed a little immature/annoying. I'll play with you more and see what I think.
  19. ChickenPanda

    Hobby thread

    I'm very social and musical. I play guitar, drums (not a drumset, like a single drum), and on occasion I'll mess around with a piano. I sing as well, along with my acoustic. If I'm not messing around with instruments, though. I'm definitely gaming or hanging out with irl friends.
  20. @kbraszzz I believe it's been 24 hours?
  21. Batter, while a haiku will increase your unban chances, the actual way to go about this is tell us more. Did you mass freekill then leave? If you didn't, you did not deserve a perma-ban. According to the admin handbook, a perma-ban is appropriate ONLY if you left after the mass freekill. If you didn't leave, you did not deserve the perma. Maybe a perma team-ban, but not a server-ban. Give us more, man. we can't help you if you don't.
  22. Originally I did -1, however, after playing with Swift a bit the other day, he is such a good dude. Face it, we've all done stupid things and I think Swift honestly did learn his lesson. +1, but stop changing your name so much. I never know when it's you until you talk on mic. A: 10/10 M: 9/10