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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Wait what the fuck? I remember +1ing you the first time I thought? +1 either way. A: 10/10 M: 9/10
  2. day 43: he has yet to find my facebook the mission is so far successful
  3. +1 such a good dude. A: 9/10 M: 10/10
  4. +1 gah rinnypoo <3 M: 10/10 A: 10/10
  5. You've had two failed threads because you're afraid of the staff. All the members tell me how fantastic you are, but when I come on, you don't talk. You refuse to talk to any staff member. If I see you in a server being as anti-social as possible, that's how I'll rate you. But anyways, later dude. Wish you weren't leaving.
  6. I still think this is a topic that needs to be discussed. @Moosty, I, and many others are in support of no spawn camping. It's boring for the spawncampers, and frustrating for the spawncampees. I say we give it a shot, we had the rule not even in place for 24 hours. We need to honestly give it a REAL shot.
  7. Medic. As a medic main, I'm kinda obligated to say this, but I mean, medic is a very strong class. He overheals his team, heals his team, and a medic with a good aim can be deadly to the other team and incredibly helpful to his team with the crossbow. Not to mention quick fix is fun as hell when pocketing a scout c;
  8. its okay bby u can come out of the closet John_Madden was last seen: Today at 9:33 AM
  9. there's a way to make a page for yourself, then post as the page. I'm sure there's tutorials online. I understand your paranoia, though. ^.^
  10. as long as you don't post as yourself, chances are we won't know who you are. there's a good 2.2k likes on the page. so you're okay.
  11. Hey guys, Nomulous and I recently talked, and I'm going to be running the xenogamers social media. DM/DLs, if you want me to advertise your population days, PLEASE let me know asap. (I'll try to come to you guys weekly, as well. but obviously it's easier if you come to me first <3) I will also be uploading screenshots of the day. please submit all screenshots that you think are worthy to [email protected]. Hoping to make our twitter and facebook big, and don't forget to like our facebook @ Xeno Gamers | Facebook and follow us on twitter @ xenogamers (@xenogamers) | Twitter Thanks <3
  12. !servers command and yeah, definitely. we don't need to focus as much on Hale, but it'll help.
  13. I agree with this, but we need widespread population. We need some in Hale, some in ZF, some in JB, etc etc. This just means we don't need as many people to go to Hale. Also, we need to realize we can't #populateZF for one night of the week. It literally needs to be the ENTIRE week, and our goal is to form regulars in the server, and hopefully get more people in the clan.
  14. I'll be on later tonight, but yes. Populating Hale at this point is a good idea for xG, considering it's already populated. I want Saxton Hale to have a waiting queue for 18 decades because it's so populated. But I'll message you later tonight, Hachi, and we can hop on Saxton and invite all our friends.
  15. You're having an issue selling your bp because you want full-price and pure. Just quicksell. you'd make more quickselling than raffling. I know there are bots that literally buy EVERY item in the game for 20% under backpack.tf price.
  16. his steam ID is STEAM_0:0:56139901 +1 on this.
  17. +1 known him forever. active and good dude. A: 10/10 M: 9/10
  18. +1 active pokemon player, cool guy. M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  19. STARM THAT'S WHAT I POSTED WHEN I WAS 11 AND LIED ABOUT MY AGE TO GET INTO XG LOL that's actually my cousin tho. he's in guatemala I think, doing mormon missionary things.
  20. I really shouldn't laugh at this but HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  21. Was curious what you guys thought of the oculus rift and virtual reality in general. good/bad idea? personally, I REALLY can't wait for the consumer version to come out. there's even a guy who literally made a little platform that you can walk on to really make it incredible. it's called a virtualizer, and he's got it working with CS:GO, HL2:DM, and even WoW. here's a video of the virtualizer, and I'm gonna assume the majority (if not all) of you know about oculus rift. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8lmf3OFrms
  22. broncos all the way baby awww yyeeeeaaaahhh